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US Airways Customer's Opinions and Comments

I was just thinking sorta the same thing - $25 million for a managing director? Wonder what the VP's that aren't going over are getting.....

I'm sorry, I was under the impression that Deborah was a VP. I'll have to double check my facts and get back to you.

And yes, Travis, there were payments that big.
Seriously...US did not get so F'd up overnight so it will take a while for Doug to get it on track..JMO..Second..Don't expect service to become "Crisp and Polished" until all the males are forced to wear blazers!
At this point it doesn't really matter who knew what and when or who didn't.

I am the person who met Doug today, in the CLT club. It was by pure chance, and he was there with family members. I briefly introduced myself, and did acknowledge that this wasn't the time to talk and he invited me to follow up and call him at a more appropriate time.

He seemed genuinely interested, and we agreed that we both want the same thing--the success of US Airways.

He has my FFOCUS card now, so we shall see what happens.
With all due respect, and I'm by no means defending him, but Doug Parker can't be tied down with all the minutia that comes his way.
Me thinks you protest too much. I wonder why?

It also appears you may also know the nature of the request. humm. I wonder how that could be? If this is true, then in my humble opinion you are defending the indefensible. You really don’t want to start this game with me…… However if you're not sure, I suggest you have a conversation with Chris Chiames. I'm quiet sure you know who he is.

Your response is remarkably in the same tone as the responses from Tempe. Coincidence?

And allow me to offer you a suggestion…. Before you come on here and post false and highly misleading accusations about a fine lady who served the airline for 35 years plus, I suggest you get your facts straight.
Sounds like maybe limes is consulting at the new US perhaps?
And while Ms. Thompson may have gotten a candle "or something, which is far less than what FFOCUS was offering"
For the record, I've had no active ffocus role for almost year once I decided last year the I would no longer support the airline and it's management. Shortly there after several members of management received a life time supply of lipstick. So do not infer that my comments here are any one's other than my own. You have a core group of people who truly want to see this airline survive and are willing to work with you to help if you will allow them. Make no mistake, I'm not one of them. After this little episode, I'm firmly back in the "give em hell" mode.

The function this week is not a ffocus event. I wanted to honor Deborah's retirement and 15 or 16 of your best customers were willing to show their appreciation as well, one of which is spending over $600 to fly here from California for less than 18 hours.

You did get one thing correct about the function. As a group of frequent flyers we are doing more for Deborah than US has. What a damn shame. I don't think I would be proud of that......
Me thinks you protest too much. I wonder why?

Then, by all means, find at least one other post where I have defended Doug.

And to your other points, never once did I denegrate what you did or how you did it. It was the honorable thing to honor Deborah in the manner you did.

It is also a fact that "executive" level employees not joining the new company - of which a Managing Director would be - received a severance far more sizable than an average employee's annual salary. I'd say that and a candle would be a nice gesture from the company. Although I could be wrong.

You found me out :shock: I live and work in Tempe! Amazing how I can write like I do...

And, BTW, I did apologize for not having my facts entirely correct, and further offered to follow up and correct them. Before you go off half-cocked, why don't you put your big girl panties on and read the post in its entire context?
Then, by all means, find at least one other post where I have defended Doug.

I will be the first to say that I think Barbell actually cares about the customers and that what is happening is not because of people like Barbell. I think that things are happening because of one arrogant individual who will remain nameless but we all know who he is.......
Come to think of it, it's a wonder I can read at all. Being a moron from Tempe and all... <_<

Not all people in Tempe are morons...just a select one...and he knows who he is...MR. Arrogant himself.
Amazing how I can write like I do...

And, BTW, I did apologize for not having my facts entirely correct, and further offered to follow up and correct them. Before you go off half-cocked, why don't you put your big girl panties on and read the post in its entire context?
Actually you write quiet well. My command of English language and spelling often is deficient. And now that you mention it, I'm also sure you are not the person behind the emails I received. To be in the position this individual is in within the Sand Castle, I was frankly stunned at the number of misspelled words and poor use of grammar.

Now as far as the second part, the issue with the post would be akin to me posting on here that you were a child molester, post it as fact and then coming back latter and saying I may have made a mistake; it could be Uncle Al who was really was sent to jail for the crime. :shock:

I think your research, and I'm looking forward to it, will show Deborah received no, to very little money. I'm guessing we are in agreement that the retention bonus was criminal. At least she did stay on after the "merger" when the rest of the crew took the money and ran. Why don't you ask Al when you see him next what he plans to do with his million plus that he received. He no longer answers my emails but he may tell you.

Did you know that several FF tried unsuccessfully to file a friend of the court brief in opposition to the bonus?
Well there appears to be more to the story....

A fellow roach met Mr. Parker today and he happened to ask him about the request that was made of him. He was not aware of the request, so it appears the answer I received back from a senior member of management may have been bogus.......

I'm not going to pursue it, but it does put a bad taste back in my mouth.
I was hoping this was the end of the story but apparently not. Im beginning to feel as if I was not invited to the prom!(Which of course never happened-as I spent that night on the jersey shore!) Is there anything or anyone we can do to help is this matter?

At this point, we are just going to move on-although we didn't get what we requested, we did establish dialog with the right people, which I think is more important in the long run. We will try to keep that new channel open, and we'll see where it goes.

Also, as I stated earlier or elsewhere, I was impressed with Mr. Parker-he was very friendly and courteous to me even though it was a chance encounter and he had family members with him. He did invite me to call him, so I'll follow up on that when the time is right.

I would like to think that deep down the folks in Tempe do realize the value of communicating directly with their best customers. I have seen indications that they do, and hope to improve further on that with them.

Also for the record, I'd like to thank Barbell, who has helped quite a bit. On that note, L4PI, please cut Barbell some slack, he is on our side.

In sum, we're looking forward to a wonderful evening tomorrow to honor a remarkable lady and her husband...and that' what it's about folks..nothing more nothing less.

See you all after....

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