Me thinks you protest too much. I wonder why?With all due respect, and I'm by no means defending him, but Doug Parker can't be tied down with all the minutia that comes his way.
For the record, I've had no active ffocus role for almost year once I decided last year the I would no longer support the airline and it's management. Shortly there after several members of management received a life time supply of lipstick. So do not infer that my comments here are any one's other than my own. You have a core group of people who truly want to see this airline survive and are willing to work with you to help if you will allow them. Make no mistake, I'm not one of them. After this little episode, I'm firmly back in the "give em hell" mode.And while Ms. Thompson may have gotten a candle "or something, which is far less than what FFOCUS was offering"
You may be right after all.....Just stay tuned - it could get interesting.....
Me thinks you protest too much. I wonder why?
Then, by all means, find at least one other post where I have defended Doug.
You found me outI live and work in Tempe! Amazing how I can write like I do...
Come to think of it, it's a wonder I can read at all. Being a moron from Tempe and all... <_<
Actually you write quiet well. My command of English language and spelling often is deficient. And now that you mention it, I'm also sure you are not the person behind the emails I received. To be in the position this individual is in within the Sand Castle, I was frankly stunned at the number of misspelled words and poor use of grammar.Amazing how I can write like I do...
And, BTW, I did apologize for not having my facts entirely correct, and further offered to follow up and correct them. Before you go off half-cocked, why don't you put your big girl panties on and read the post in its entire context?
I was hoping this was the end of the story but apparently not. Im beginning to feel as if I was not invited to the prom!(Which of course never happened-as I spent that night on the jersey shore!) Is there anything or anyone we can do to help is this matter?Well there appears to be more to the story....
A fellow roach met Mr. Parker today and he happened to ask him about the request that was made of him. He was not aware of the request, so it appears the answer I received back from a senior member of management may have been bogus.......
I'm not going to pursue it, but it does put a bad taste back in my mouth.