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Isom and PHL

Oh and btw , a lawyer ? A serious career? Please anyone with half a brain can become a lawyer , kinda the way anyone can now become a real estate agent .

Uh huh. I'd like to see how well you score on the LSAT, prepare your application for law school, get accepted into law school, graduate from law school, and then pass the state bar...I'm sure you won't find it to be nearly in the same league as your fleet service training at USAir...
Guys and Gals,
Lets' keep this on topic or start a ''New Topic'' to discuss your issues.
Freedom, I agree that if one of Isom's objectives is to bring in the hand scanners
then as of now it will not work. We don't have an agent available on a team to scan
bags while the other members perform all the other duties. Remember the fleet now
does ''Reciet and Dispatch'', ''Input of Wieght and Balnace'', ''Loading and Unloading of
the A/C ''...this is all one team. Now to load an a/c and ask one individual to stop helping
in the onload and scan will only leave one individual doing more work. I know it's only
lifting but it involves weight and SAFETY #1.

Now as far as a fleet job being inferior to other jobs in this great world, well I quees
you trust people who make a living at this job and to use it as a ''stepping stone'' to be
trusted enough to load a A/C with PEOPLE on board and pay them a minimal salary......
Not Me.........$$$$$ A/C and Human Life.....and your suggesting ''stepping stone''.
You obviously have a different view than myself.

Isom and PHL are well on thier way to falling apart this Summer and they can't find
an answer...........

Now, please stay on topic.

Isom has been in PHL for a day or two now and is just ''touring'' the station.
We'll see if he asks for any input from the workers' before he departs.

Scanners would not help the fleet at all....

It would help customer service as far as being able to tell a customer if thier
baggage is on the a/c or has been logged on a later arriving flight, but I agree
with perv, there are just not enough people, trained people to do this. ''upandaway''
your arguments with ''freedom'' are a sad commentary on the Dumbing down of America.
You feel there should be no dignity from remaining a Ramp Worker for 40 years and yet
I'd wager many a Ramp Worker made enough money working off his back to ensure his
family recieved an education so they could do better if they choose to. That is a sad statement
from someone with'' no education in life in regards to respect.''

Isom Has a lot of plans for fleet service that really don’t involve listing to anything fleet has to say , like up grading us to using hand scanners , and I’m betting he’s looking at making you all in PHL try and do more with less workers by splitting you up more during flights .

Hey Robert , I got news for ya , if you expect us to use new technology thereby increasing our job requirements , we expect to get paid , MONEY . I also have a feeling that PHL is going to be less than accommodating with any new changes if they don’t start seeing green …

What you NEED to be looking in on right now Mr Isom is the negotiators for this company , I’ve seen them #### up sure things before , no joke . If we don’t come to reasonability , then you can expect foot dragging on a never before seen scale … that’s just human nature , take a group of poor people get them hyped up that they might get 20,000 back pay checks and then snatch that away from them and you get depression . Take another group of workers who’ve labored diligently for years under low pay with the expectation of someday getting paid and yank their cords a thousand times and you get despondency , all of this leads to just pathetic motivation on the job .
Well let me familiarize you with another term , it’s called


We are of COURSE not bothered normally with the introduction of new technology , but unless you’ve been hiding under a rock , you’d know that fleet service and this company are NOT getting along right now … So tell me , what incentive do I have to do what this company wants when they are purposely manipulating the labor laws to keep those of us former America west workers underpaid ?

I don’t think you get it , we’re PISSED OFF !!! This company can take it hand scanners and take a leap , we are NOT interested in providing for the customer when we can’t even PRODIVDE for ourselves!!!!!!!
Do you have any idea what pathetic wages they pay us over here on the west side ???? #### the customers!!!
you need to go period. it's this mentality on the ramp combined with inept management skills why i am afraid that this company will not succeed . those customers are the reason you have a job like it or not.
It starts at the top, they dont need to go, they are fighting for a fair and equitable CBA, same as your FAs.

Look at WN, highest paid in the industry and yet the most profitable airline.

They treat their employees like assets, unlike US who treats them as liabilities.

Doug got a new contract yet the merger is going on three years and none of the major unionized groups have a combined CBA.

The West does the same job as the east on the ramp and are paid less, the east gets less vacation and sick time pay.

If they are doing the same jobs, they all need to have the same wages and benefits.

Is that too hard to comprehend?
While side stepping the brewing Cross-Slapâ„¢ fest for a moment, I wonder exactly what kind of hand scanner technology is being proposed.

Is this something from Motorola that has some success that can be proven in other areas?

Considering that the two recent appointments to the senior IT management positions both came from Motorola, you may not be too far from the mark. <_<

Wal Mart has been using handheld barcode scanners for over a decade!
We're the only guys in the industry without them. DON'T GIVE ISOM A RAISE OR AN "ATTABOY" BECAUSE HE HASN'T THOUGHT OF ANYTHING NEW!

United and Delta have handheld scanners that print out new rush tags whenever you get a misconx bag.

these scanners would help our complaints because they can be used to expedite baggage faster ...for example...

lets say a flight to BOS is delayed for 3 hours and the pax decides to go to MHT instead. these scanners that are connected to the network could print out a new rush tag with the new flight to MHT.

If the same scenario happened today 99% of the time the bags would definitely be sent to BOS.

ugh... sell PHL to AirTran and sell the rest of LCC to a merged NW and CO (downsize CLE and MEM). GIVE UP ON PHL.
Because 20,30,40 years ago these were not entry level jobs … but welcome to the new America , where will bring in millions of illegal immigrants to do any sort of work , and we will outsource any sort of meaningful jobs!

Yea and go run out and vote for a canidate that your Unions back, like they will do anything about illegals? I am not sure if you are aware but most unions now support status amnisty for all illegals as hope for getting new memebers. They do not care about you, even less then your company does. What is sad is you pay and hire your union leadership and then let them run all over you!
It starts at the top, they dont need to go, they are fighting for a fair and equitable CBA, same as your FAs.

Look at WN, highest paid in the industry and yet the most profitable airline.

They treat their employees like assets, unlike US who treats them as liabilities.

700 you mention SWA but nothing and I mean nothing 10-20% raise nothing would ever make you folks have the SWA attitude towards work ethic and CS. It isn't a possibilty, everyone is too set in their ways and too angry.
It would make a fine study, for example if a US employee produces 1x a SW 3x. If we matched them in all levels of pay tomorrow. I bet after a year US might be a 1.2x or something. It is human nature people are not going to start working harder, smarter & nicer. That is all more union fallacy.
They are not asking for WN's wages, they are asking for industry standards.

And our ramp does the same job as WN's rampers, they just dont load and unload planes.

They cater, clean, do lavs, water at certain stations, air starts, receipt and dispatch and deicing.

It has been shown companies that are unionized are more productive than their non-union competitors.

And ask yourself why the airlines are one of the highest unionized industries in the US.

And I know people at WN, even thought their management treats them better than US treats its employees they have their labor-management issues like the rest of the airlines.

And you really cant compare US to WN in work, as they are two totally different operations.

WN doesn't per say have "hubs" and connecting banks, and do not fly International.

Maybe you need to educate yourself a bit before you keep casting stones at US employees, who have ponied up in 1992, 2002, 2003 and 2005 to save this company.
"You are not seriously going to compare gate agents or rampers to Drs & Lawyers? These are jobs that are steping stones, not a career, your expectations (and the unions) are all wrong! No one thinks a MC Donalds drive through clerk should be a career (but a superviosr or manager job might be), why are similar entry level jobs in the airline indistry thought of as a job for life?"

Just because you decided to get on your knees and do what you had to do to get in management doesn't mean the rest of the world with
morals has to do the same thing. YOU kissed a** and other things to get where you are that's fine . Some of us would have a hard
time looking in the mirror but you can . GREAT . For your information being a Gate agent or ramper was a career job and supported
many families over the years. It's the great Doug Parker that wants to label it as an entry level job.

so I say to you UPNAWAY. do everyone a favor and please just fly away
These people are worse than a scorened women they will never "get over it".
this is the most reprehensible comment i have EVER read on this, or any other, bulletin board.
shame on you!!
i do therapy with victims of domestic violence every day. i worked hard--at your hero, DoUgIe's, graduate school, actually--to earn the privilege to work with this population.
you are as disgusting and ignorant as DoUgIe. in fact, you are more disgusting...and even more ignorant (if that is even possible; i guess it is...)
i pray that you rot in hell!!