I really don't appreciate you questioning my integrity.
Not once in that post did I question your integrity. Your ability as a smart, productive, and honest human being has nothing to do with the calculated business decision to let those 43 segments go (and my bet is, most of them won't. Call it arrogance, call it Scott Kirby's a jacka$$, time and time again more often than not airline loyalty stays or goes away completely. The vast majority of VFFs don't split between programs. Maybe some of you are a different story, but most of you aren't).
She flew 1630 on US last year and 207 the year before.
What are we talking here, miles? segments? Well, I just realized I don't care.
I told her someone would say exactly what you just said. Additionally she wrote to Scott Kirby on February 1st and has not gotten a response as of yet. Continental actively courts her as a customer. Read that S-L-O-W-L-Y "Actively Courts" her as a customer. The 163 and 207 are her segments on US Airways. Does not count her trips to the Far East.
As soon as Larry Kellner starts calling her at home for solicitations, then maybe we can start p*ssing and moaning that Scott Kirby isn't returning her letters. Last I looked, he had an airline to run. And while you can't have an airline w/o customers, you most sure as sh*t can't have customers w/o an airline. I don't have to read anything slowly, either. Just because all you big cats live on the East coast doesn't make you any smarter or faster readers. Heck, I probably read that whole post in the time it took you to type that trite, offensive little sentence. You wanna know why some of us don't respond? Well, arrogance gets arrogance back. Oh, and there's the answer to my previous question. Thanks for clearing that up so quickly.
What you fail to grasp is that here in the East at 109,000 miles and 123 segments I'm a light weight when it comes to CP status. US can lose me and not skip a beat. But folks like this lady who flys last minute a ton of times is a different story and you just dismiss her out of hand. 43 segments at even $300 per segment is alot of money from one customer and last time I looked US wasn't backing up the Brinks Truck to off load the profit.
Oh, no, we know who you are. And each and every one of our CPs are very important to us. If they choose to leave, we're not going to hold a gun to their heads. If she's in a hub (which I would assume being on a flight w/ you), then flying CO would necessitate connections through EWR and then she's going to have to decide if the heavy breathing phone call from Larry Kellner was incentive enough to get away from the nonstop flight and endure the hassle of an EWR connection. Not arrogance, but fact.
Scot Kirby is the problem NOT Doug Parker.
Tempe doesn't respond to their high yield customers! We have a ton of anecdotal evidence to support my allegation. If someone has facts they care to present I'm all eyes and ears.
And what, other than anecdotal evidence, do you have? Sqwat. Anyone can say they pay $3000 a ticket 43 times a year. I work with data everyday that says otherwise. And, no, I'm not posting it here.