Webcast Thoughts?!?

As I was viewing, I was taking notes too. I heard "We're gonna build a new plan." This to me is saying, We, as yet, do not really have a plan except to once again go to the employees to ask for more. It was mentioned they would to go to the labor groups in April....then ask them to present the proposed cuts for members to vote on. No memtion of exactly what kind of cuts.
Bend over... grab ankles...get ready (no k-y jelly should be needed!) Your vote will be for 1. accepting more concessions or 2. shutting U down. (we can't keep operating the way we are now...per speech)
Can you say BOHICA cubed???

The webcast was just a primer for the inevitable: paycuts & furloughs, mainline fleet reduction, etc..etc..so on and so forth.

As they say......always the best for last <_<
Diogens you, as usual, summed it up clearly, concisely, and accurately. In other words, yyou hit the the nail right on the head.
(With your obvious intelect and way with words, you should have little trouble getting a good job if or when ME comes to ILM...or when the not quite so unthinkable happens and US Airways joins the "Airlines oif the Past" page on this site. ----I do hope, with every fibre of my being, that it does not happen. )

As I have said before (using admittedly rough numbers) if all of UAIR's staff wotk for zero pay and benefits, the CASM would only jsu about equal WNs

(11 ceant CASM -40% labor = 7 cent CASM + WN)

Let's have an honest accountiing of non labors costs.

And I would ask UAIR's senoir mgmt to follow Lee Iaccoca's exapmle: $1.00 a year until the comnay turns a profit. Heck, no one is asking you to live on $1.00/year. Just don't take any more that from the company.
JetwayJock .....

I totally agree with your post. I know it is not a popular sentiment on this board,
but I amd speaking as someone who was furloughed and tried working for UQ when mainline pulled out of my station. I am currently working for less money, and in an industry that I don't enjoy nearly as much. I do wish everyone lots of luck and hope you think carefully about your decisions.
I realize that the uncertainty that exists here is much tougher on the employees than on passengers. Some years ago I was at a company in a similar situation and have a very good feel for what it is like and I am sympathetic with the challenges you are facing.

But, I think something that goes unnoticed by management is the perception of the consumer to these things. I have been a US1 since about 1996. A combination of factors, cuts in in-flight service, switch to all Express service on some routes I take, higher prices and uncertianty about the future of US after the Southwest announcement have led me to more or less stop flying US until I get a better view of what the future will be with them as a carrier. I didnt like the direction I saw them moving in comparison with UA and AA. By the end of April I will have done 2 shuttle segments on US, about 50K miles on UA and about 10K miles on AA. I think I am probably not alone in seeing this webcast as another inducement not to fly US because of the uncertainty and indecisiveness. What kind of airline will I be flying in 6 months if I fly US? I cant tell. I can get a pretty good answer to that with UA and AA. They need to decide these things, explain them and execute them while they still have passengers. SW is coming soon and I cant see US catching up if they arent ready when that happens.
I know someone who attended this taping and I can tell you the people in attendance were not happy campers with this whole "presentation." I don't think they know what they are doing......PERIOD. I don't think this whole thing is going to be well received and I hate to say... he had 2 chances and blew both of them.
Dave should be thanked for taking the time to discuss the company's future with the employees. This group has complained for months that the company has not presented any details about the plan. Well, Dave provided a glimpse of our future and this group still complains about it not being good enough.

The naysayers should take Dave's recommendation and QUIT if you won't agree to further concessions. The four ALPA MEC members that voted no concerning the RJ Scope Relief should be embarrassed that they are not doing everything possible to assist the company. Don't take down the company with selfish motives. Teddy Xidas is already setting a bad example with her comments over the weekend. It is clear that there are two choices for labor. I think most rational employees will vote YES for more concessions.

- Agree to productivity and concessions that might lead to a few furloughs.

- Vote No and possible see every job eliminated if the company does not survive.
USAirBoyA330 said:
I know someone who attended this taping and I can tell you the people in attendance were not happy campers with this whole "presentation." I don't think they know what they are doing......PERIOD. I don't think this whole thing is going to be well received and I hate to say... he had 2 chances and blew both of them.
I saw the web cast i didnt see anyone making faces..... who cares whether they like it its reality. Its time guys to fight the real enemy or self destruct. I dont know about you , im fighting the real monster.!
What are you talking about? Dave didn't discuss anything with the employees. I DID NOT see a plan at all; just more downsizing and givebacks. When is enough enough? They need to run an airline, not "beg" for more from the employees, the only group that have kept this ship afloat this long. :blink: I've got news for you. If employees coughing up more is all that's going to keep this company going, better shut the doors now. Even if ALL the employees worked for free our costs would be barely equal to SW's. The webcast was A TOTAL WASTE OF AN HOUR! :(
hey...broadband is up now....clear picture now.... Shouldn't of done it...Dave looks like a weasel. oh well....coincidance?

Anyways...as to the prev. post of the ALPA MEC voting no to the scope relief.. well they didn't vote no. They voted to send the NC back to say this isn't a fair trade. For the scope relief the company is looking for, and the ramifications that go along with those, What the pilots were getting in return was pittance. bread crumbs. AND with the track record of managment here..well just wasn't enough...so they will go back to the table.

Oh yeah....i'm also furloughed, and well prob. won't come back, but tell ya what...this webcast still stinks.... Nothing of substance from it. what new came out of it???? that SWA and the LCC are the "new standard" new standard of what??? If he would have presented some hard facts of, this is our plan, this is what the airline will look like. And not, We will look at doing this. SWA is great. We will look at doing that. SWA is great. We might be able to do that. SWA is great.

I think dave has a crush on SWA..... or maybe a virgin...
:eek: This is the plan: Seigal says only 30% of U is making money. Therefore,
remember the SUPER REGIONAL CARRIER scenario JCMD envisioned?

THE PLAN: 30% mainline, 70% SJ = SUPER REGIONAL CARRIER. The employees will pay for it. It's been the plan all along, folks. He also mentioned today that U is a regional airline like Alaska. Said that when he unfortunately arrived at the airline.

By the way, watching Seigal today, I've never seen such a sorry excuse for a leader. Good leadership can motivate employees, show vision, and communicate that vision to the workers. I saw none, zip, nada of that from him.

Take care, all of you.

(I am not, and have never been, an employee of USAirways).
Do_it_for_Dave said:
This group has complained for months that the company has not presented any details about the plan.

Yeah, and he still has not presented any details about the plan, while making himself look inept (again) in front of his employees, customers, and the media.

The four ALPA MEC members that voted no concerning the RJ Scope Relief should be embarrassed that they are not doing everything possible to assist the company.

The MEC members in quesiton have pubically stated that they are perfectly willing to negotiate with the company, provided that proper returns are offered to ALPA and there is a coherent plan to return US to profitability set forth by managment and every effort is made to change the corporate culture. Neither has happened yet.

Teddy Xidas is already setting a bad example with her comments over the weekend.

What should scare the inept fools at CCY is that that she's not alone, and that the rank-and-file among the union ranks have come to the conclusion that Dave is a loser of an executive of their own process. You guys can try to scapegote union leadership until pigs fly, but it's the ineptness of the leadership team at CCY that influences the troops. Contrary to what CCY seems to think (and insinuate), the rank-and-file are perfectly capable of making up their own minds.

I think most rational employees will vote YES for more concessions.

No rational employee would at this point endorse any effort to give this leadership team a dime at this time. They have proved that they lack the business acumen to right the ship.

I don't work at US, but I would not walk across the street for Dave, much less let him further rob my pocket in the continued persuit of mediocrity in the executive suite...

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