One of the things that struck me about all of this is that it seems like they still don't really have a "plan," per se.
The web thing is not a panacea. It is a good idea, about 3 years too late. Also, the web won't rebook you when there are ops problems, the "web" still can't do complex trip sets, etc.
Buying -400Qs would only make sense if it were going to be "the" remaining turbo on property. I would have thought that the B1900 would have been last, and 40+ seat routes would be jet only. This is a bit confusing to me, although I don't dispute that there are some routes where it might make sense (just not that many of them).
Furloughs are not going to fly with the unions. Add some capacity and use the folks you already have.
I've made my point about the F class and reconfiguration--it won't fly with the remaing group of people who actually buy expensive tickets.
The pay cut thing is water under the bridge--he should have done it when everybody else took a shot in the pants during the bankruptcy filing.
Until some of the non-labor issues are resolved (or, this management proves that they can actually manage an enterprise beyond "Labor Relations"), I'd tell them to piss up a tree--but hey, I don't work for US. It still seems like they are bumbling about for "the magic bullet," and it's not like LCCs just sprang up after 9/11 or the Chapter 11 filing--the very fact that these clowns were caught so flat footed (after Chapter 11, of all things) brings their ability to lead US out of trouble into serious question.
My synopsis? Dave went from being a loser to a desperate loser.