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Webcast Thoughts?!?

Firstamendment: I believe that is why we are all HUMAN, we have emotions, feelings, instincts, committments, love, and all of that and more. It is what makes us unique in this world as opposed to the animals. We have thoughts, ideas, hopes, and dreams. To completely face these challenges without Emotion involved is ludicruous. What are you some kind of a robot???? Of course, People are and will have emotions and feelings about this. I am sick of people on here saying, PUT YOUR EMOTIONS ASIDE. That is absurd. Even you and UZA are showing emotion, Believe it or not. :angry:
Concerning the Dash's at PDT-

There are Q200s (37 seats), which have had the "Q" disabled. (Active noise reduction). We flew those to ISP as well as the [50 seat] -300s.

There are Q300 (50 seats, PDT has about 12 of them) which also have the ANR (Active Noise Reduction) removed. Costs associated with MX and repair were decided to be too expensive for the benefits of the noise reduction.

Siegel talked about Q400s when the PDT Captain asked the question- To the best of my understanding. Bombardier was/is (?) thinking about stopping the Q400 production line. When Seigal went to pick up the first of the PSA CRJs, he was given a presentation from Bombardier in the aircraft on the way to Canada. Haven't heard anything since. The WO Captain, [in my humble opinion] should have asked Mr. Siegel why he didn't keep his word regarding the first RJ's going to the first WO'd carrier who signed off on concessions across the board which we [PDT] did.

Hang on folks, here we go...
I just cant believe what I just listened to this management team cant grow with out pay cuts you have got to be kidding me. He mentions doing away with first class but not long ago he gave gold and silver FF free unlimited upgrades which I thought for once was a great idea makes a psgr want to keeps his miles up then turns around and chops the one thing that the business flyer fly’s on us for shrinks the first class cabin wow what an original idea.
I am sorry if this is what we are up against I would rather go back to school on their dime and become something else.
Dave if you read this forum you need a lesson in listening we have told you before your fare structure stinks but you still haven’t change it our crew sit for hours and you still have not addressed other cost many of them. If all you knuckle heads can come up with is pay reduction then I think you are out of luck, because I gave at the office and when the cup went by your office you closed the door so in the same spirit of my management I close the door.
I say no
Re:"Painful changes or a lifetime of regret.." I'm feeling like the "painful changes" might ought to be a change in management, or a lifetime of regret...I know, "the time is not right..." but, maybe I'm missing something here...isn't the REAL THREAT a management who continues to do nothing with the tools they've been given and not Herb?
I think you can sum up what Dave said like this IT"S MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY. You either say put and work for peanuts or just be glad you have a pay check until you find your next job. 😀
I guess my avitar offended someone...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I hope my new one is ok
Dear USAIRways Employees:

I have not worked for US since 1990 but have friends and family members still hanging on. I don't think they will be hanging much longer if that presentation was any indication of "The PLAN" to save the company. What plan is more like it!

Art is right, There is no plan, there is "just we are looking at everything", (Except in the mirror.) If this is what a presentation from a Harvard MBA is like boy did he waste his parents money. It looked more like a presentation that a child would give when asked by his teacher where is your homework presentation. Dave should have said the dog ate it! It is like a child that said don't blame me for mismanagement these last 2 1/2 years under me. It's Herb Kellehers fault. It's not fair to me as I have only had 2 1/2 years at US while Herb had 25 years head start in PHL. How can they call themselves mgt and not see the LCC coming at a mismanaged company.

Dave should not held responsible for events after 9/11 or signing off on some very bad contracts that others signed. But he should have had the vision to see and know every airline had US in it's sights since the merger debacle. I think my 5 year old could have made that presentation because it was not one. All I heard was S/W is going to take your job. No S/W is not going to take your job Dave is going to give it to them because he has no plan. He is the typical Ivy league MBA that can't get anything done because they are always studying it and analyzing it. "The paralyisis of analyzes." "No presentation and thus no implementation"

If I were Herb I would tape that (non) presentation and no plan and show it to all the SW employees and let them know that the CEO of USAIRways thinks all SW people are evil and that S/W runs a 2nd class airline. I know Herb does a good Elvis, but I bet he is working out right know to run up the stairs in PHL like Rocky did.

That was the most uninspiring presentation I have ever snoored through. What a lack of leadership. It looked more like a funeral or a wake. Come to think of it maybe it is. It was bad on 56K modem and even worse when it when to broadband.

I feel sorry for all US employees that have a CEO that says his airline is so taken by the events in the airline industry that his airline can be shut down by SW getting only eight gates. Really think about that next time you walk down the ramp and count just 8 gates at PHL and the CEO of your company says it can shut the airline down. He must not think much of his own abilities. I would not be surprised if someone in CCY messed up and released four gates in PHL to save money on lease payments and labor but lost the airline in the process.

I would have all the SW employees with buttons on that said" 4 more gates and it will be to late for U!"

I am sure that this presentation will really change the corporate culture at US. Corporations always tend to take on the personality and ethcs of it's CEO. Since that is usually true US has a very dim future. He says empolyees are great and have held the airline together (inspite of mismangement) but then turns on them to say they are the problem.

The only plan I saw was what Dave "plans" to wear to the funeral of USAIRways.

My thought and prayers go out to all US employees.

PS: S/W in RDU out boarded all carriers. US dropped to maybe fourth in market share and is dropping fast. I guess Herb came by and handed out the pink slips to the US RDU workers and Dave had nothing to do with it. S/W now controlls al of Eastern NC another market they gave away.
I'll tell what I got from the webcast. UAIR employees had better get their applications over to SW, a company that's gonna kick U's @$$. By the way, by leaving UAIR, you'll possibly get on with a WELL MANAGED company, the ONLY reason they're gonna win this challenge. As a businessman, I'd choose a SW 737 ANY DAY OF THE WEEK over an RJ, no matter how many frequent flyer miles (on a company that probably won't exist thru summer) I get. Now, even the frequent flyers will go elsewhere, since Dave said they were looking at getting rid of first class service. 🙁
ktflyhome said:
Firstamendment: I believe that is why we are all HUMAN, we have emotions, feelings, instincts, committments, love, and all of that and more. It is what makes us unique in this world as opposed to the animals. We have thoughts, ideas, hopes, and dreams. To completely face these challenges without Emotion involved is ludicruous. What are you some kind of a robot???? Of course, People are and will have emotions and feelings about this. I am sick of people on here saying, PUT YOUR EMOTIONS ASIDE. That is absurd. Even you and UZA are showing emotion, Believe it or not. :angry:
Everyone is entitled to feel whatever they choose. Maybe I should be clear in stating that shoot-from-the-lip emotions should be put aside. I don't know of too many decisions made in that manner.

As for being a robot, if that is the way you view me, well you are definitely entitled to your opinion. For me, I try to feel my emotions and work through them so it doesn't interfer with important decisions.

I do believe you stated it was human to face the "challenges" with emotion. With that, I couldn't agree more. Just not decisions. 😉
There are two very difficult choices to make:

1. Surrender further pay and work rules to a management team that appears to
lack the vision and direction needed to execute a successful turn-around plan.


2. Politely refuse Mr. Seigal's request to open contracts and risk the real possibilty
of USAirways selling assets and liquidating.

As a former USAir employee, I really feel for you all. There is no easy or right answer. I can understand the misgivings some of you have about reopening your contracts. Mr. Seigal hasn't presented a compelling case. He alienated his target audience with remarks such as "if you don't like it, then quit" and references to ALPA. I get the sense that most of you are realistic about USAirways' plight, but are reluctant to conceed further to a management team that you no longer have confidence in. I wish you guys the best of luck.


Jamake former PSA/USAir (CCR)
Representatives from the pilots and mechanics unions, however, whose members agreed to major concessions to help US Airways emerge from bankruptcy, were unfazed by Siegel's pleas.

"We're going to need more than rhetoric out of our CEO," said Jack Stephan, spokesman for the Air Line Pilots Association (News - Websites) . "We're going to need some results."

Last month, US Airways pilots agreed to negotiate with the company on a new round of concessions that could include more pay cuts.

The International Association of Machinists, which is in the midst of a bitter dispute with US Airways over outsourcing some aircraft maintenance, also showed little sympathy.

"Southwest Airlines was around when the airline was in bankruptcy creating a restructuring plan," IAM spokesman Joe Tiberi said. "They were supposed to be coming up with a plan that would make them competitive with low-cost carriers. They failed, and they're asking our members to pay for their failure."

Funny Dave said he is not the enemy, I did not see WN take my airbus to a foreign owned company to be overhauled, I did not see WN terminate the pilot's pension, I did not see WN not follow the AFA contract in regard to voluntary furloughs.

Same old crap from dave, no plan, no vision except to pillage the employees once again.
I listened. Dave you talked about S/W beating us in various markets. Dave they didn't beat us, you tucked your tail and ran everytime. You have shrunk this company down and now you tell us we have to grow to profitablility. Make up your mind. Now you want to spend money on any program that will get rid of employees. Haven't you learned that this airline is it's employees. I've been here 35+ years, CEO like you come and go on the backs of the working people. Dave, it's time for you to leave.

Dave you give us two choices. 1. Bend over and give more 2. Look for another job.

Two definitions that we all need to learn and memorize:

Terrorism n. 1.the use of intimidation to attain one's goals or to advance one's cause 2.to coerse by intimidation

Terrorist n. a person or group that uses fear and intimidation to attain their goals

Dave......................Can you say Coperate Terrorist?
Dave said during his presentation, that, today Southwest just added a new round of flights to different cities. Checking with the Southwest web site, no such announcement was made today.
firstamendment said:
ktflyhome said:
Everyone is going to have to Sacrifice or find a New Job
He is going to change the Culture of this Airline.
This is the smartest thing Siegel said. I know the venom will flow with this remark, but it's time for all of us to change. We will change one way or the other. 😛h34r: Whether that means letting the company fail or going for that job that 90% of those b******* claim to either have or CAN have. Time to shut the ol mouth and think without all the emotion.
He's already changed the culture...The morale is horrible. We gave twice and they did nothing with it. So I'm to believe that he has had some kind of an epiphany and now he knows what he is doing? Why didn't he tell us then. I keep hearing the same song and dance-labor, labor, labor. Like my grandma used to say: a leopard never changes its spots. This has always been their plan, to cut labor to the bone. Forget about running the place. Just keep going back to the same well. My well is dry.


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