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Webcast Thoughts?!?

I agree!

What do they want, blood from a rock.

These people are absolutely in denial thinking there was some secret plan where no one would be hurt. The fact is this company is on the way out given the attitudes on these boards, face the music. Union leaders like mentioned here should do everyone a big favor and quit. This kind of attitude is a poison that is going to kill this company. Then what will all you highly skilled sought after people out there be doing, making a great living doing what and where? If you could do it you would be doing it, stop acting like children and grow up and face what’s looking at everyone, work with this team, quit, or perish with your fellow co-workers.
ClueByFour said:
I don't work at US, but I would not walk across the street for Dave, much less let him further rob my pocket in the continued persuit of mediocrity in the executive suite...
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Question for you! I don't work at US but just an observation......why in the world would anybody quit? I mean, heck, they've given and given and given....there must be a breaking point. First, if everyone who is dissatisfied were to quit, they would close down tomorrow because they couldn't replace them quick enough..... Second, thousands of people have invested their lives (and paid their unemployment taxes 🙂 ) so they are entitled to unemployment should they be FIRED but not if they quit. Who would not only give concessions, as they have, but then be stupid enough to go and quit? If leaving is in their plans, wouldn't they just stop showing up for work, go on a trip or two, and wait to be fired? 😛h34r:

Besides, if you think they're going to disappear anyway, what's the difference? It's not like they can check your references. Fire!!!
usfliboi said:
I saw the web cast i didnt see anyone making faces..... who cares whether they like it its reality. Its time guys to fight the real enemy or self destruct. I dont know about you , im fighting the real monster.!
How are you gonna fight the real monster ??? Please let me know so I can fight him too.
Ahh yes, the union is partially to blame. Hide behind their protection, but when US folds, or is sold to 2-3 other carriers, where will you be then? Unions, - common sense - Not in the last 15 years! But in the meantime, why not spend your last few months paying those dues for what, I don't know. Spend your time voting on things that really don't help the company.
Here's my take on this mess:

Am I happy with the management of this airline? NO.
Am I thrilled at the prospect of working for less money while having to produce more? NO. Do I feel that we could have done more over the last year and a half to bring us closer to where we should be at this time? Goes back to management question.

But here's the bottom line. Yes I do believe there is a "plan" out there. We've all heard bits and pieces. More efficient RJ's with lower paid flight crews. More efficient and simplified fare structure with major focus on website for ticket sales, using less res agents. More kiosks and gate readers meaning less gate and counter personnel. More utilization of part time employees means less benefits and less overtime. Better productivity for flt crews regarding "sitting around" time. Better routes, more point to point service, better marketing, etc. etc. etc.

The problem is that it takes time to implement all of these things. Yes, we should already be doing many of these now (see management question above), however, we as employees have to deal with whats in front of us right now. At the present, we are slowly progressing toward the objective, but we are bleeding profusely. Not as bad as were a year ago but we are still bleeding. So the question is, will we bleed to death before we can fix ourselves?

That's what this all comes down to. If we bend over (again) and take it like we know we have to, then we stop the bleeding. And IF we can tweek out a little profit (been a long time since we saw that word), then maybe, just maybe, we will buy enough time for the "plan" to take hold. If it does, then we will have succeeded in keeping our jobs, and if there is some expansion in our future, maybe some who lost their jobs will be invited back.

Again, what is the alternative? Unemployment and loss of benefits. I don't like that option.

If anything, our comments and efforts should be directed to our Union leaders to at least negotiate some type of profit sharing payback somewhere out in future.

But for now ........................ wegottadowatwegottado
Well, it looks like our worst fears have been realized.

They really DON'T have a plan at all, except to bust the unions. That's it.

So they want to do away with F class? Say goodbye to about 3/4 of the very frequent fliers. This is one of the few things which distinguishes them from the LCC's they want to fight--if they pull it they really have their head in the sand.

Didn't Spirit just increase their premium cabin? Didn't ATA just announce they are going to introduce F?

They don't get it.

They want to reconfigure the aircraft? How? ADD seats? If that happens say goodbye--like someone said they should use the HP or AS model NOT WN.

Where is the plan? Where are the rational fares? Let's see it. The problem is it doesn't exist. All this did was bring morale lower than it already was.

I feel terrible for all my good friends at U.

The Q400 thing would be a good move--the Q is fast and quiet--it offers jet speeds on some segments, and is actually VERY quiet and comfortable.

PDT had Q200's not 300's in the past--and I rode them a few times. What a difference!!!

I fear the fat lady approaching the stage.

My best wishes to you all.........
FFs need to relax ... No one said anything about definitely eliminating F. They are looking at it as an option to see if it would make sense, and that is something they should absolutely be doing. My guess is it will prove to not make sense given Airtran, ATA, America West all have F cabins. That being said, the days of 26 seat A321s are probably coming to an end. Every plane should just have 8-12 F seats and be done with it. Also, the days of calling it First are probably coming to an end ... I see them rebranding it as basically a nicer version of E+ with a new brand name (ticketed as a business-class seat).
willyloman said:
He also mentioned today that U is a regional airline like Alaska.
In many respects that's true. But AS was somehow able to restructure in the 90s to effectively compete against WN. US seems to be running out of room to be able to affect the same change within the organization.
ktflyhome said:
Everyone is going to have to Sacrifice or find a New Job
He is going to change the Culture of this Airline.
This is the smartest thing Siegel said. I know the venom will flow with this remark, but it's time for all of us to change. We will change one way or the other. 😛h34r: Whether that means letting the company fail or going for that job that 90% of those b******* claim to either have or CAN have. Time to shut the ol mouth and think without all the emotion.
What concerns me, is that NOW, all of a sudden when Southwest is invading PHL< we sit up and take notice of this Airline. What about BWI and as Mr. Dave himself said, the West Coast...which I really don't buy that one. But for the$$$$$ these people are paid to run a Company, one would think, that looking at the Industry these last few years, they would have expected something of this magnitude to happen eventually. I mean, if we measely, insignficant, worthless EMPLOYEES could see it coming, WHY didn't they. This bothers me. Where Have they been. Where have their heads been????? Yea, we all know things changed drastically after 9/11, but I am beginnning to tire of that excuse. I see no creativity or true Vision as to where THEY really want to take this company.

Furthermore, from what I could see....from his Cast of Characters.....NO ONE HAD A SMILE on his/her Face. <_<
Several of you have had knee-jerk responses of horror to improving the website and adding kiosks, apparently because it reduces the need for people.

Look, folks, if a machine can do the same job for less than a human, then hiring a human to do the job is doing worse than throwing money away. It keeps the company's costs up, which keeps the company on a path to cease operations. That will really reduce the need for people, if you get my drift.

AS has had great success with their website and electronic checkin kiosks. They were the first in the industry to allow customers to checkin online. I believe they were second to implement electronic checkin kiosks. By doing this, they reduced costs without sacrificing customer service. If anything, customer service improved, because the agents now typically handle the more complex transactions instead of wasting their time doing the busy work of checking the 90% of pax without troubles in for their flights.

Best of all, they managed to do all of this without destroying their reputation for high-caliber service. Their slogan during much of the 90s said it all: "For the same low price, you just get more."
JetwayJock said:
That's what this all comes down to. If we bend over (again) and take it like we know we have to, then we stop the bleeding.
You really think so? I want some of what you're smokin'
Very poor presentation.

1. Dave said he would take a pay cut and not open the golden parachute.
2. He told people that if they did not like the plan, then leave the property and let the company move ahead.

1. No specific information for the future was cited. OK, don't give the competition your trade secrets, but give your employees hope.
2. Lack of proper history. How about the recent running away from Southwest in Florida?
3. Contradictory statements regarding the potential sale of assets. "No, we don't want to and it always leads to failure, but we will if we have to."
4. Another line in the sand. "Labor agreements by the summer."
5. No positive emotion indicating hope.
6. The use of the term "take away" to finish this speech breaks just about every rule in leadership. It's an inflammatory term with multiple meanings.
7. No roll out date for the operational changes to take effect.
8. I agree with the statements concerning employee quality being the company's strength, but the method of presentation left little to show that Dave really believes this.
9. The Plan should have been explained in two sentences. The whole spiel should have started "We're lowering fixed costs using technology, bringing more metal on-line with the same approximately the same number of people. That's how we wring 2 cents a mile out of fixed costs". Would have saved a bunch of time and internet chatter.
10. Effective leadership is a tough skill to learn. Some folks are born with it. There are many different styles. As someone who has done leadership training for the past 12 years, it is my professional opinion that Dave still needs quite a bit more education in this area.

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