I,too, was intrigued by the WN strawman.
When W&G wanted to compare WN to U in 99, we said, we'll take their labor contracts. Gangwhal responded, "in order to become WN, we'd have to reduce the fleet to 280 (we had 400 at the time)".
Now dave sez, in order to become WN, we'd have to go down to 100 a/c -currently at 279, or Haji's 'old' number. Things that make you go hummmmmm.
Also, dave says we lost 2 bil in '02, and 500 mil in '03. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't labor and vendors spot U 1.5 bil (for the math impaired, the difference in the '02 and '03 losses)? In other words, other than the concessions, NOTHING CHANGED!
And to go from a 10 Cents CASM to a 6 cents CASM carrier, 2 cents is from the non-labor side. What, pray tell, has stopped U from implementing those savings BEFORE coming to labor? It'd help with credibility, because the way this is being handled, I feel labor is being manuvuered into a corner, as opposed to management doing everything ELSE first, and coming to labor only as a last resort.
True story. In a station I know about, U maintained a lease on some rooms they did not use. When BK came, the manager was asked by the palace to look at ALL cost-cutting measures. Naturally, they chose furloughs, as opposed to dropping the lease on this space.
The employees went, and the space stayed. That in a nutshell, is how U treats labor.