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Webcast Thoughts?!?


From our previous discussions, I expected better. You shouldn't use partial quotes to spin things your way.l

Did I not say that Dave probably had info about the upcoming announcement? Without evidence of a public announcement about LUV's addition flights before the webcast was taped, I stand by what I actually said - that Dave probably knew that it was coming but that it hadn't been announced (as he implied).

No, a press release is not the only form of public announcement which is why the rest of the sentence you partially quoted said "with Herb making actual ANNOUNCEMENT in the a.m." Actually, I saw a report (the night of the 24th) that Herb was going to be making the announcement - it just didn't have specifics of the flights. But this was still well after the webcast was taped. Maybe Dave saw something like that before the taping - but that isn't an announcement either.

Hoping for better,

I think I read somewhere that the new flights were loaded in computer systems yesterday, although the formal announcement was today. So maybe one of David's network planning folks was awake and let hin know?

I agree with you - whether that was how Dave knew the announcement was coming or via some other method. I think Dave just misspoke - he knew the announcement was coming and phrased his statement badly.

I just get a little tired of some jumping on others when subsequent events make what they say inaccurate. 700UW's post on the issue (except for the "liar" part as far as I'm concerned) was accurate when it was posted - there had been no announcement by LUV.

Main Entry: an·nounce·ment
Pronunciation: &-'naun(t)-sm&nt
Function: noun
1 : the act of announcing or of being announced
2 : a public notification or declaration
3 : a piece of formal stationery designed for a social or business announcement

pitguy said:
Is it legal for Siegel to try to circumvent the unions the way he did as per the railway labor act? He is trying to bypass the unions.
Wait a sec. Just a few weeks ago a bunch of folks were saying Dave should deliver the message directly to the employees. Now that he did this folks are mad he communicated?! If I were an employee, my main beef with yesterday's dog and pony show would be that Dave did not say what he needed. He needs to do this. He needs to lay out precisely what management would want and/or need in the perfect world and take it from there. And, this I think is better communicated directly to the employees so they know where the union started with negotiations.
There are legal and illegal things that can be done to circumvent the unions. One must use caution. All I said was he could send his plan to everyone. I did not say try to negotiate with the employees directly.
How is the webcast any different then a roadshow? I don't believe he cricumvented any unioin because he DIDN'T speak directly to what concession he was looking for from each employee group.
Excuse me!!!!!

With all the "BS" about Southwest kicking US Airway's butt, why don't we all just tell Dave "no thanks" and apply at Southwest? At least they have a leader!!!!!!

It's apparent that there is no future here!
OldpropGuy said:
Excuse me!!!!!

With all the "BS" about Southwest kicking US Airway's butt, why don't we all just tell Dave "no thanks" and apply at Southwest? At least they have a leader!!!!!!

It's apparent that there is no future here!
Well $hitfire, I expect to see your resignation letter tomorrow.
MarkMyWords said:
How is the webcast any different then a roadshow? I don't believe he cricumvented any unioin because he DIDN'T speak directly to what concession he was looking for from each employee group.
That way he gets to "hand pick" the employees and the questions. He really didn't look like much thought was put into the answers. Of course, there wasn't much in the presentation aside from the SW pep talk. :blink:
Who cares if the audience was hand picked? How does this lead to circumventing the unions? Bottomline, you got a state of the company address and have an idea of where to company is headed. Any member in that audience was free to ask any question they felt compelled to ask.
EL Gato,

PORTION DELETED, just here to stir things up, you know that Southwest pays Rampers and Ticket Agents quite a bit more than US Airways does, you need to add $10 to your $14 figure. Southwest Agents and Rampers make $24 per hour, and they are 100% full time.

MarkMyWords said:
Who cares if the audience was hand picked? How does this lead to circumventing the unions? Bottomline, you got a state of the company address and have an idea of where to company is headed. Any member in that audience was free to ask any question they felt compelled to ask.
Where did I say ANYTHING about circumventing unions? All I meant to say was that Mr. S took the EASY way out, rather than doing roadshows. He presented information, the same information he spews every Friday, for an hour and said basically NOTHING!
Oldie -
I actually think he said a lot......see the thread entitled after the speach to get a recap of what I think he said. I do agree that he did take the easy way out....standing up in front of a hangar full of hostile employees would not have been pretty by any means.
I will vote YES and hope USAirways can pull through this difficult time. I will start looking for a new job-no question there. I had hoped usair could turn itself around in time, but I fear too many think, "oh well, shut it down, I don't care".

Good luck to all!!!

And the way this senior workforce is resisting change and trying to ignore what's happening all around them is downright scary! This house we currently live in will burn to the ground......not a doubt left in my mind. 🙄

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