Ok, maybe we can put this "who announced what when" thing to rest. From Aviation Daily 3/25/04:
"Siegel also stole Southwest’s thunder by revealing the carrier’s plans to further boost capacity from Philadelphia. Early in the day, Southwest filed with OAG its July schedule that includes one new flight from Philadelphia to West Palm Beach, one service to Fort Lauderdale, one to Houston Hobby, four to Manchester, N.H., four to Raleigh-Durham, one to Los Angeles and one to New Orleans. After Siegel’s broadcast, a Southwest spokesman said that Southwest had no announcement on new routes but Kelleher is planning a press event in Philadelphia today."
In short, Dave knew of the added flights, but Southwest hadn't officially announced them yet. When he said that they had been "announced", he was not technically correct, but that is semantics.
And no, Southwest didn't decide to announce the flights just because Dave said they had - for them to do anything because of Dave says so is beyond insane.