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Crazy said: The discrepancy that I see with Dave's presentation was him lowering operational costs by 2 cents a mile. If he can pull that rabbit out of the hat, why hasn't it been done already?

USA320Pilot answers: The big driver in this will be increased utilization and distribution expense. To make the number's work you cannot increase utilization of people and assets unless both participate. Therefore, with the current work force and work rules, you cannot increase utilization to average down unit costs until the work rules change. Thus, you cannot have one without the other.


bobcat said:
and further more...

Why would most want to give more in consessions when most of us if not all of us won't be around much longer anyway if we are still in operation for the next year. Dave's only plan so far is to get rid of the heart of the company which are the employees.

1. Reservation agents can kiss their jobs good bye. Dave said that we will be implementing a new and improved website and really pushing online bookings and the fare structure is going to be simplified (we've been hearing this for 2 years) so there would no longer be a need for as many agents.
2. Mechanics - Major outsourcing if not all.

3. Kiosks - More kiosks less ATO agents. They're all getting sent out to pasture which means sent to Res.

4. Gate Readers - Less gate agents

5. Catering - outsourced

6. Electronic Baggage - outsourced

7. Flight Attendants - Midatlantic and lay offs

8. Pilots - Midatlantic

I really think that Res. has finally seen the writing on the wall and have had enough. Most that I have heard are with the "full pay to the last day" group and it will really be a surprise if a "yes" vote would go through. We really have nothing to lose. There is probably not much of a future for this dept. and others, most see that now. Even when Dave was asked by an audience member why we should give again after we gave twice with no result and what reassurance he could give that it would be worth it and he could give no reassurance. His response was that he could not see into the future. What a pep talk, huh? 380? I don't think so.
What he didn't discuss was the outsourcing overseas which has been rumored to be in the works. There is no future for Res.
exactly!!!!!****he didn't mention, that uair had already been talking to EDS to outsource res jobs****siegal's opinion of res agents***are that they are not worth more than $9.50 an hour
ITRADE said:
OldpropGuy said:
Excuse me!!!!!

With all the "BS" about Southwest kicking US Airway's butt, why don't we all just tell Dave "no thanks" and apply at Southwest? At least they have a leader!!!!!!

It's apparent that there is no future here!
Well $hitfire, I expect to see your resignation letter tomorrow.
I guess my intended sarcasm, with the first 15-20 minutes of the speech about how great Southwest is, did not come through clearly!

BTW, after all these years, I plan to ride this baby all the way to the ground! It won't be my first. Life goes on. <_<
USA320Pilot said:

Crazy said: The discrepancy that I see with Dave's presentation was him lowering operational costs by 2 cents a mile. If he can pull that rabbit out of the hat, why hasn't it been done already?

USA320Pilot answers: The big driver in this will be increased utilization and distribution expense. To make the number's work you cannot increase utilization of people and assets unless both participate. Therefore, with the current work force and work rules, you cannot increase utilization to average down unit costs until the work rules change. Thus, you cannot have one without the other.


It's still unclear to me just what present work rules are preventing the implementation of "the plan." MarkMyWords summarized it in another post as :

For those that say that they have not seen anything in the presentation that shows what "the plan" is, perhaps you should listen to it again.

- we are reevaluating our entire fleet seat configuration.
- we are simplifying fares
- we are rolling the PHL hub
- we are changing the entire management team in PHL (see the COB releases)
- we will redeploy our assets with the introduction of additional MDA assets
- we are going to transform ourselves into an HP or AS.
- we are going to stand and compete - WE HAVE NO CHOICE
- Dave will toss the golden parachute and accept LCC type contract and pay
- Dave's executive team will also change their compensation
- we will change the web to be more user friendly
- we will invest in more technology
- we will increase flight frequencies with the addition of MDA aircraft
- we will add cities as more mainline aircraft become available
- we will replace turbo prop aircraft
- we will update mainline a/c with a new IFE
- we will update our facilites with things such as wireless web access
- we will increase aircraft utilization
- we will increase employee productivity
- we will increase point to point flying
- we will increase internet sales
- we will grow the fleet and the network
- we will continue with our alliances with UA and Star
- we will change the company culture

I respectfully ask for someone to please elaborate on exactly what areas, in the current work rules, prohibit management from having already put into practice most, if not all, of these ideas.
I concur. Plus, how is a reevaluation of UAIR's entire system any sort of plan? Seems to me it just indicates lack of a viable one. :angry:
Because the real plan is to lower the standard of living for the employees, what dave says he wants to do is a facade so when the employees don't bend over for him again and the company fails he can lay blame at them.
USA320Pilot said:
...with the current work force and work rules, you cannot increase utilization to average down unit costs until the work rules change.
Which work rules preclude this?
700UW said:
Because the real plan is to lower the standard of living for the employees...
So if I understand your position correctly, you are saying that Dave's goal in life is to stick it to the employees in order to derive some sadistic pleasure. If that happens to coincidentally save US Airways some money, that's an added bonus.

Is that what you're trying to say?
mweiss said:
So if I understand your position correctly, you are saying that Dave's goal in life is to stick it to the employees in order to derive some sadistic pleasure. If that happens to coincidentally save US Airways some money, that's an added bonus.

Is that what you're trying to say?
Please show me where in my post I said or implied that?

I am speaking from history, the only thing this company has done is get concessions, two rounds of it, and his master plan once again is to get concessions, did you not hear him say that?

He wants ALL unions to START formal negotiations by April and contracts in place, he said there will be furloughs, he said if you don't like it leave.

Everything else he said are things that they are looking at doing, never said he was going to do it all, plus he said everything on his wish list will be financed by concessions.

For one thing you are not a employee of U, you have not seen 20,000 coworkers be shown the door with more layoffs occuring daily, while the foreman, manager, director and VP ranks have grown. Explain to me why since we have less employees they are adding foreman and managers?

dave said in the POR it will be enough to transform the company, they failed twice, why should any new plan work once again?

He has blown over $2 billion a year since emerging from chapter 11 and we are no better off then before. Employees gave over $1 billion and the rest was from vendors and that is not counting the pilots pension being terminated.

They have violated every labor contract on the property, let me remind you they are the very same contracts they agreed to twice in two rounds of concessions and now they want more, how can you trust them when their track record has proven they don't honor the very ones they agreed to all ready?

The majority of employees do not trust him nor his managment team, and the very sad fact is the majority of employees would rather see the compnay go out of business instead of pouring money into a black hole which has been happening.
700UW said:
The majority of employees do not trust him nor his managment team, and the very sad fact is the majority of employees would rather see the compnay go out of business instead of pouring money into a black hole which has been happening.
GDAT :shock:
Longing4Peidmont: Is that like ROFL that usflyboi uses all the time??? I am not up on all of this Computer Jargon and abreviated language...so what the Hell does GDAT stand for???? :blink: :huh:
Here is dave's plan or wish list, remember this:

No more heavy maintenance and shops, causing thousands of layoff in maintenance, maybe keep the C-Checks in-house like UAL.

No more line utility, farm it out

No more catering, farm it out

Farm out ramp everywhere except hubs and focus cities

Close reservations and farm it out to India

More Kiosks and gate readers everywhere to eliminate as many CSAs as possible.

Unlimited RJ flying by anyone with an RJ

No more Defined Benefit Plans

No occupational protection

Less sick and vacation time

minimum 10% paycut

No more dispatch for mechanics at PIT, PHL, CLT, LGA and DCA

Line mechanic staffing to under 900 mechanics, if that much

The ability to outsource everything and anything

Anyone feel free to add to the list.

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