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Webcast Thoughts?!?

ktflyhome said:
Micheal: Please, get a life.
I have one, thank you. Better than taking someone else's... 😀

Some were talking about Pit. Who cares about Seattle????
It was in response to the suggestion that nice people elsewhere are fake.

I am for one, a Pit person, I love Pit. they have great people in all areas there.
I've met some great people in Pittsburgh, don't get me wrong. And many work in the service industry. At the same time, I've run into some of the rudest service employees in Pittsburgh that I've seen anywhere. It's baffling to me. Generally, it seems that sole-proprietor shops have the nicest people you'll find anywhere, while people like cashiers at Giant Eagle will barely acknowledge your existence, and when they do it's with a scowl.
Looks to me like we'll be throwing good money after bad...again. No thanks. He wasn't able to put to good use our first two concessions, why would this one be any different? The credibility is gone. I think this is Dave's last big lie to us. He isn't staying. He'll take the money and parachute out of this burning wreckage.

First of all Michael: There will be no one taking my life, but me. Secondly, I will take no one elses life. I am not that important. Nor do I hold that much power. Thirdly, you are starting to sound like Piney Bob.

One can go anywhere in this country and be treated the same. I Know. I have seen it. It is not the people anymore that entices me....it is the weather and the scenery. People are basically the same all over. I have met some of the nicest in the Northeast, some of the rudest in the southwest. It is all on how one percieves their situation. <_<
Now the mainliners will know what it feels like to be express, poverty wages for the same amount of work. I feel bad to those who poured their entire life into this company. And im not against mainline at all. It hurts big time but everyone needs to move on and find a better place where they are appreciated and not looked down upon. I know no one in rank and file ,wether mainline or express will be appreciated.
I am a first time poster on this forum. As a USAirways employee in Fleet and Cust Svc., I left in 1999 after 15 years when the going was still good. It saddens me to see my friends suffering because of all the changes in the industry. I keep in touch with all my old friends at USAirways quite a bit. They all have one thing in common to say to me...........THAT THEY WILL DO WHAT IT TAKES TO KEEP THIS AIRLINE IN BUSINESS.......

While I understand that a lot of you have sacrificed (as most of us have in our lives), what Dave said on the Webcast is very true. It is a fast changing environment and he is not the enemy. It can't be business as usual anymore. This all started back years ago when WN went to BWI. US needed to change then. There are really 2 choices - "Don't open the contracts and go CH 7...or...do what needs to be done to get the airline able to compete." To me, this is a no brainer. You do the LATTER and fight Southwest and the other LCC's, instead of fighting amongst yourselves. Changing and adapting are fundamental in any business to be successful.

I respect a lot of posters on the forum. Some of you are downright scary. You would rather let the airline go belly up then open the contracts again. OK....maybe they should have done more restructuring during bankruptcy......but they didn't. I think Dave realizes this. During CH 11, he could have told the unions to go to heck and you would all be at 8 bucks an hour. He didn't pull a Lorenzo. WN wasn't going into PHL then either. I want you to kick Herb's butt once and for all. I know it can be done, but it can only be done if the airline is able to compete.

I loved USAirways and I still do. I wish all my friends the best of luck. Please remember who the enemy is. Right now, the enemy is TIME.
DOODY said:
It is a fast changing environment and he is not the enemy.
The two do not necessarily go hand in hand. OK, granted, "enemy" is probably too strong a word, as it implies malice. But he is certainly not a "friend," either.
Changing and adapting are fundamental in any business to be successful.
I don't think anyone posting here is suggesting that the current business model works. So, yeah, change and adapt...everyone agrees on that point. They simply do not have faith that there are any genuine changes and adaptations in the queue.
During CH 11, he could have told the unions to go to heck and you would all be at 8 bucks an hour.  He didn't pull a Lorenzo.
No, actually, he couldn't. Lorenzo is the reason the law was changed so that Dave couldn't.
I want you to kick Herb's butt once and for all. I know it can be done, but it can only be done if the airline is able to compete.
Yup. That's pretty much what Dave said, and I doubt you'll find anyone to disagree with that statement. But the hard part is restructuring the company do actually do it. And that, incidentally, is ultimately Dave's job. He sure has done a bang-up job thus far, eh?
The best outcome from today's "presentation" would be to awake tomorrow and read that Mr. Broner has terminated dave for his lack of leadership and foresight. Now that would be the quickest employee moral booster imaginable!
LongIsland2004 said:
Dave said during his presentation, that, today Southwest just added a new round of flights to different cities. Checking with the Southwest web site, no such announcement was made today.
I agree.. I have looked and seen nothing to support this statement.


I think that would have made the news..............................
The same nay sayers would say the same but only to the new management. Dave did not create this problem. I believe in him still we have no alternative. Turn our sights on the real enemy or else. I agreed 100% with him saying , if you choose not to take further cuts, allow the people who want this job and to stay here, make that call..
ktflyhome said:
XOXO: I got a drink earlier and a cig. and still have no idea what the PLAN IS. :unsure:
Obviously you werent paying attention. Dave said it continues to change. Just yesterday LUV announced even further additions to their flt sced. You can choose to have a drink and cig, and refuse to see the true picture, or not. Daves message for people who have had it is one id say as well . Id say the same thing who have the same attitude of "shut her down" The majority of people want to continue working here. They dont see it the way some see it. They can see the writing that low cost carriers are writing on the wall. This isnt a Dave problem, this is an industry wide problem. Never the less. people have made up their minds now time will tell. Dave is here to stay plain and simple for those who want him to go , sorry. I admire him for making the offers personally about his contract and pay. This is what many wanted him to do now use another tactic to elude the truth. He could take the 4 mill and run and who would care if he found another ceo job. Nothing he would do including leaving would change one naysayers mind. I say stay Dave and fight for this company and finally beat south west.
usfliboi said:
Obviously you werent paying attention. Dave said it continues to change. Just yesterday LUV announced even further additions to their flt sced.

Go to WN's web page, no announcement, go to Yahoo's Airline News page, no announcement of WN adding PHL flights.

Those are facts!

Dave lied again!
Is it legal for Siegel to try to circumvent the unions the way he did as per the railway labor act? He is trying to bypass the unions.
Once again "management" fails to take responsibility for not having a viable plan, not utilzing assets fully, not having any vision; reactionary pontificating on Dave's part. To make Southwest the evil, bad enemy is hilarious. Southwest is just a well run, well managed company whose employees are well paid and happy. Take note Dave.
The first two thoughts that come to mind are:

1. US Airways management continues to simply react to the market rather than being proactive and being an industry leader. The reactionary mode seems to have almost gotten to the point of paralysis for decision making. If a decision is made, it is later reversed wasting time, money and assets and causing confusion for the customers. A true leader would say "we are at position A, we need to get to position B, here is how we will do it..." Dave's problem is that he doesn't know what "B" is.

2. Either Dave's grasp of economics is beyond his ken, or he is simply being deceitful to further his agenda. The statement that "if you lower ticket prices, you also lower revenue" is not true. There is elasticity in the price of a ticket. Would you rather sell one $1000 ticket or three $400 ones?

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