Greetings, I am new to this board. I have been a lurker for several years now, just reading the posts of everyones thoughts and opinions. I have joined here, because I feel now more than ever some alternate points of view are needed here. I cannot say exactly who I am or I work for, due to recent corporate rules, but I think you get the idea. PIT is my home(for now), and I have been here for a few years now.
I just finished watching the webcast, and I have derived from it two thoughts:
1. Siegel seems to be genuinely interested in saving the airline. I would say he pulled no punches, gave the brutal facts as they should have been given and did not attempt to sugar coat anything. It can all be done, but everyone is going to bleed at once.
2. I am convinced, from gauging the thoughts of people on here such as OldGuyinPIT, PITBull, DellDude and others, that it is more than likely that the company will fall prey to what I have learned to call "The Pittsburgh Mentality". This train of thought is that a union man is entitled to having a wage or benefit structure that is higher than the actual value of the work performed, and that it would be better to "kill the company" than to give in based on principle. Examples of this abound in PIT and PHL. A ticket agent, or a baggage handler, or even a flight attendant is by, and large, an easily filled or replacable worker. It takes a day or two to train a new worker for the job, and consequently should be a low wage job at that..."A monkey's job deserves monkey's pay". In addition, no self respecting individual should consider trying to make a career out of that job. But that is exactly what US seems to have....32 years as a BAGGAGE HANDLER, now retiring...60 year old f/a's...ticket agents who were once selling tickets on DC-3's, etc. This is part of the problem.
Southwest and JetBlue are cheaper, more productive, and superior products. Ever wonder why? Let's compare some workers: We have ticket agents getting $20.00 an hour for the EXACT same work that a WN agent is getting at most $14.00 for. The same holds true for their rampers and f/a's. In fact, at Jetblue and Southwest, there are only 3 groups of people who get significant wages - and they are all licensed workers. Pilots, mechanics, and dispatchers. Only the upper echelons of management come close. Thus, they are cost efficient in the sense that their labor costs are cheap. The number of pilots is small when productivity is taken into account, the mechanics and dispatchers are small in number. The rest of the airline comes up with a lower, but fair wage cost structure.
This is the goal. Siegel in my opinion wants to go to a Jetblue type of airline, with all the bells and whistles to attract customers thrown in. Whether the unions will play ball with the idea or not remains to be seen. Killing the company is not the answer - destroying the jobs and hopes of co-workers just so you can feel good is not right, not fair, not good. Somehow, people need to come to their senses, wake up and realize that there are no jobs ou there right now(Otis elevator is NOT hiring wrenchers!), other airlines don't want our people because of the "full pay to the last day" reputation we have gained thanks to overzealous union voices, and once your out of a job and unemployed, you have about ZERO hope of ever gaining a job that comes close in pay or benefits.
Ok, I am done ranting and spouting. Feel free to flame me or take me to task, but I stand by my words here.
-El Gato B)