Eric does not hide who he is. Most of the regulars on this forum know his professional background and are able to tell the difference facts from opinions in his posts.
You, on the other hand, refer to figments of your imagination as undisputed facts. That is most likely the reason that you refuse to corroborate what you claim to be the facts or reveal your sources (with the exception of the occasional Delta press release).
No one is asking for academic level citations, but revealing sources will enhance your credibility.
It's all public data... there are no secrets.
Acknowledging basic stuff like RASM performance which is given in press releases by all of the US airlines would be a starter for the discussion.
AA's history as well as the rest of the industry is well documented.
Tripping up over key facts as to hub size and when carriers initiated service are pretty basic items that anyone who claims to have any knowledge of the industry should be capable of handling.
The real issue is that you and others really don't like the mesasge so instead try to shoot the messenger - despite the facts that I present are quite well documented.
My pay will not be cut nor do I have any Advantage miles to lose nor do I have any financial attachment to American Airlines.
The people who do have a vested interest are the ones who should break the culture of denial and stalemate that has gripped AA and AMR for 8 years are the ones who have something to lose.
When you and others can engage the actual issues using facts, we have the potential for a conversation.
How about we start with the 10 items I listed as indicators of AA's financial performance? All are obtained from publicly available data such as press releases, financial statements - all of which are filed with the SEC. No one needs any industry experience or graduate training to be able to accurate discuss them.
I never for one minute said that AA mgmt should be entitled to sit in their headquarter's offices collecting checks to maintain the status quo. The fact that I have said that many times and you still don't get what I am saying is precisely why AA and its labor unions can't get anything accomplished.
If you and anyone else want to change anything, you need to hear what is actually being said and not what you think or want to be said.