The poor and middle class won't be able to afford to fly to vacation destinations as often as they used to if fuel stays at $3.00/gal or goes higher. The rich will have no difficulty paying the fares. Our nationwide air travel network is far too large right now to produce profits with $3/gal fuel. Wanna make some guesses how much smaller the network has to get if fuel goes to $4/gal or $5/gal? Or how low wages will have to go to subsidize the current-sized network?
I'll have to disagee on this one. The media plays a LARGE part in what people can and cannot afford. It's on TV every time airlines raise ticket prices even a few dollars and you would think the world was coming to an end. This does have some psychological effect on buying habits. People keep hearing how high tickets are (even though their not) and they start to believe it. How about car prices? Can you even buy a new car for under $20,000 any more? Football/baseball game tickets for a family of four? Tickets to the movies with kids, don't forget the food. Eating out with a family? I don't understand why the media targets certain industries and others are just left alone. Flying coast to coast with today's prices are still a bargain compared to attending my local pro football/baseball game or buying a car; no matter what I hear on TV.