Combined with dumb management that agrees to their unreasonable demands, unions are the major source of harm/ruin for many companies. The landscape is littered with companies ravaged by unions. Peers in your industry, such as UA, DL, US and gems such as GM and Chrysler are perfect examples of the fine work unions have done for Americans.
It takes two sides to sign an agreement. Did corporate America think these defined benefit pension plans would disappear, fund themselves, never be used/needed? In the past the airlines had the "mutual aid pact" and unions had "self help". What a about the dumb, unreasonable demands a company makes during negotiations. Many times there are no cost-cost neutral quality of life enhancements that could be agreed upon. Having been a negotiator, I have found most mangt. want big bucks for these items regardless of no cost/cost neutral. The other fact is the price the company puts on an item. Value is established at the time something is negotiated. In most situations the value can only increase. Isn't it funny how much negotiated items are worth when the company announces a signed agreement but then how little value the have when the want concessions? And then when the company is in financial trouble all of these items become the staw that is breaking the company's back (until giveback time). How dare anyone blame the ills of the corporation on the unions. Isn't management supposed to manage? If my company (or department) fails, as a manager I would feel a huge responsibility. Not expect a bonus.