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That's what happened when the last (before the last) offer was voted down.

Not good for the NO voters. This is sending a false message to the Yes voters to make sure they all vote Yes. The No voters might think of celebrating victory by that move. Typical warfare tactic.

Unless AA has a sneak look at the numbers. No I do not think anyone would stoop that low. Maybe the TWU saw the current numbers and informed AA to play the psychological warfare game. We will know tomorrow hopefully.
It has been a whole day with just one day left to vote. I asked a simple question and it has not been answered, how is a NO VOTE gonna benefit me over a YES VOTE?
As many no voters as you say there are you would think just one person could answer the question. More money or benifits? You tell me.
The simple answer to your question is.... A no vote will not benifit you in any way. You can vote no and just give up or you can vote yes and live to fight another day. I'm not going to rollover on to my elbows and knees and vote no.... Vote yes and fight another day.
The simple answer to your question is.... A no vote will not benifit you in any way. You can vote no and just give up or you can vote yes and live to fight another day. I'm not going to rollover on to my elbows and knees and vote no.... Vote yes and fight another day.

Another day is 6 years plus. And if you vote yes you did roll over or shud I say Bend over. Now continue your pathetic life on your knees
Another day is 6 years plus. And if you vote yes you did roll over or shud I say Bend over. Now continue your pathetic life on your knees
And a vote no is for how long? Get those buns back in the air.
If the TWU and AA management are going to shoot us, let em - I'm not going to load the gun for them. Vote NO!
So you're just going to give up, vote no and let them have their way you? Nice!
Just talked to my brother who was laid off again from his company. I told him I was going to vote no, he thought that was not a good idea, and that I should appreciate what I have, a good paying job with benefits (not as good as before, but better then most), some sense of security because I have a decent amount of seniority. He would kill to have been able to stay at one company for more then 15 years, he and his wife both have masters, but both have been let go from numerous company's because of downsizing, mergers, elimination of their division that they worked in. Seniority at a company doesn't mean anything with white collar employees. He is never out of work for more then 8 months, but like I said, he is highly educated and very connected in his field. He has only had to move twice but until 2008 he has never lost money on a house.

I told him about the DFW guys going up to TUL, and telling them guys to vote NO. He asked, if the big lay off's hit, who takes the most lay off's TUL or DFW? I said TUL will, he says, so DFW doesn't have as much skin in a lay off as TUL but yet DFW guys are telling TUL guys to risk everything. Just an opinion from someone from the outside looking in, and knows what the job market is like. Make no mistake there will be lay offs and we will have to live with whatever we vote with.
Just talked to my brother who was laid off again from his company. I told him I was going to vote no, he thought that was not a good idea, and that I should appreciate what I have, a good paying job with benefits (not as good as before, but better then most), some sense of security because I have a decent amount of seniority. He would kill to have been able to stay at one company for more then 15 years, he and his wife both have masters, but both have been let go from numerous company's because of downsizing, mergers, elimination of their division that they worked in. Seniority at a company doesn't mean anything with white collar employees. He is never out of work for more then 8 months, but like I said, he is highly educated and very connected in his field. He has only had to move twice but until 2008 he has never lost money on a house.

I told him about the DFW guys going up to TUL, and telling them guys to vote NO. He asked, if the big lay off's hit, who takes the most lay off's TUL or DFW? I said TUL will, he says, so DFW doesn't have as much skin in a lay off as TUL but yet DFW guys are telling TUL guys to risk everything. Just an opinion from someone from the outside looking in, and knows what the job market is like. Make no mistake there will be lay offs and we will have to live with whatever we vote with.

Blueweng48, I to have walked a picket line. I honored that line for over 18 months. I was on that Picket Line one day longer than the scabs that took our jobs. We were fortunate to have watched them roll their tool boxes past our solid line. I hold in high honor your breakfast buddies that sacrificed while honoring the picket line. But they have been retired for 27 years. They have their pensions, their social security, their pass priviledges and their medical. Just because they honored a picket line over 27 years ago does not make their "Yes" vote a more wise decision if they were allowed to vote than my "NO" vote. The difference is they have nothing to lose. They earned what they are enjoying today and I am proud for them. To use them to try to solicite "yes" votes is sad. I standby my "NO" vote and have no regrets. As with everyone else I await the outcome. No matter how you voted at least you voted. To the members that chose not to vote, Shame On You!!
This is a forum for information and i thought it was interesting to me, so i wanted to share it with others. i appreciate your sacrafices and your vote also no matter how you vote.i am not here to slam people,but to express my views. You sound like a logical person and I appreciate your views. No matter how this comes out I just hope it is best for all.
And a vote no is for how long? Get those buns back in the air.
Oh I see. In your warped mind if you vote no and fight it is giving up and if you grab your ankles and vote yes that is fighting? Now I know who you are! Welcome to the forum JIM LITTLE!!!!! No matter how you spin it, you are giving up. I suggest you never go to prison.
Oh I see. In your warped mind if you vote no and fight it is giving up and if you grab your ankles and vote yes that is fighting? Now I know who you are! Welcome to the forum JIM LITTLE!!!!! No matter how you spin it, you are giving up. I suggest you never go to prison.
No, I don't think you see.... I think you're ate up with emotion and ego.

Scenario, Our deal gets voted down, the contract gets abrogated, AA/Creditors impose the term sheet.

Now what? We get to negotiate for an other eternity?

Please, Tell us what happens next.

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