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looks like a 'yes' vote

Although I have not seen this in print, I received a phone call from someone I would call a 'secondary source' who explained that the IAM pension increase of a nickel was 'insisted upon' by the IAM and when your company decided to trash fleet service's profit sharing checks for future years, the IAM was all too happy to agree. The extra 'nickel' a year translates to an additional .50cents per year and supposedly came at the expense of the profit sharing. Profit sharing will be 'substantial' this year with the pretax profits extending beyond a billion it seems. That, together with higher pay means each full timer would have received something around $2,000 check. Please say this isn't so because although it sounds very IAMish, it's mind boggling.

Again, I haven't seen this in print so let's not rush to judgement but if the profit sharing is gone because the IAM wanted more money in its own war chest then this is dispicable.

Nonetheless, I see a strong yes vote from the west, PHL junior people, and class 2's.

Profit sharing gone? What's next......medical insurance......anyone ever heard the word WORK ACTION?
Grow some hair on them and vote NO. Send the 100,000 dollar club back to the table and let them sweat. We deserve better, we gave, now it's thier time. Don't forget Parker doesn't live like a beggar.
If he did, he could rationalize with us, instead of his republican anti blue collar friends.
Cheer up crew ! i don't think things are as bad as you think they are ! 🙄
O.K. So just when the West thought it would be 19 top out at 10 years and more going into 2011, now we are hearing the East hates starting out at 10 years with 17 something and increments for 6 months and probably coming up to 19 in about seven months or around next June and going to year 12 experience generating whatever into 2011. And! Now we are hearing there would be no extention to profit sharing? I, for one on the west might have want'ed 17 something this October after voting by Sept 5th and 30 days later having the money starting to flow into the paychecks. Question? How much time would Change of Control involve until revenue in our paychecks could be seen. Would this at all be before the end of the year for all of us who have been waiting and losing too much for the last two years (knowing very well the East experienced bankruptcy and almost 7 dollar cuts, but, remember it was bankruptcy). Would this problem be resolved ASAP. The West makes 15 an hour. Can we actually guarentee that we could see results from waiting thru the Change of Control or are we fooling ourselves and that the company would love to see thing drag on for another year.
O.K. So just when the West thought it would be 19 top out at 10 years and more going into 2011, now we are hearing the East hates starting out at 10 years with 17 something and increments for 6 months and probably coming up to 19 in about seven months or around next June and going to year 12 experience generating whatever into 2011. And! Now we are hearing there would be no extention to profit sharing? I, for one on the west might have want'ed 17 something this October after voting by Sept 5th and 30 days later having the money starting to flow into the paychecks. Question? How much time would Change of Control involve until revenue in our paychecks could be seen. Would this at all be before the end of the year for all of us who have been waiting and losing too much for the last two years (knowing very well the East experienced bankruptcy and almost 7 dollar cuts, but, remember it was bankruptcy). Would this problem be resolved ASAP. The West makes 15 an hour. Can we actually guarentee that we could see results from waiting thru the Change of Control or are we fooling ourselves and that the company would love to see thing drag on for another year.

The Change of control grievance only applies to the east side. If the union wins, which is a big if, the east would get it right away. The union would then have to negotiate with the company to get the west included. The company could say no and leave the west with the TWU contract until the new IAM contract is negotiated in 2010. This is also assuming that US Air does not fight a change of control victory by the union in federal court, which they said they would. Either way the west will not see a dime of the change of control grievance if it is won by the union for years.

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