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You two can say whatever you like. But in my life my Wife is a helluva alot more important to me than what others think of my spine or my vote on the POS T/A. My Wife is the most important thing below God in my life. You can go on fighting the corporate greed bastards and the corrupt union all you want, but I tell you this, when the most important thing in your life is your wife and she is sick and someone like you makes a post like that it is damn difficult to refrain from hunting you down and beating some real sense into your brain. But I humble myself and forgive you and the other greedy fools of the world that know not yet what really matters in life. God will someday touch your heart also about what is really important. Good Luck

I am not placing blame on my wife, I am fullfilling an oath before God to my wife. Go ahead and make all the rediculous persecutions you want because I am strong in my relationship with my creator and faith that I am right and I can take more than any of you can dish out with your greed.

Are you and yours' OK?

Just curious here. Besides the ex-president of local 514, several other big line stations voted to bring this junk back to us. Does anybody know why?
<_< -------- That's a no-brainer! They brought it back because Little told them to!!!! End of story!
Just curious here. Besides the ex-president of local 514, several other big line stations voted to bring this junk back to us. Does anybody know why?

They were or still are hoping for a spot in the International. Self serving individuals.

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