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Voting Results

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Yep - real amusing watching you guys cash in your futures -- hope it was worth it!

only doing what our leaders suggest we do

"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

If we can't trust our own leaders , the people who are suppose to be EXPERTS on what's going on between our union and the memebership who CAN we trust ?
only doing what our leaders suggest we do

In earlier posts you said you were voting based on what's best for you......implying that you were capable of making an informed decision on your own.
Now you say you are only doing as you are told.....which is it?
only doing what our leaders suggest we do

"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

If we can't trust our own leaders , the people who are suppose to be EXPERTS on what's going on between our union and the memebership who CAN we trust ?
You do not have to defend yourself Freedom.

Regarding PHX. With 1200 eligible voters there, was only a 55% turnout. Many were anticipating a 70% turnout for PHX so this is somewhat surprising. This opens the door for PHL. If PHL is a decent No vote then things may get interesting. PIT is slam shut No. CLT is most likely 90% No and a huge turnout is expected from the 1200 good ole boys. Some small stations are starting to come in. Some results I have will not be posted as I was told the results privately and only to be used if there is some dispute with the count. Things are looking better for the No's because I was a bit surprised by one station. If PHL can produce a large turnout of the 1600 workers and maintain a 60% NO, and if CLT produces a large turnout of the 1200 voters, and PIT produces large then the only question may be if you folks can send a message to Parker with a BIG NO Vote.
My understanding is that if Fleet Service votes this down then the Mechanics will pull back from negotiations and hold off.

In earlier posts you said you were voting based on what's best for you......implying that you were capable of making an informed decision on your own.
Now you say you are only doing as you are told.....which is it?

it's both , but it's far easier for me to hid behind our leaders as a shield ... it's one thing for me to vote from my own self interest , its a completely other thing to head the advice of your union leaders... in this case i get the best of both worlds .. besides i was answering the reply of contract who thinks we are throwing away our future . My argument that we are not throwing away our future would be almost meaningless if my reply was "well i'm doing what's best for me!" however , by saying that i'm following the advice of our union leadership would imply to a much stronger degree that i am not throwing away our future because our JNC people are the ones who are suppose to know what their doing ....

as to the ablity to make an informed decision , part of that information is this

"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

man i love using that statment lol
"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

man i love using that statment lol"

Enjoy it while you can. You'll come to regret it, and you will be the first on this board griping about how the IAM sold you out.
"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

man i love using that statment lol"

Enjoy it while you can. You'll come to regret it, and you will be the first on this board griping about how the IAM sold you out.

i hope that doesn't happen , i hope that if the no vote wins than what i predicted doesn't happen ...i only want to see some small form of justice for us really poor folk out west , the ratification of this contract seems like the best way to safely acheive our aims . i wish there was a better way here that didn't have so much division ...

The stakes are high , i can only hope that trusting our leaders is the right thing to do .
I have worked ramp and will be the first to say you deserve better - but this TA did not do the ramp justice - they deserve a raise without giving up benefits to get it. We are already planning our NO vote. We should both roll the dice and see what happens with the CIC.
The negotiation committe does not recommend that you vote for this , quit spreading your lies.They tell you to look at your options and decide.The greivance person who came to my city reccomenned a no vote.
only doing what our leaders suggest we do

"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

If we can't trust our own leaders , the people who are suppose to be EXPERTS on what's going on between our union and the memebership who CAN we trust ?

Hey Freedom. you ever hear of a guy named Hitler? :unsure:
The negotiation committe does not recommend that you vote for this , quit spreading your lies.They tell you to look at your options and decide.The greivance person who came to my city reccomenned a no vote.

ok i know this is still off topic but i had to adress this ....

what part of

"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

looks like a lie to you ? Do you think i made that statment up and now just enjoy using it as much as possible ?

if you think i'm being untruthfull then go to this page


go down to the august 10th annoucment and read the 5th pargraph . That's my source
Read it for whats its worth.

Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement. The final decision, however, rests with the membership. We urge the membership to attend ratification meetings, ask questions and base your decision on factual information, not rumor.

That means read the fine print,because the link only goes to the highlight sheet.It does not send you to the actual contract language.If you vote without reading the language your a fool. :down: :down: :down:
Just thought everyone would like to know !! In PHL
as of 1600 there were 700 votes cast and the scuttle is less
than 70 were YES votes which would mean 630 NO votes as
of 1600....They are hoping for another 200 or so votes before
they close at 1900...PHL is a BIG NO !!!...if the numbers aren't
posted when I get home later..I will post final count......
only doing what our leaders suggest we do

"Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends ratification of this agreement."

If we can't trust our own leaders , the people who are suppose to be EXPERTS on what's going on between our union and the memebership who CAN we trust ?


Listen! The iam is only after whats good for them, not you. The iam will benefit from a yes vote, not you. You must understand this! They are not about your best intrests. They will sell you out in a heartbeat if they can profit from it. DO NOT put your trust in them!! They can't be trusted. You'll see I'm right. It's all about the dues money and nothing more. The End
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