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Being put to the back of the class is better than accepting bad language that will eventually trickle through the industry. Heck, the company dragged their feet so long we are use to waiting. 🙂

Mid 2011 will work just fine.

If this POS T/A passes it will make the AA aircraft mechanic the scum of the industry.A modern day A-Scaler who sold out the future A&P,s
Welcome back Military veterans to a two-tier wage system with lousy pay and benifets when you rotate back.
I dont recall Kane saying that to Maintenance, he said something to that effect to the Stores guys after our TA.

I am just paraphrasing what I was told; however, the gist of what took place was that Rheem (sp) explained that this was all there was going to be offered, and Jack Kane intimated that he would like the offer brought to the membership for a vote. Either way, it's up to the membership now.

I voted NO on the TA. In addition, I have filled out the AMP authorization card and am currently collecting cards at my station from other AMTs, Auto/facilities mechs, and our materials management specialists.

If this TA is voted down, we could have problems with the new leadership from Local 514. The new FSC president was overheard saying that "the days of AA base AMTs making airline wages are over". Watch out line AMTs, cause this guy is a "spread the wealth" kinda guy. In other words, why should an AMT make more than a baggage handler. That is one more important reason why it is imperative the TWU is voted out ASAP!
The new FSC president was overheard saying that "the days of AA base AMTs making airline wages are over". Watch out line AMTs, cause this guy is a "spread the wealth" kinda guy. In other words, why should an AMT make more than a baggage handler. That is one more important reason why it is imperative the TWU is voted out ASAP!

That is a bombshell of a quote. Can you substantiate it was said, including the context? We wouldn't want to create another incident by not seeing the "whole video".
The new FSC president was overheard saying that "the days of AA base AMTs making airline wages are over". Watch out line AMTs, cause this guy is a "spread the wealth" kinda guy. In other words, why should an AMT make more than a baggage handler.

How do you arrive at that notion from THAT hearsay quote? Even if it was true I arrive at a completely different meaning.
You can ask the NMB to release you until you're blue in the face. There won't be any release. Voting no sends you to the back of the class with the dunce cap on, where you get to wait until other TWU groups, pilots and flight attendants do their thing. You'll be looking at mid-2011 before the NMB thinks about turning its gaze back to you. Not saying it's right, just that it is the reality of the situation, and that is one of the risks a no vote takes.
I'd rather have a dunce cap on walking the picket line in mid-2011, then to give away my job in mid-2010.
I talked to a fellow AAer at work and he voted yes. He was afraid that if this T/A gets turned down we will lose our jobs when we go on strike. The flyer and the ballot nomenclature must have convinced him to vote yes. This worries me because this guy is not a dummy and hates the TWU. Kind of makes me wonder how many more voted the same.
I will be taking mine to work and marking """"NO!!!!"""" proudly in front of all my coworkers. Taking a picture of it and puting it on this board!!! 😀 :lol: 😛 😉
Just wondering where the picture of the NO vote is.
I talked to a fellow AAer at work and he voted yes. He was afraid that if this T/A gets turned down we will lose our jobs when we go on strike. The flyer and the ballot nomenclature must have convinced him to vote yes. This worries me because this guy is not a dummy and hates the TWU. Kind of makes me wonder how many more voted the same.
Did you check him for a spine???
I don't see how it is spineless to vote to avoid committing career suicide. You can talk the big talk all you want to, but the bottom line is that a strike will lead to shrinking operations in the best case, and liquidation in the worst.

So your best case scenario is more lost jobs at AA, and your worst is that we ALL lose our jobs. Very smart strategy indeed.
I don't see how it is spineless to vote to avoid committing career suicide. You can talk the big talk all you want to, but the bottom line is that a strike will lead to shrinking operations in the best case, and liquidation in the worst.

So your best case scenario is more lost jobs at AA, and your worst is that we ALL lose our jobs. Very smart strategy indeed.

Who would be talking about a strike? If you don't have any idea how this process works, please just educate yourself.
Only thing you are trying to do is install fear.
I don't see how it is spineless to vote to avoid committing career suicide. You can talk the big talk all you want to, but the bottom line is that a strike will lead to shrinking operations in the best case, and liquidation in the worst.

So your best case scenario is more lost jobs at AA, and your worst is that we ALL lose our jobs. Very smart strategy indeed.

These guys mostly resort to name calling in the face of a differing opinion. While I don't agree with your opinion about the bottom falling out with the company, and you have voiced this opinion in so many different forums. I view your posts as a form of terror tactic, unless you have a crystal ball and can see exactly what the future holds.

To me the bottom line is most of the guys that are talking smack would most likely be the first ones to cross the lines causing a failure of a strike. They have no faith in the union leadership, (me neither), no faith in their co workers, (me neither) and no faith in themselves because they are in hock up to their eyeballs. I for one do not fall into the latter category.
These guys mostly resort to name calling in the face of a differing opinion. While I don't agree with your opinion about the bottom falling out with the company, and you have voiced this opinion in so many different forums. I view your posts as a form of terror tactic, unless you have a crystal ball and can see exactly what the future holds.

To me the bottom line is most of the guys that are talking smack would most likely be the first ones to cross the lines causing a failure of a strike. They have no faith in the union leadership, (me neither), no faith in their co workers, (me neither) and no faith in themselves because they are in hock up to their eyeballs. I for one do not fall into the latter category.
Here is my guess, TA is voted down, we are put on back burner while other work groups are dealt with, which is good, why be the first one to agree on contract, time is on our side, dont settle for this TA...............
Here is my guess, TA is voted down, we are put on back burner while other work groups are dealt with, which is good, why be the first one to agree on contract, time is on our side, dont settle for this TA...............
I agree. The increase in medical premiums this fall will probably take our breaths away. As Bob has pointed out, subsidizing the other work groups medical expenses has got to stop.

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