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Vote No Video from Presidents


You are a real piece of works.

You come and preach over and over again to turn down everything. So far your track record stinks. Before the negotiations you supported organizations that destroyed our profession. Now you are attempting to drive us into extinction.

Thanks Bob for negotiating this piece of junk.

For the life of me I can't see why anyone would want to listen to you!!!!!

Track record?

You say Bob's track record stinks.

And the TWU 's track record where do you place it?
Wasn't bashing Tulsa as a whole. Actually damn proud of those in Tulsa who are stepping it up. Just bashing the local leadership who are not on or endorsing the video like others. If they choose to endorse the video, I will gladly retract the statement. My apologies if I offended you.
Thank you Tex. Us Tulsans are doing our damndest to get the "real" info dispersed. We are getting threats weekly from management in memos. Seems to be daily quarrels with older TWU who are bent on voting yes. All I can say is we arent giving in.
Thank you Tex. Us Tulsans are doing our damndest to get the "real" info dispersed. We are getting threats weekly from management in memos. Seems to be daily quarrels with older TWU who are bent on voting yes. All I can say is we arent giving in.
Yes getting the real info out is difficult. 90% won't go and find it themselves and just something as simple as the $10k on the early out is enough for their vote.
And the worthless twu knows more than the APA and the APFA who both told AA to go pound sand. Two other unions with a strong NO message to AA but the twu sheeple know better GIVE ME A BREAK. At least see this sherade for what it is the only union on the property willing to give back more enough is enough !
I thought it was a Funny or Die video for a while there.

Lot's of errors in there and not much other than if you vote no. Oh wait, the dream team is going to negotiate a deal after we all vote no before the judge abrogates the agreement. Really? What couldn't be done since 2007 will miraculously get done in a few days. Wow, you guys are awesome.

All that was in the video was that yes, the deal sucks. I think we all get that, the point is this union has no leverage. These guys now claim by voting no they will be endowed with special power that will get the Company to give in or the judge to rule in our favor. The judge and creditors don't care if we are the lowest paid, they are trying to get their investments back not make us happy.

Bottom line, AA does not need a deal from us. If we vote no they will proceed with their motion to abrogate. That's what these guys want, why? Because once those 4,000 plus jobs are gone they will finally get the higher wage line pay they want. AA would love to finally have a free hand to outsource whenever they want, paying a few extra dollars to 4,000 line AMTs won't effect AA's bottom line.
WOW.I suppose it doesn't matter that line and overhaul mechs share the same seniority list? that if TULE closes or downsizes many line guys will be bumped to the street by senior Tulsa guys?That has got to be one of the most short sighted ridiculous posts I have read yet.Who exactly are you trying to represent?Go ahead ignore facts insert fear.
Im so sick and tired of the TUL bashing you assholes. there are how many locals he mentioned 2 more in his statement and you you go straight to tulsa f you. there are plenty here that are voting no so quit your bashing its getting old, hell im about so sick of it i might just vote yes to piss you off. im getting layed off yes or no, but im really sick of its all my fault.

LISTEN..' iluv ', if you're in the minority in Tul who knows a P O S contract when he see's one, and votes like a man with a SACK, then I'll take your word for it (Not that you owe Me anything), AND I'll sincerely say,.... " I feel Bad for you and others in TUL who have to be outnumbered by spineless Bas-tards who are the SINGLE reason that the AA/AMT situation is what it is today" .

However, when others point to TUL (and I agree, they should preface thier statements with " It's the fault of all the long time TUL YES voters... etc, etc, etc), then try to understand that that's what they mean !

Just know that IF you get laid off(AND I HOPE YOU DONT), you will know that it wasn't us hard-liners up here in the North East corner of the good ol' USA who are the reason you are rolling you tool box into your pick-up !

Just watched this video with an "early out" qualified yes voter.

He is now a solid NO VOTE

I thought it was a Funny or Die video for a while there.

Lot's of errors in there and not much other than if you vote no. Oh wait, the dream team is going to negotiate a deal after we all vote no before the judge abrogates the agreement. Really? What couldn't be done since 2007 will miraculously get done in a few days. Wow, you guys are awesome.

All that was in the video was that yes, the deal sucks. I think we all get that, the point is this union has no leverage. These guys now claim by voting no they will be endowed with special power that will get the Company to give in or the judge to rule in our favor. The judge and creditors don't care if we are the lowest paid, they are trying to get their investments back not make us happy.

Bottom line, AA does not need a deal from us. If we vote no they will proceed with their motion to abrogate. That's what these guys want, why? Because once those 4,000 plus jobs are gone they will finally get the higher wage line pay they want. AA would love to finally have a free hand to outsource whenever they want, paying a few extra dollars to 4,000 line AMTs won't effect AA's bottom line.

Dallas Morning News Article

I appreciate the time taken out by these presidents to get together and make this public announcement.

I still encourage everyone to read the entire FULL TEXT. The side-by-side- comparison pales in detail compared to the full text.
Don't just scan the flyer sent to our homes in an envelope. Take some time out and read the whole thing. This is not just about the hot topics of pay, pension, and medical....
There is language changes that undoubtedly will make you change your mind whatever way you are leaning.

You are a real piece of works.

You come and preach over and over again to turn down everything. So far your track record stinks. Before the negotiations you supported organizations that destroyed our profession. Now you are attempting to drive us into extinction.

Thanks Bob for negotiating this piece of junk.

For the life of me I can't see why anyone would want to listen to you!!!!!


Whos track record goes on record that really stinks?
Bob Owens or the TWU?

You are a real piece of works.

You come and preach over and over again to turn down everything. So far your track record stinks. Before the negotiations you supported organizations that destroyed our profession. Now you are attempting to drive us into extinction.

Thanks Bob for negotiating this piece of junk.

For the life of me I can't see why anyone would want to listen to you!!!!!


CIO, you need to direct your anger and accusations at Little..He has repeatedly made it clear the INTERNATIONAL OWNS THE CONTRACT!

I didn't realize Bob Owens had the sole authority to negotiate a contract!
CIO, lives in a low cost of living area, he has 2 (two) licensed AMT incomes coming into the household in addition to 1 (one) local union officer paycheck, Between the two of them they produce less for AA than an employee on workmans comp disability. That's right, in excess of $120,000.00 per year and very little in return from the production side for AA.

Combine with the fact that he has relatives on the property that he worries more about than any of you out there.

Not to attack the guy, but he has no clue what it is like to not to have more than enough income to pay the bills. In fact, he would be considered RICH compared to any LINE AMT in a high cost of living area.

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