I thought it was a Funny or Die video for a while there.
Lot's of errors in there and not much other than if you vote no. Oh wait, the dream team is going to negotiate a deal after we all vote no before the judge abrogates the agreement. Really? What couldn't be done since 2007 will miraculously get done in a few days. Wow, you guys are awesome.
All that was in the video was that yes, the deal sucks. I think we all get that, the point is this union has no leverage. These guys now claim by voting no they will be endowed with special power that will get the Company to give in or the judge to rule in our favor. The judge and creditors don't care if we are the lowest paid, they are trying to get their investments back not make us happy.
Bottom line, AA does not need a deal from us. If we vote no they will proceed with their motion to abrogate. That's what these guys want, why? Because once those 4,000 plus jobs are gone they will finally get the higher wage line pay they want. AA would love to finally have a free hand to outsource whenever they want, paying a few extra dollars to 4,000 line AMTs won't effect AA's bottom line.