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usairways addresses the twu incident on usdaily

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Okay. You know who is involved. Are you reporting them to the police and US Airways?

No, I'm too busy reading moronic posts from people pushing the election and telling FSA that they're better off decertified than with the IAM.
THis is suppose to be a free country and in a free country the TWU was exercising their right to campaign for more members of the phl fleet service to get an election to see who would represent the employees of the new USAIRWAYS

I think this is the most logical post here. People forget why unions were started. And, because the purpose of the union has been lost in recent years, that is the very reason many are so anti-union. If unions still stood for the reason they were created...to give the intimidated worker a voice and to empower them...to help give them a safe and fair work environment...maybe this would have never happened. Instead of sticking up for the leaders of the union, maybe the union members and leaders need to come out a little stronger rather than just saying that they don't condone violence. Who would publicly say that they do condone violence--those types of statements are hollow and meaningless.
I think this is the most logical post here. People forget why unions were started. And, because the purpose of the union has been lost in recent years, that is the very reason many are so anti-union. If unions still stood for the reason they were created...to give the intimidated worker a voice and to empower them...to help give them a safe and fair work environment...maybe this would have never happened. Instead of sticking up for the leaders of the union, maybe the union members and leaders need to come out a little stronger rather than just saying that they don't condone violence. Who would publicly say that they do condone violence--those types of statements are hollow and meaningless.
Actions speak louder than words!
The IAM leaders need to go to jail. Although I am sure they didn't thrown any punches!
I wonder if the US rampers are "real" employees, is this their "real job" or are they just "employed at US" in the course of doing their "Union Job"? What kind of kick back does they union give their "muscle" to do this kind of thing? :down:
This act was not done by the IAM, it was done by individuals who acted on their own, not with the blessing of the International nor the District.

....it was done by people who happen to be paying dues to the local for IAM representation......the international nor the district will acknowledge the actions of these members......a full time position will be given to those individuals at the international if they lose the jobs at US Airways.....

Of course, most of this, is fiction but it seems to be a "read between the lines" type statement made by 7. For some reason 7 seems to feel that he speaks for the IAM. 🙂
Sundown on the IAM!! The premediated thuggery has failed. It is bringing all HP/US Airways West employees together. :up:
Making accusations?

Prove it was premidated by the whole IAM.

Get a dose of reality.
Making accusations?

Prove it was premidated by the whole IAM.

Get a dose of reality.

It doesn't have to be by the whole IAM.....just 25 of them.
You sure do get up from a nap very grumpy 7. I believe the IAM is about to get a "dose of reality". 🙂
Prove it wasn't.

Lets see, just a coincidence right 700?

Did you used to be the minister of information in Iraq?


They are on video evidently, fire their asses, send them to jail, and sue the hell out of the IAM.
The facts? Gee the twu wrote it, does that make it facts?

Did the twu interrogate all the 25 people involved?

It is all spin and you got caught in it, there is no factual proof yet that is it was premeditated. When the police release the results of the investigation and/or it goes to trial the facts will come out then.
Get a good civil tort lawyer and IAM might just be writing some very powerful checks. It could very easily trigger a RICO criminal investigation as well as a Civil RICO case.

You got that right.

If it's shown that these guys were taken off their shifts for "Union business" and then committed these crimes, the IAM will be paying out big time. As I said earlier the Local Lodge pays your salary when off on business plus a percentage to the company for Administrative costs.

I'd be suing:

- The individuals who carried out the assault

- The individuals who left the room immediately before the assault

- The IAM

- Usairways (if ANY of the individuals was in uniform or on the clock)

- The Marriott

This is an open and shut case which would be heard in Philadelphia County, which is known for it's huge jury awards and settlements.
The facts? Gee the twu wrote it, does that make it facts?

Did the twu interrogate all the 25 people involved?

It is all spin and you got caught in it, there is no factual proof yet that is it was premeditated. When the police release the results of the investigation and/or it goes to trial the facts will come out then.
The TWU legal wrote it. The newspapers all over the country have written it. Does that make it fact? No, it makes it public knowledge and with that comes the perception of premeditation.

The act of speculating, arranging, or plotting in advance.
Law. The contemplation of a crime well enough in advance to show deliberate intent to commit the crime; forethought.

How long is it going to take for the investigation and the legal process? This damage was instant and in my opinion, going to be a tough one to fix.
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