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usairways addresses the twu incident on usdaily

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So since the ibt leads all the unions by far in member violence then all the teamsters are far worse then the IAM if everyone thought your way.

Then all the ibt members are mobsters too?

Open your eyes and your mind.
My eyes and mind are open. I am speaking of this most recent incident only. Every person and every union has a past and none of them are squeeky clean. As I said, it's a horrible reflection on US Airways also because these individuals chose to be violent and cause bodily harm, are US Airways employees and IAM members/representatives. I would say the same thing and have the same opinion no matter which union was doing the beatings. And look at the facts, it was a premeditated act. There's been a Federal investigation called for. It's a serious offense and that's a FACT.
where do you board mongers get your facts?? A federal investigation....get a grip!!
From MR-700 :unsure:
ever heard of the rico act, racketeering, apparently this was brought up the night before at the IAM meeting in PHL, and an AGC led them into the hotel, 700 open your eyes, if your going to do something dont be stupid about it and dont where your IAM shirts when you go in. I hear Armedio is fired and look at the IAM website, no more picture of him.
Here in my hands I have a Declaration by a TWU official to the National Mediation Board Case # CR-6886 with reference to the incident in Philadelphia. I will include excerpts which are of most importance. It is quite shocking and disturbing. Names will be left out. I'm sure if you want a copy, you can attain one from NMB.

6. At approximately 9:00 a.m. on February 8, 2006, I was at the Marriott Hotel where the meeting was to be held, when I was approaced by my staff member, Mr. A, who told me that there were three IAM officials who wanted to speak with me in the meeting room.

7. As I passed through the lobby, on my way to the meeting room, I passed through a crowd of approximately 25 men. I believed them to be US Airways fleet service.

8. I went to the meeting room and three men were present. They introduced themselves to me as IAM officials. I believe one man told me that he was president of the local lodge and I believe another said he was an international officer. I do not recall their names, but at least one name appears on a police report that I will later describe.

9. These three men told me that my staff should leave town. I told them that TWU had a right to be there and we were conducting an informational meeting as permitted by the rules of the National Mediation Board ("NMB"). They repeated that we should leave town or the crowd of men I had passed through in the lobby would physically assault us.

10. About a minute or two later, the crowd of 25 men from the lobby burst through the doors of the meeting room. They came running in and were cursing and yelling. The room was set up for a meeting with chair lined up. The men picked up the chairs and threw them at us. They punched and kicked us and broke glass and furniture.

Continued ...
11. Mr. B was hit over the head and his glasses were broken. I believe that part of the broken glasses went into his eye causing a serious eye injury. He also suffered bodily injuries in the form of bruises and/or lacerations. When the paramedics arrived they took him by ambulance to the emergency room.

12. Mr. C was also assaulted. One of the attackers hit him in the eye while wearing a ring. I believe that C suffered a cut retina and other bruises and/or lacerations. When the paramedics arrived, they took him by ambulance to the emergency room.

13. Mr. D was also assaulted. One of the attackers threw hot coffee in his face. He was also punched and kicked. He suffered bruises and/or lacerations.

14. I was also assaulted. The attackers kicked me a few times. I have some bruises.

17. There was a rear door with an alarm and during the course of the assault, Mr. B and I made our way to the rear door and triggered the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the attackers left soon after. I believe that, had the alarm not gone off, the attackers intended to kill someone.

18. After they were gone, I noticed that my cell phone was missing. Also missing was my file which contained my notes and information about how many "A" cards we had collectedfor the merged unit. The file did not contain the cards themselves. I believe the attackers intended to steal TWU's cards that we had collected to submit to the NMB as a showing of interest.

22. When the police arrived, the attackers were gone. The police took a report of the attack. I submitted my statement to Philadelphia police detective, Lt. X.

23. Also following the attack, US Airways Manager of Labor Relations, Mr. Y, came to the hotel. He viewed the tape and was able to identify the names of all 25 men on the tape. He said that they were all US Airways employees and confirmed that all 25 had been signed out of their duty assignments on "union business".

If (1) the injuries are as serious as described in this incident, and (2) one was a local lodge officer and another from the international, any lawsuit is sure to bankrupt the IAM. No way a jury lets them off the hook.

Look at it this way, if Southwest was in CLT to talk to the Chamber of Commerce and officers of US Airways beat them up, US would be sued to no tomorrow. There is no amount of "these individuals acted on their own" speech that could prevent it.

Officers are held to a higher standard than if it were 25 rampers. Ask Ken Lay.
This act was not done by the IAM, it was done by individuals who acted on their own, not with the blessing of the International nor the District.

But hey don't let the facts get in the way of your rant.
The IAM is a trades union representing over 800,000 workers in more than 200 industries. The IAM can not act. It takes individuals to act for it. So if the individuals worked for the IAM, in a representive state then the the IAM performed this act. Plan and simple.
The IAM is a trades union representing over 800,000 workers in more than 200 industries. The IAM can not act. It takes individuals to act for it. So if the individuals worked for the IAM, in a representive state then the the IAM performed this act. Plan and simple.

I better vote I.A.M or i might get attacked and beatened and we at the so called "west" didnt ask for this b.s. forced into this sitituation everthing was going fine till this so called merger to save us air butt
I better vote I.A.M or i might get attacked and beatened and we at the so called "west" didnt ask for this b.s. forced into this sitituation everthing was going fine till this so called merger to save us air butt
ok buddy . hold on there and put the brakes on. i don't condone what happened . it was childish and irresponsible. but in no way did hp save usair's but. the investors did. hp wasn't shining high and mighty neither. doug parker has stated this many times. so let's just drop it right now and get back to topic and not start another who saved who thread. we were both in a pickle and both were saved by outside investors period, end of story. look foward to working with you in the future. have a nice day 🙂
in my opinion, this attack makes the IAM look awful. to me, there was ABSOLUTELY no EXCUSE in the world for those idiots to attack members of the TWU. THis is suppose to be a free country and in a free country the TWU was exercising their right to campaign for more members of the phl fleet service to get an election to see who would represent the employees of the new USAIRWAYS
in my opinion, this attack makes the IAM look awful. to me, there was ABSOLUTELY no EXCUSE in the world for those idiots to attack members of the TWU. THis is suppose to be a free country and in a free country the TWU was exercising their right to campaign for more members of the phl fleet service to get an election to see who would represent the employees of the new USAIRWAYS
THEY ARE SCARED !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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