Spin doc,
Oh, they all do.
Except US fleet. :angry:
Liberty bell's assessment is accurate.
Well, for starters he was also there when the 20+ stations flew out the window just over a year ago with outsourcing.700UW always tells me I get everything wrong about IAM. SO would you be so kind as to explain why having this Armedio fellow on the Negotiating committee is bad for the average ramper?
Yes, but you will return to work at STARTING RATE OF PAY since 60 days have come and gone.. Just another fine clause that was slipped in there... :down:Whu...... Have you not looked at the COB postings on usairways.com lately? There are QUITE a few fleet service openings, and I would assume that they will be backfilled with furloughed employees before they hire new employees.
There are a TON of fleet service openings across the entire system.
That is not true, back in the early 80s when we were all one district one person managed to beat the ticket.
> The three union officers for whom warrants have been issued are RobertSo what has become of the chosen Twenty Two?
As I recall there was only one guy on the ramp in PHL that armiedo truly had this problem with ,I'd bet you he has some stories to tell.........
Is boland a local politician ?
Is ceraso PHL / iam's EAP person ?
Is armedio the guy from Sears and now on the nego. comittee?
They should all be looking for new jobs
What a discredit to fleet service in PHL