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The Philly Twenty Two

Spin doc,

Oh, they all do.

Except US fleet. :angry:

Liberty bell's assessment is accurate.
Spin doc,

Oh, they all do.

Except US fleet. :angry:

Liberty bell's assessment is accurate.

Someone was asleep at the switch during the last round of negotiations for fleet service then. Maybe fleet service should decertify the IAM and look for better representation.
Whomever let this happen should be required to make up the difference in pay for each recalled furloughee.
700UW always tells me I get everything wrong about IAM. SO would you be so kind as to explain why having this Armedio fellow on the Negotiating committee is bad for the average ramper?
Well, for starters he was also there when the 20+ stations flew out the window just over a year ago with outsourcing.
This was all linked to the tradeoff of saving PHL catering, while hundreds in the outstations lost their jobs. But he did tell everyone, that he and the IAM got us all a raise that would in turn lift our severence and unemployent once we lost our jobs!!! Gee, thanks....The severence pay and the unemployment are long gone, but the job loss still lingers with many. :shock:
That is not true, back in the early 80s when we were all one district one person managed to beat the ticket.

And yes it is virtually impossible to beat the slate and get elected, the system needs to be changed.

Bob, once again you have no idea.

And you all forget, it was a final offer from the company, the furlough language was there and you should have read it before it was voted on, last time I checked the Fleet Service Members at US have never met a concession they did not like.

You ratified it, it sucks, but bottom line is you ratified.

And Dio, you are incorrect, after five years on furlough, a US Mechanic and Related goes back to the bottom of the payscale upon return to work.
Whu...... Have you not looked at the COB postings on usairways.com lately? There are QUITE a few fleet service openings, and I would assume that they will be backfilled with furloughed employees before they hire new employees.
There are a TON of fleet service openings across the entire system.
Yes, but you will return to work at STARTING RATE OF PAY since 60 days have come and gone.. Just another fine clause that was slipped in there... :down:
correction 700uw, only BDL and PVD were ADDED to CLASS I list to get the final vote thru and the ones in the hubs all voted in favore of it that is the plane truth
Jerry Nelson, and he has been retired for a quite awhile.
SO, that explains it !!

NO wonder the "BROTHERS" at PHL/ramp, "don't give a ####" !


As long as LCC stays in business, with PHL as it's largest hub.....PHL/fleet service, WILL NEVER be fixed

you got that right NHBB!!! Nothin will fix the phl rampers issues especially as long as you got the likes of armedio at the wheel of the ship sort of speaking

Guess you should know morally bankrupt, why dont you tell the whole board what you did to further your career?

I would call that morally bankrupt.

You have no idea of what the IAM or anyother workgroups were faced with during bankruptcy.

Funny how the CWA threw reservations under the bus, yet you say nothing about that?

What about how ALPA threw the jr pilots under the bus with the outsource of flying or how they agreed to terminate their pension without a membership vote?

Once again you have no idea, and your hatred for unions especially the IAM clouds your brain and you won't even educate yourself.

The IAM could not reach an agreement with the company as the IAM could not agree to job cuts of over 50% of the membership. See I would call that having morals, as no union could agree to what the company wanted to do with the IAM represented employees.

But since you won't educate yourself on chapter 11 and how it puts the company in the driver's seat, I would never expect you to understand and just continue to spew your hatred and let everyone see you for what you really are.

You are not an employee, nor a union member you just go on hearsay and second hand information, just continue to spew your venom and be happy with yourself.

You have no idea of what the rampers lost in 1992 and what the IAM gained back for them, but hey, dont let the facts and two chapter 11 cases get in your way.
So what has become of the chosen Twenty Two?
> The three union officers for whom warrants have been issued are Robert
Boland, local president of IAM Local Lodge 1776 in Philadelphia; Anthony
Armidio, assistant general chairman; and Vincent Cerasso, international

Is boland a local politician ?
Is ceraso PHL / iam's EAP person ?
Is armedio the guy from Sears and now on the nego. comittee?

They should all be looking for new jobs
What a discredit to fleet service in PHL
I'm so very glad I don't work on the ramp because I could not be silent and someone like Armedio & Howell and the 20 others would likely kill me and I like life pretty well thanks.

As I recall there was only one guy on the ramp in PHL that armiedo truly had this problem with ,I'd bet you he has some stories to tell.........
Rumor has it that T.O. hired them as body guards when the Cowgirls played in PHL last weekend....
As I recall there was only one guy on the ramp in PHL that armiedo truly had this problem with ,I'd bet you he has some stories to tell.........

There were a couple of guys that he would have liked to see dead during his time. One of them is a current AGC and help him get his position, after first taking care of another buddy. My, how times change.

Is boland a local politician ?

Yes, Ridley Park Pa.

Is ceraso PHL / iam's EAP person ?


Is armedio the guy from Sears and now on the nego. comittee?

Wow, blast from the past. Eh, he had a family at a young age and needed to do what he had to to support them. Then 'Brand Central' came along and he was SOL.

They should all be looking for new jobs
What a discredit to fleet service in PHL

You're right.

BTW, I know your questions were satirical, I'm just bored.

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