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usairways addresses the twu incident on usdaily

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Jim Little is a shaddy character. He won't give you a straight answer for anything. Gary Schults falls in that same category. He has done nothing for TWU Local 580. As for TWU being irresponsible for pushing an election...what should they do? Lay down and let the field stations get outsourced. Having an election is a very scary thing. If the 50 plus 1 don't vote then no union. I know personally that the officers of TWU Local 580 are aware and concerned about this.
This is a management dream. Unions fighting each other.

The only winners are the people who want no unions on the property.
This is a management dream. Unions fighting each other.

The only winners are the people who want no unions on the property.

I very recenlty took a labor relations class, and there is NO language in the RLA to allow for union decertification. In an initial election voting for a union, then yes, 50%+1 of the employees must vote. However, it is not clear if this happens in this type of situation. I belive that if that were to happen here, the NMB would certify the IAM as the surviving union. The IAM is probably telling everyone this to scare employees away from an election.

I'm by no means an attorney, but that's my interpretation of what I learned in my class.
The IAM is probably telling everyone this to scare employees away from an election.

I am not pro IAM. I am pro-union.

If less than 50% vote (not voting is a no vote) there is no union.

If we elected presidents by these rules there would be no president. Pass your own judgment on that idea.

If there is no vote at all, status quo prevails.

Status quo is a union.
FIRE ALL THEIR ASSES!!!!! AND GET RID OF THE FREAKIN I.A.M!!!! the intimidation has to stop. phl will never get fixed until people like this get taken out of the company. i realize that not all i.a.m members are this way but this is just iresponsible and embarrasing behavior on the i.a.m's part.
This act was not done by the IAM, it was done by individuals who acted on their own, not with the blessing of the International nor the District.

But hey don't let the facts get in the way of your rant.
Jim Little is a shaddy character. He won't give you a straight answer for anything. Gary Schults falls in that same category. He has done nothing for TWU Local 580. As for TWU being irresponsible for pushing an election...what should they do? Lay down and let the field stations get outsourced. Having an election is a very scary thing. If the 50 plus 1 don't vote then no union. I know personally that the officers of TWU Local 580 are aware and concerned about this.
You been drinkin' that IAM koolaid? Sure sounds like it! :blink:
I very recenlty took a labor relations class, and there is NO language in the RLA to allow for union decertification. In an initial election voting for a union, then yes, 50%+1 of the employees must vote. However, it is not clear if this happens in this type of situation. I belive that if that were to happen here, the NMB would certify the IAM as the surviving union. The IAM is probably telling everyone this to scare employees away from an election.

I'm by no means an attorney, but that's my interpretation of what I learned in my class.
Guess you missed the day.

It just happened at Piedmont where the stock clerks at PI Commuter were IAM and the Stock Clerks at Allegheny were ibt, the ibt forced an election, 50%+1 was not achieved the the stock clerks at the newly merged Piedmont/Allegheny are now non-union, decertified with no collective bargaining agreement and are now employees at will.
This act was not done by the IAM, it was done by individuals who acted on their own, not with the blessing of the International nor the District.

But hey don't let the facts get in the way of your rant.
Members of the IAM in one fashion or another, at one level or another but IAM nonetheless. It's a reflection on the organization and not an individual or individuals. And it's been reported nationwide and a horrible reflection on US Airways as well.
So since the ibt leads all the unions by far in member violence then all the teamsters are far worse then the IAM if everyone thought your way.

Then all the ibt members are mobsters too?

Open your eyes and your mind.
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