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Philadelphia Experiment

innocent until proven guilty, except on this forum :lol:

I think this sums it up quite well

"They just emerged from a second bankruptcy with their contract definitely beat up, and they were basically threatened" by the TWU organizing efforts. "I just think they were threatened by what they saw as an attempt to maybe hurt them some more."

I.M.O. the iam is done and the 22 know it
I guess you go down swinging
Now run along and play. You're so quick to chastize others for topic drift. Mr Pot meet Mr Kettle.
When it becomes pineyboob's us aviation, then you can tell me what to post.

Don't you have some locks to pick and documents to steal?
The ibt organized scab mechanics at CO and Scab F/As at an airline in Canada.

Don't let the facts get in your way!
Will see how long it takes the IAM to organize the SCABS at Northwest! And you have no problems with the IAM conspiring to help Northwest management bust a rival union by allowing it's members to perform struck work! I thought this thread was about the violence in Phl not about the IBT!
Will see how long it takes the IAM to organize the SCABS at Northwest! And you have no problems with the IAM conspiring to help Northwest management bust a rival union by allowing it's members to perform struck work! I thought this thread was about the violence in Phl not about the IBT!
IBT has the track record for that fanlube..... :lol:
The IAM Lawsuit makes is sound like the 25 IAM members were holed up in the fort while the entire TWU hoard of 5, yes FIVE TWU Ninja's stuck fear in their hearts causing them to lash out in anger and rage at their tormentors, Why it was like the Charge of the Light Brigade. The Noble 25 riding into the TWU jaws of death.

IAM-Our Fists and Lawyers make us strong! Ask the TWU!

Sadly, these guys from TWU are older gentlemen who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. Their days of fisticuffs were long behind them. I'm sure the guys who administered the beatings all feel good about themselves.
Sadly, these guys from TWU are older gentlemen who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. Their days of fisticuffs were long behind them. I'm sure the guys who administered the beatings all feel good about themselves.
How do you know if they are old or not? I havent seen a list of the names of the organizers.

I'll be perfectly honest, after what the TWU did to the workers at AA a lot of people were glad to hear about them getting their buts kicked. The bruses they suffered will be gone long before the suffering the TWU imposed on the workers of this industry ends.
Thuggery as displayed by the IAM damages the entire American Labor Movement. Unions have an incredibly negative perception in the eyes of the general public and what did the IAM's actions do to enhance unions image?

The incident was minor, as far as the negative perception how do you think unelected union bosses pulling down six figure salaries and generous benifits while their members give concesion after concession makes the labor movement look? When non-union companies like Dlta have to get massive concessions from their workers because unions like the TWU give away everything the labor movement fought for how do you think the public percieves that?

Like I said the bruises will heal long before the damage the TWU did to the American workers will be repaired.
Honestly Bob many of my associates think what a TOS ramper earned was to high and are frankly glad "That at last somebody stood up to those unions".

The perception in Non Union America that union workers are lazy, sleep on the job, hide behind the union and do as little work as possible, so I doubt if the publics perception was damaged. But mention the "Incident in PHL and EVERYBODY knows about it and the response, "Typical union mentality" One of the reasons that the public failed to get behind the TWU was their issue was contributing to their health care. Something that almost EVERY worker in the US does.

Leaders are not grounded in reality and spend time that could be spent organising filing suit to keep 22 prime examples of what's wrong with organized Labor employed with US Airways.
I'm not here to defend the IAM but lets remember that the TWU gave away employer paid health benifits over 15 years ago at AA. They called it "Flex Benifits" and actually told the members that it was an improvement over fully company paid benifits.

TWU members at AA have also been funding their retiree benifits since 1989.

In fact most of the concessions sought by USAIR were simply things that the TWU had granted to AA at some point in time between 1983 and the present.

To think that they would end up getting more members is sickening.
How does the ibt do it since they lead all unions by a 2 to 1 margin on member violence?
Dude, I am begging you to get something going on in your life. Once again you along with the guy in the next cubicle over (delldude) are posting every hour on this board. I haven't been on here in almost a week and decided to check things out. Surprise just today you have posted in the 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 o'clock hours on seperate topics here!!!! Can't the IAM find something constructive for you and DellDude to do in your locals office?
Because in 1983 Frank Lorenzo used the bankrupcty court to void every CBA and eliminated all unions from CO's property.

Section 1113 was not in exsistance back then and because of what he did Congress changed the laws.

The IAM represented mechanics along with all other unions struck CO.

700, first off, to be clear, I do think you are perfectly in the right to attack the IBT under this thread since the IBT is a variable under the context of a pending representational dispute. Not saying I agree with your opinion on some of your IBT points though.

For instance, I understand your point about the mechanics although I don't agree with it. I don't think the mechanics are scabs although that is only my opinion.

But, didn't the IAM represent the rampers at Continental back then? And although I don't see the rampers as scabs, do you? The IAM is trying to organize them and they already have the flight attendants.

The perception in Non Union America that union workers are lazy, sleep on the job, hide behind the union and do as little work as possible

There are far too many managers at US Airways that meet the same description (substituting a gift for goobersmooching for a union to hide behind) living on corporate welfare.
The thug mentality was fine when the coal field wars were going on. Fighting fire with fire often was the only way to organize.

That is not the case today. The internet makes communication instant and nearly free. Thuggery as displayed by the IAM damages the entire American Labor Movement. Unions have an incredibly negative perception in the eyes of the general public and what did the IAM's actions do to enhance unions image?

Bottom line is it should have never happened.

bob....say what you wish but the league leader in labor violence is none other than IBT itself.in fact for the most part fatally .
IAM has its share of history too - I remember what happened to some that crossed the IAM picket lines back in the 70's -

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