Works?! That dear sir depends on how one defines "works". ALPA and its minister would likely express in most certain terms that democracy does NOT work. In my ALPA experience, I never once felt ALPA believed the pilots are smart enough to make democracy work.
Thats why ALPA wasnt a democracy, it didnt have to answer to the rank and file. They didn't have to control 3500 pilots, only 21 "Reps/officers", to get their way. Pump them full of ALPA sunshine and FPL perks and you get them hooked like a dope addict. Like a banana republic, not willing to trust the rank and file with direct elections of local officers. Reps voted on MEC Chairmen and ALPA President, not the rank and file. Even Teamsters, their International president is elected by the rank and file, one member, one vote. When rank and file tried to remove Local CLT officers who werent doing what they werre elected to do, ALPA Natl set up roadblocks to protect the Natl suck-ups. The CLT recall that never happened. First time, ALPA Natl said the recall resolution never got to them correctly. That cost 90 days. Then instead of having LC meeting 90 days later as required by ALPA constitution, ALPA Natl rope-a-doped, calling the last one a informational meeting, not an LEC meeting, so no agenda items. But when local officers attempted to do the will of the pilots in PHL, their entire LEC got removed in trusteeship, replaced with ALPA loyalists.
I bet this comes from someone who was fired and got there job back and wants a job at ALPO national and loves the company for giving his job back and is a traitor to his fellow pilots. This is all BS. I have never seen such strong support for USAPA. No one listens to you anymore!!!!
The support for USAPA is quite amazing. Theres that 10% like a320pilot making a lot of noise. Discipline cases back in 2007 were handled by Cleary and Parella. No termination was sustained back then. One termination was reversed at the VP level. I dont know names. Cleary saved his job.
One thing I didnt notice is A320pilot commenting on my exposure of the latest Biased "Facts" lies, which downgraded both Thueur and Parella, then made up a story that they were enriching themselves to $46 and $60/year. I guess the "truth" is more powerful than "unbiased Truths." Not all East pilots are totally informed, but you give them the truth and let them compare that with the lies and they draw the right conclusions. We all react very poorly to liable and slander once we know the truth. That latest "Truth" whopper didnt sit well in the International brieifing room last week. But A320pilot gets every chance to respond to why hes supporting fabrications. Any bets on if he will?
There is some truth to this I believe, are former APLO leaders had pretty much one goal ,which was to get in to national, regardless of what the line pilot wanted. That is no longer true we finally have people that represent the line pilot. Democracy works
Climbing that union ladder. It was sickening to watch. Beebe made it to the top (almost), knocking down an extra $150+K/yr in cash allowance, only to be smacked down by the rank and file voting ALPA off the island. Pure union democracy can be a beautiful thing.
You can observe a lot by just watching. Yogi Berra