US Pilots' Labor Thread 9/4 to 9/17--STAY ON TOPIC

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Also looks like USAPA is throwing the MDA guys under the bus AGAIN. First with the lump sum admitting that they were furloughed in the payment schedule. Now not cooperating with the investigation.
But MDA was a "fenced division" so none of that counts, right?
By the way this request was denied.

Looks like someone better start writing some checks. Depositions get REALLY expensive.

Also looks like USAPA is throwing the MDA guys under the bus AGAIN. First with the lump sum admitting that they were furloughed in the payment schedule. Now not cooperating with the investigation.

Question: what kind of lawyer does not know that the union he is suing is no longer the bargaining agent? Did none of the plaintiffs tell this guys there was an election? Does he not understand union structure? Why would he think that ALPA still had control over anyone. Fundamental mistake.

September 30 is coming up fast. Better start racking up those frequent flyer miles to get to those witnesses.


I don't ge the part about throwing the MDA guys under the Buss again. They are going to be included in the lump sum computation. They were on the property and they will get a check. I don't know where you are getting your information.
But MDA was a "fenced division" so none of that counts, right?

That's part of the lawsuit.. that unlike Metrojet, which was also operated under the same certificate, the MDA folks were illegally fenced to/from mainline. There is also the idea of improper recall, etc..
All the things that would be used to "show" they were furloughed add to the legal misteps ALPA allowed after the company said there was no separate company.
That's part of the lawsuit.. that unlike Metrojet, which was also operated under the same certificate, the MDA folks were illegally fenced to/from mainline. There is also the idea of improper recall, etc..
All the things that would be used to "show" they were furloughed add to the legal misteps ALPA allowed after the company said there was no separate company.
And that's why the lawsuit is going so well, right?

Keep dreaming.

I don't ge the part about throwing the MDA guys under the Buss again. They are going to be included in the lump sum computation. They were on the property and they will get a check. I don't know where you are getting your information.
Affected Pilots :
• Pilots working under LOA 93 entire duration equals 62 months.
• Retired- would get time worked under LOA 93 up to date of retirement
• LTD- would be credited for entire duration of 62 months
• Furloughed Pilots (Including MDA, J4J) – would be credited for duration of 62 months

USAPA considers the MDA pilots furloughed also.
Dude; What exactly are you smokin'??
Why the negativity?
That said the next round is starting in the Spring. Financial damages could be VERY expensive.
If there are damages. So far, none. Judge thru out counts 1 & 2.
PS Our wishing for the "unmerge" was September 27, 2007. That was the day that the aquisition was completed.
I think it was actually September 27, 2005, but what’s 2 year error among friends?
Affected Pilots :
• Pilots working under LOA 93 entire duration equals 62 months.
• Retired- would get time worked under LOA 93 up to date of retirement
• LTD- would be credited for entire duration of 62 months
• Furloughed Pilots (Including MDA, J4J) – would be credited for duration of 62 months

USAPA considers the MDA pilots furloughed also.

Looks like USAPA took care of the MDA guys here..leaving no doubt that they get their fair portion of the LOA lump sums. The above language guarantees them payment no matter what the outcome of their suit against ALPA.

Intentionally written with such elegance? I actually have no idea. But it works, and you are really grasping to read anything else into it

Time flies when you are having fun.

What is it now, 17 months of usapa, and nothing but legal bills to show for it.

Yo Nic4us,

USAPA has been great! You will notice all the LOA's close to 100 all signed, sealed and delivered by ALPA. Each and everyone one of those LOA's were concessionary. Take a look at the DL/NWA deal that was LOA 19. ALPA was USAirways managements best friend for years......the company would ask for a giveback and ALPA would comply. In your mind USAPA was about the have know idea what USAPA was about. 40 percent paycuts/loss of a 2 million dollar retirement just for starters. Your boy the judge got your DFR into his court room under his we are in a different court and we get to see if your boy got it right or wrong!

It has been wonderful having USAPA represent us.....not one LOA since inception!

Keep your eye on the prize!
As to pay restoration, I hope you get it, but if I were the company, I would ask the arbitrator for some sort of restitution for wasting time and money over this, pehaps a fine.

Nic, were the tables reversed, and the language over pay was in the West contract - would you want your union to go after it, or simply drop the issue as a "waste of time?" You would already have the DFR filed were that the case, just as many would do here on the East. At least you "hope we get it," unlike J Mack's appeal to the company not to even give parity to the East early on.

If and when USAPA wins the LOA 93 pay issue, I hope they make it clear on the signing of any new contract that parity goes to all pilots, East and West, back to September of 2005.

Perhaps he is going to sue the east pilots. Liable and slander come to mind. Harrasement for dragging him to a deposition. Failure to follow binding arbitration. More likely something completely unrelated to to this.
He got a lawyer related to the arbitration. Even arbitrators sometimes need attorneys. A lot more details will probably come out. Again, it’s not just what MDA learns from Nic, but what Nic might learn from MDA depo. Collateral damage. Nic still retains jurisdiction.
What color is the sky in fantasy world? We keep hearing that he used the wrong list. Who gave him the wrong list as has been alleged? Why did the east lawyer allow the list to be used? Where were the screams of outrage back then?
ALPA gave the Nic arbitration a disputed list. The East MC had no choice since only the CBA had control over the list. MDA pilots complained/outraged/disputed back then, but they had no standing in the Nic Arb, no way to testify. Nic retains jurisdiction and if he was given a bad list ,who knows? Maybe a face-saving way out of his latest major arbitration? The MDA pilots were listed furloughed because ALPA list said they were furloughed. But they were paying dues to ALPA through the AAA MEC. They were carried on the PHL and CLT LEC roles. MDA C/O Portale was actually elected PHL Sec/Tres. So why did ALPA list them furloughed? Could it have been their then ongoing Ford (RJ Defense) DFR, which they lost anyway? That’s a story itself. Bottom line is there’s a lot up in the air right now and no amount of West protesting is going to change the momentum or rulings.
All Nicolau has to do is change his ruling and still place all east pilots junior to Dean Colello below our active guy.
If he changes his ruling, Colello and the other 300+ CELs could be ahead of all your bottom active guy. But those are Nic decisions, not a judge, as you say. You obviously don’t understand the MDA issues. It’s not about the Nic, but there could be major Nic fallout.
There is nothing that says he has to use the same logic with different facts. Read the award. Each merger turns on it’s our facts.
I couldn’t agree more. I think you totally misread the scope of MDA DFR. They want money. If they win, ALPA will hope that Nic re-evaluates the real list to mitigate the damages. The rest of your chat just rehashes the same old arguments. It won’t change any East minds.
Affected Pilots :
• Furloughed Pilots (Including MDA, J4J) – would be credited for duration of 62 months
USAPA considers the MDA pilots furloughed also.
Another try at dividing East pilots. How USAPA attempts to help MDA pilots has nothing to do with Nic’s modifying the list or the MDA lawsuit.
cleared direct said

Very optimistic to think that a court in NY is going to find that 300 furloughed pilots are going to bring 1400 other furloughed pilots that did not work at MDA along for the ride and get a benefit that they are not entitled to.


I could of gone to MDA on day 1..
I would not work for peanuts and be subject to taking away our 125K year F/O jobs and replacing them with MDA...

so I could of not been furloughed but gone to MDA>

It should have no impact on how this list was put together. My choice to not make peanuts.

the bottom line is NIC screwed up and put guys who were never furloughed and guys that decided to do somthing else until the last recall below guys that were hired at this place in 2007..

You can't look me in the face and say that is right.. because you know it's messed up and so does everyone else.

Keep trying to cash the lottery card and I'll keep fighting it with every ounce of fiber I have.
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