Just a recap from my conversations yesterday. We are all aware that one can choose to not be a member of a union. I think we all can agree that germaine fees are the responsibility of every covered employee, member or not. Where some of the wests more "upity" pilots went into the ditch was by openly attacking with malice and intent, the day to day operation of the union, and they are in court for that activity. Now, yes, a union is obligated to 'represent" all covered employees, "members" or not. USAPA does that, every day. Some of you guys are arguing semantics now. "Fairly" represent?..yes, every day. The case you make, as I understand it, is that the CBL's regarding DOH with CR's of the union isn't fair to the west...and further, that no west pilots were consulted in the formation of those CBL's. To the latter, I'd say that since the entire "America West " pilots side went into self-imposed "lockdown" over the entire USAPA issue, they were unavailable for consultation, they didn't join as members to avail their "super-sized domicile numbers to cause a referendum and seek change to the CBL's that concerned them. While the jury will render their decision in the matter, it cannot be overstated that west has made this entirely about the Nic...so indeed, the Nic is at the core of your lawsuit, cleverly disguised in a cloak of DFR issues.
The land-grab continues. Carry on.
Thanks for finally saying it Tiger:
The question before the jury next month will be very simple: Did USAPA breach its duty of fair representation by disregarding the inherited Nicolau Award ...
This, of course, is contrary to what so many west pilots have been saying for the last 3 months....that the Nic was not on trial here...
At the heart of this matter, it also illuminates the bigger question: does USAPA have the authority to negotiate changes/modifications to any of it's 3 contracts it oversees with the company... West, East, and TA. And, of course, negotiate a new joint contract which will end the first 3. I'd argue that USAPA is dealing with the company over the two contracts and the TA every day, as the company wiggles around language nuances in their draconian ways, and stall tactics at the table. The section regarding seniority is just another piece of the larger pie that USAPA can and will "negotiate" into the new joint contract. I'm sure they'll give the Nic all the consideration it deserves going forward, regardless of the outcome.