Open Enrollment season is upon us, and for East pilots it serves as yet another reminder that Management will exploit the $9 billion we gave them to continue enriching themselves long beyond the immediate needs they had several years ago. The NAC reports that anytime a topic arises where parity is indicated, Management’s response is the same: They are not interested in parity outside a joint contract. It’s a convenient, over-used response that should indicate to you just how little they care about you and your family.
For 2011, East pilots will pay roughly double (in some cases more) what West pilots pay each month for health insurance. For the top-level plan, a West pilot pays $270 monthly premiums, while an East pilot will need to fork over $559 to cover a family. That’s a difference of $3,468 a year -- no small sum for a pilot living on E190 pay, which qualifies them for food stamps in many states.
On top of our industry-worst pay, on top of our industry-worst vacation allowance, and on top of our stolen pensions, Management sees fit to continue the shakedown of our monthly pay by refusing us parity on these benefits which are so critical to the care of our families.
USAPA Communications
USAPA = Holding EVERYONE hostage. :huh:
Usapa says "It’s a convenient, over-used response that should indicate to you just how little they care about you and your family."
Was this in reference to the East pilots vs the West Pilots? Or how little Usapa cares about the West?