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US Pilots Labor Discussion 9/23- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Question for any Easties:

Since it doesn't affect me how do you recommend I vote in the referendum to extend funding the pension investigation?
Question for any Easties:

Since it doesn't affect me how do you recommend I vote in the referendum to extend funding the pension investigation?
Vote anyway you want it won't make a difference, kind of like the vote for EVP.
Question for any Easties:

Since it doesn't affect me how do you recommend I vote in the referendum to extend funding the pension investigation?
Vote however you wish... however, I think the majority of the East will vote to continue it...
Question for any Easties:

Since it doesn't affect me how do you recommend I vote in the referendum to extend funding the pension investigation?

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you really want to know about the issue, not just what the east will do so you can vote opposite.

I will be voting for it. I went to the PIC presentation and there are so many red flags and unanswered questions that it is worth the money for me. We may never see any money, but it's the last chance to find out what happened and maybe someone will have to answer if there was any wrong doing.
Good enough for me. I voted yes the last time and I just voted yes again. It's your money.

That being said, considering Continenal, TWA, United, Northwest, and Delta all lost their A plan in bankruptcy I wonder exactly why you think US Airways was any different.
In the vein of the Safety Culture Survey put out by the company, why doesn't USAPA put (or more properly contract with an independent third party) a Union Culture Survey? Do they even have a desire to respond to the mandate of the membership?
Good enough for me. I voted yes the last time and I just voted yes again. It's your money.

That being said, considering Continenal, TWA, United, Northwest, and Delta all lost their A plan in bankruptcy I wonder exactly why you think US Airways was any different.

I thought NW froze their pension, but maybe not. We may not be different, but as I said there were some strange things going on. Thanks for voting and let's just see what happens.
Actually, in 1983 the place to be was Piedmont. Ask the pilots hired there in 1982 how they felt about being captains in 1984.

Funny how you think it's ok for PI pilots to make Captain in 2 years but you get bent out of shape when a West pilot wants to keep the Captain's job he got in seven.
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