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Every department except pilots and flight attendants has been merged and combined and there is only one operating certificate from the FAA.

Ted Reed was not a former pilot, he worked for the Charlotte Observer, got fired, worked in Public Relations for the old US and is now with thestreet.com.
Very little factual info regarding the West in any of Ted's articles. He fails to realize, his former airline is no longer the controlling entity of this company, (kind of like the east pilots). The interesting thing about this article is not even found in the article, but in the reader replies. The public gets what happened here, yet Ted Reed and the east pilots still have their collective heads buried in the sand.
This is the biggest joke of all. I guarantee the top management at this outfit could go on a 2 yr. vacation, and nothing would change. Nothing. It would just run itself. Day in, day out. The only management going on is at the top level, and they are managing to maintain a level of compensation that is far and away a disgrace for the results they deliver.
This is the biggest joke of all. I guarantee the top management at this outfit could go on a 2 yr. vacation, and nothing would change. Nothing. It would just run itself. Day in, day out. The only management going on is at the top level, and they are managing to maintain a level of compensation that is far and away a disgrace for the results they deliver.
So we can add the Board of Directors and the Shareholders to the ever growing list of groups of people the east pilots are smarter than...
- west pilots
- All reputable labor law firms
- Nicolau and the pilot neutrals
- DL/NW pilots and the arbitrators in that case
- Judge Wake
- Nine member federal jury
- Parker / Kirby / Isom / Bular etc.
- Shareholders
I’m sure there must be more, but wow that is quite the list you have amassed who are all wrong compared to the east pilot way of thinking.
When is USAPA's next public financial statement released? Is it yearly or quarterly?
When management gets away with blaming problems in profitability on unions, then unions are sleeping with the enemy. Congratulations! Because of the unions dispute airlines cannot merge with airlines that find you, instead of your management, incompetent!

You play into managements' hands and U are easy to divide and conquer. A union divided cannot stand 🙄
LM2s are filed yearly, you can find them at www.dol.gov, go to compliance and enforcement then look for the Labor Mangagement disclosure reporting act LMNDRA also know as the Landrum-Griffith Act.
An article written by an author that is a former east pilot with a proven bias. Well if that does not prove your case I don’t know what would.

You finally got something right. Parker is going to go THROUGH the east. Not in the sense that he will come to you and make a deal, just that he is going to run right through usapa and the east pilot because you will be unable to do anything about it.

A little review of history. Did any of you east guys know the AWA/USA merger was coming? Did any of you do anything to stop it? Was that change of control provision in your contract during our merger?

What makes you guys think that the next one will be different? Other than your self important attitude?

You guys keep dreaming about fragmentation. Separate, the east is a small commuter with a couple of international flight staffed by ancient pilots flying ancient airplanes. Any fragmentation merger the east pilots are going to find yourselves a very small minority against a very large and hostile pilot group with a much better organized and funded union.

As always be careful what you wish for.

Yes the 5000 pilot arbitrated list is here. See the federal injunction. Unless the ninth rules against judge Wake that is and will be the list. You guys are hanging a lot of hope on a small chance.
Parker is going to have to make a big choice- try and merge, or run the place. If he wants to merge, then he is going to have to deal with the provisions in the East contract, and he knows it.
FYI, it appears that the LM-2 is due sometime before the end of June.

In case anyone is wondering why I am even thinking about this I will save you the effort of asking. SSM&P.
I guess you didn't see the latest 330's that showed up. ....... The merger, lets' see, our money, our certificate. ...................... We are going to see some very interesting and good things coming to the East. And when that happens, you are going to be well aware of what a massive and devious policy error you took in the past with regard to pay parity. You will reap what you sowed, ill will.

I noticed the 6 330s you now have that were not here prior to the merger, add that to the list you have stolen from West pilots, damages are mounting..

Your money, now that is a laugh, the company days away from liquidation had the money... btw....bought your certificate in the reverse aquisition.

I hope "good and interesting things" do come to the east, because I realize, unlike the guilty of DFR association of east pilots, that what is good for PHL is good for Tempe, and the entire airline, and that will benefit all USAirways pilots, especially the West pilots who are coming to take what is theirs from those who attempt to steal it away.
If he wants to merge, then he is going to have to deal with the provisions in the East contract, and he knows it.

And he knows how to deal with the east contract, he already has experience. Did that Change of control thing happen when AWA aquired you. Short answere..No. Doug is just telling you it will not happen in any future merger scenario.

Oh wait, I just thought of one possibility. You can take "your money", buy the airline, force a change of control and get your payscale back.
And he knows how to deal with the east contract, he already has experience. Did that Change of control thing happen when AWA aquired you. Short answere..No. Doug is just telling you it will not happen in any future merger scenario.

Oh wait, I just thought of one possibility. You can take "your money", buy the airline, force a change of control and get your payscale back.

It didn't trigger because US Airways was the surviving carrier in the US/HP merger. If he brought it up, he is likely had feelers from AA and it would most definitely being the surviving carrier and trigger a change in control.
It didn't trigger because US Airways was the surviving carrier in the US/HP merger. If he brought it up, he is likely had feelers from AA and it would most definitely being the surviving carrier and trigger a change in control.

I have not read the Change of control language. However, if AA merged with LCC, and was the surviving carrier, which as you point out is most likely, maintaining dual carrier status until there is a new contract would prevent your coc language from triggering. Or worse, the new union, the APA could give them relief from the contract while they throw us under the bus on seniority integration.
It didn't trigger because US Airways was the surviving carrier in the US/HP merger. If he brought it up, he is likely had feelers from AA and it would most definitely being the surviving carrier and trigger a change in control.
And that assumption would likely be wrong. The name of the new airline does not trigger a COC. The name US Airways was retained primarily because it communicated a domestic/international carrier better than AWA. It also saved quite a few bucks not having to change all the airport signs and other hard-printed material that had the US name and logo on it. I believe Doug has said that they considered a brand new name for the new company but determined it to be an unnecessary expense given the more unavoidable costs of merging the two companies. He might have done it differently if he had to do it all over again.

Also, Doug clearly stated that if US completed its hostile takeover of DL, that the new company would assume the name Delta. I don’t recall ALPA or anyone else bringing up concerns that a name change or a direct acquisition would trigger COC in that transaction. The facts are that COC was already arbitrated in favor of the company’s position for other labor groups and management knows how to structure a deal to get the best outcome for the airline. USAPA supporters just desperately want something to make them feel superior and self-important while the real world crumbles around them.
The Change of Control Arbitration was lost as US/HP merger was not one single entity buying anyone, Mr Bloch ruled that since it was a series of investors in different size transactions so therefore there was no COC and the grievance was denied.
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