Yo Clear,
Speaking of Eric.............how will the westies view Eric, Jeff and the other legal scholars within your ranks if the 9th doesn't go your way?
It should be interesting to see if your judge in the desert got it right or wrong.
A DFR based on a seniority proposal! Lets see if the desert judge can change established labor law.
It seems to me you guys out west couldn't wait to adjudicate...............oh well it is only money!
If there was clear "established labor law" we wouldn't be here, would we. Quoting seham works about as well as when seham quotes himself.
The DFR has more pieces involved in it than just the seniority propsal. The TA was a bargin between 2 pilot groups. From day one usapa has denied at various times parts of that bargin and in so doing have advanced the majority group at our expense. This as you know is a voilation of "established labor law"
By the way do you remember back in 2002 when cleary and mowery were on the Merger Com. They published this in your local union magazine.
Beyond that, the absence of current employment
and uncertainties about future prospects are
among the equities likely to affect a furloughee’s
seniority placement.
I guess they hadn't heard about the "gold standard" yet.