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US Pilots Labor Discussion 12/14- OBSERVE THE RULES OF THE BOARD!

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And now for something completely different.....

Team Tempe is about to be tested... I am not sure they are up to it.

There is a major storm watch out for the MidAtlantic area. From Richmond up thru DCA and on to PHL, NYC and BOS they are talking about up to 12" of snow. I can tell that when any significant snow hits DC they just stop. There is no snow removal equipment to speak of.

PHL could fare better due to sonw removal equipment but will not becuase its PHL. NYC and BOS will do the best they can.

Sure would be nice to still have PIT. They could handle snow.
Dear Hate,

It's been a while since I've read the board here. Looks like not much has changed. Still the same accusations, slams, insults, like Farleys.

I've never heard of a group that was so bent on keeping another group from getting a pay raise, LOA84/93. They fought us in pay parity before the NIC as well. The company's best friends. Anger, bittereness comes out of every post.
I rest my case.




Have you read any of the posts???

Hate is going to vote out anything with the NIC....that includes a pay raise for themselves. That post inferred that the east has the control and will knock down any chance of a new contract (read pay raise).

He brags about his $10K payment, I get mine via HIGHER wages at the pump, not a 2 time pay back from the company. You need to step away from the pipe and find out whats been offered and how much has been lost due to the new sheriff in town.

It wasn't the young, inexperienced west that reopened every section of the contract, it was the senior, experienced, older (hey, Leeham can use it in court I can here) east that has done that. Have you put a pencil to the merger to date $$$ loses the east has suffered? I have, on my extra 2 weeks of vacation.

You seriously need to take time to make an honest comparison of the 2 contracts and think about how long you are willing to suck it up to prove your point.

This so called union was sold as the best thing since sliced bread yet they have higher dues and spend more money than the previous union ever did, are less open with information, and if anyone questions anything the are 'internet trash talkers'.... funny how the founders used this venue to spread the gospel.

I'm still waiting for the people like Hate to make things better rather than just driving a bigger wedge between the groups.
When you come to CLT it will be under your DOH seniority sport. Those good ole boys are going to love you.

Three phrases I would like you to become familiar with.

1. Train to proficiency.

2. Accountable for damages.

3. Personal liability.

4. Retaliation in the workplace.

5. The Nicolau seniority award is the accepted seniority list of USAirways.

Oh, wait, that was five phrases, not only do I not care who the "good ole boys" love, I seem to be losing count of all the ways usapa and their legal counsel are (um.. how to say...politely...ah!!!) less than intelligent.
Ya, I'm still laughing at that one too.
Here I'll help you guy's so you don't dirty your laundry. This was prior to Nic, I had to come back to get the DB money anyway. My position was Top of pay scale widebody block holder. Better than any f/o position the west has. I also wasn't going to leave 800 sic hours on the table.
Here I'll help you guy's so you don't dirty your laundry. This was prior to Nic, I had to come back to get the DB money anyway. My position was Top of pay scale widebody block holder. Better than any f/o position the west has. I also wasn't going to leave 800 sic hours on the table.


What did we get $17,000 to show up in CLT for the DC fund

Kick back IRO for 3 years..........$100,000 per year

Lump sum $10,000 this year!

Lump sum $10,000 next year!

Turn 50 this year and be eligible for early retirement.......no way, lets stay and vote NO!

Read the most current usapa update and I have a question regarding the east scope language.

It says "if any pilot on the then current system seniority list will be furloughed".

Is usapa arguing that the Nic list can be used to enforce this portion of the east contract. I see no other way to make the language enforcable because the only system(singular) seniority list the company has is the Nic.

Thanks, usapa, knew you would eventually see it my way.
That's pre-merger language (at least 15 years old - I don't have a contract older than that to see how old the specific language is) and it refers to the East system seniority list, which was the only US seniority list till the Nic came out and the TA specifies when the Nic will become the new system seniority list. In this case, I think it'd be impossible to convince an arbitrator that language predating the merger by that many years means anything other than the East list.

I assume that it was used referring to a grievance over the sale of the E190's to Republic.

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