Dear Hate,
It's been a while since I've read the board here. Looks like not much has changed. Still the same accusations, slams, insults, like Farleys.
Bully for you and your vote. YOU run the pilot club, what has that gotten anyone? Enjoy your $10, I got my $10k every year since the merger and will continue to get mine even after yours has run out. (check out the pay rates, mine is about $20k more)
I'm a member and I get to vote too. But the dear leader and the politburo hasn't given us much to vote on, except the tail chasing pension expedition.
Since you east folk out so much smarter and well versed in all this show us the way.
By the way I've seen more organized poo fights in the monkey cage at the zoo than what usapa has shown us.
I've never heard of a group that was so bent on keeping another group from getting a pay raise, LOA84/93. They fought us in pay parity before the NIC as well. The company's best friends. Anger, bittereness comes out of every post.
First, out of seniority furlough took place in the first round. The TA is very specific as to what seniority rights, not only recalled, but also new hire pilots would have. West pilots, working on the day of the merger, were shown the door prior to new hires, and that is out of seniority. Also, east furloughed pilots with very specific rights, who took recall to the West, were transfered back east to avoid their furloughs. So out of seniority furloughing happened, and it happened with the blessing and even desire of that job theft union the east has. Just because you remain ignorant and/or sympathetic to the fact does not mean it did not happen.
The out of seniority furloughs was grieved, arbitrated and lost. So it must not have been out of seniority, at least according to the arbitrator. As I said a month ago, before being ripped apart by the normal West bullies, being furloughed, not much of this makes much difference to me. At worst, I'm looking at an extra 6 months furlough and delayed upgrade whether Nic or DOH. But what really is hard to understand is the anger. The main issues, appeal and the LOA84 arbitration will resolve themselves shortly.
I stay in touch with the furlough committee. They're honest about where things are. MDA won't affect me, unless it throws out the NIC. Even then, it will be just for a few months difference over my last 20 years.
I'm not addressing this to anyone, but to think about the possibilities. If the company really did send its heavy legal hitters to the appeal, even though they're not a party. Why? USAPA is in Appeals Court in Richmond 1st week of Feb on the RICO case. Why? Company wants Kirby proposal. Why? Phil C finally served subpoena at the end of the jetway. Why?
I'm not a conspiracy dot-connector, but I'll say this, 1st and 3rd whys above add up to one conclusion: the company needs this resolved and a contract in place for a potential sale. The Kirby language allows the company to reduce aircraft to 250, about 70 below the TA. That could be a reduction of over 800 pilots. With Nic in the contract, we know where most furloughs will come from.
I try not to be argumentative with my posts, but to some on this board, even a slight disagreement or different interpretation sets them off.
So What?! You're in the Angry FO club. You're a minor subset of the total group. Good Luck holding the 35,000 employees hostage with your singular, minority vote!
I rest my case.