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US Pilots' Labor Discussion 10/27-11/?

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These are difficult decisions to make because of the impact to some of our fellow employees. They are, however, the right decisions. By focusing on our strengths and eliminating unprofitable flying we will increase the likelihood of returning US Airways to long-term profitability, which is in all of our best interests. As we work through these changes, we’ll do all we can to minimize the impact of these reductions on our current employees.
We are communicating as much information as we can today about these changes so I encourage you to read the attached summary and FAQ. Thanks again for all of your contributions and dedication to making US Airways a great airline.

Though I usually don't go in for anti-management screeds in this case I will make an exception.

As late as last week the west has had pilots quit because the company would not grant leaves due to "minimum staffing levels."
Though I usually don't go in for anti-management screeds in this case I will make an exception.

As late as last week the west has had pilots quit because the company would not grant leaves due to "minimum staffing levels."

The good news is that effected pilot was able to tell usapa to shove their section 29 letter! So usapa got him a 1.95% raise for the last 18 months before he left.

The remedy for the min block violation should start with the removal of the "managers" making these decisions.
The good news is that effected pilot was able to tell usapa to shove their section 29 letter! So usapa got him a 1.95% raise for the last 18 months before he left.

The remedy for the min block violation should start with the removal of the "managers" making these decisions.

Dont let the door hit you guys in the rear on the way out. Bye Bye
"Nic stics" most likely, "assessments to pay West legal expenses" could happen, but don't expect anyone to pay, damages, maybe, but once again, don't expect payment. You would have a better chance of a happy pilot group before anyone one would pay assessments. The union would file bk or there would be a new union long before any checks were cut by individuals to pay assessments.........can't squeeze blood from a turnip.
Wow cubfan, that's a super-awesome strategy. You should be put in charge for coming up with that pearl of wisdom.
Dog and suds,

Just one comment. You are incorrect about any east pilots getting any cash over T/A 10. The east has always been in compliance. It was the west that was below min block hours. So it will be the west that gets any cash payouts.

You may be correct about no recalls. But at a minimum the west can not furlough anymore. If we were below block hours with the pilots we had and they have to maintain or add there is no more room to furlough. Besides the west has also had retirements along the way.

It is only the east that can be furloughed right now. That is because the 190’s are not covered by the T/A. that is 25 airplanes and about 250 east pilots that can be released. Plus the east still has a little room above min block hours. So if someone told you that T/A 10 was going to help the east they were incorrect. It is a west deal only.

Separate ops when it works against you does not look so good anymore. The west has been saying all along. We are together on this thing. We need to share in the pains and the gains. But USAPA thought differently. So the west has had our pain and no gain. It is time for the east to have yours.

Dear HP-FA, thanks for the offer. When I figure out how the PM works, I'll email you. I found out why I couldn't do the reply. I was replying to last week's closed forum.

Dear Cleardirect, I thought I'd get a little money because at one time I thought the scope committee told me the east was below limits for at least one month. Now it looks like I was wrong on that. On furloughs, the bad news is Parker just announced another 200, 165 East, 35 West pilots. I'd post his release, but that's not allowed. They can do the West furloughs because they were one over the limit on airplanes. For me, 165 is another 9 months on furlough once retirements start again in Dec 2012. So the earliest I come back is early 2014, maybe. All I can say is having a job, even overseas, is better than the bottom of a regional list. Been there, done that, lived like an animal. I still got the dirty crash pad T-shirt to prove it.

I won't get into criticizing either side. With more furloughs coming, the energy should be to correcting the problem, not blame. All these one and two line jabs are disgusting to wade through. The toughest is for the last guys furloughed. The market is drying up fast, especially for FOs. Where I work, the age limit is 55 to be hired, but they have plenty of FOs (mainly local). They need CAs, but no one is furloughing CAs. USAPA Furlough Committee still has their info on file. It's South and Eastern Asia, but the flying is Ok. It's better pay than on the E190s.

On the silver lining side, it looks like this latest round will put the company at the floor on hours and aircraft. Maybe that will end the furloughs. You all take care, now. Best of luck in Parker holding the company together.

Sincerely, The Dog (andsuds)
You sound like a good guy, or gal, suds. Best of luck to you, and the rest of our fine folks soon to be furloughed. I truly hope this company can be stabilized enough to make it through and the partake in the recovery when it happens.
How will the base closure affect the BPR numbers for PHL and CLT?

I believe that three reps is the max per crew base, and PHL and CLT already have that. I doubt DCA will have the staffing upped to the point of having three reps, but that remains to be seen. If PHX ever gets enough members, they could easily have their three reps. It's too bad that the new LAS rep will be losing the position. It appeared he was going to be a real asset to the BPR.
I believe that three reps is the max per crew base, and PHL and CLT already have that. I doubt DCA will have the staffing upped to the point of having three reps, but that remains to be seen. If PHX ever gets enough members, they could easily have their three reps. It's too bad that the new LAS rep will be losing the position. It appeared he was going to be a real asset to the BPR.

CLT is below 1000 members, so won't they lose a rep?
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