Bottom line. After all the smoke clears, you are going to discover one final thing. Seniority is NEGOTIATED. The AFA, Dispatchers, etc. went DOH. How did it happen? Negotiations..Had the Nic been signed under ALPA, you would be victorious. You NEVER got a signed T/A under ALPA. Game over. I don't care what your desert judge thinks, he is going to be educated in overstepping his bounds.He obviously does not understand his bounds in ruling in union matters. He thought about imposing the Nic, but finally listened to educated heads about sticking his head into something he had no clue about. Typical of a BUSH appointee. Crush unions. Had ALPA prevailed, you would get your Nicolau. You have a NEW bargaining agent. Even Doug told you in his town hall meetings. It is a closed shop, it is called USAPA.Fail to pay your dues, you are terminated. That is about the most concrete evidence you could ever get, yet it fails to sink in. You HAVE to join, or you hit the bricks.There has been NOTHING like this told to the EAST. You failed to tag home base in your game. It all started over with a new agent. The concrete was never poured. I bet the game on the 9th, and have a backup plan if it does not go that way. Either way, you are in for a serious battle to the end! There is no despair in the East. We are not struggling under LOA 93. We are set, and ready to rumble. We don't make house payments on a castle that is worth half of what we pay monthly, and most likely will never run up without loose mortgage money. That is not happening again in our lifetime.You can go on and on about LOA 93. Every day I read about the foreclosures in PHX and LAS. You brought up the hardship. Our reality is LOA 93. We will deal with it fine. You deal with your sub prime reality. Good luck to you too.