Good morning Snoop.
I do not know the ins-and-outs of finances of AWAPPA or the Cactus 18 members as it relates to paying any or all attorneys fees resulting from the RICO case. But at the risk of injuring the current comity as it exists in relation to me let me say a few things.
First is if I mentally put myself in the position of a member of the Cactus 18 and I am served with a copy of a Summons and Complaint alleging that I have committed racketeering, then I would be both PO'd and somewhat scared (because of being accused of a significant unlawful action and now having to lawyer-up and pay an unexpected bill to represent me in court because there is no pro se appearances allowed in federal court without already being a lawyer). Moving forward now that a federal court has dismissed all charges, most or all (I forget the particulars ATM) of them with prejudice and there is at least some indication that the applicable Court of Appeals is less than happy, I am now asked to settle and eat my own costs and fees? Ha! The dispassionate legal professionals are dispassionate because they are not personally involved in the case. The defendants are not dispassionate, they are PO'd over this having happened and that there was never any proof accepted by the court that any of the allegations had any factual basis. So put yourself in that mental position and tell me how you would feel.
Second, lawyers fees had to be paid. It doesn't matter where the money to defend the case came from, it still had to be paid. That fact is not reduced by any or all of the defendants being supported by friends or concerned fellow pilots, nor that AWAPPA may have used some of its funds to help one or more of the defendants. It should not matter to USAPA where the money came from or where the amount to be potentially refunded will go. USAPA should only be concerned with reimbursing the actually accrued legal fees and costs and not have any interest other than that.
I'm sure that I probably left something out, but those are my main thoughts about how I would feel and what would be my interests as a theoretical defendant in this case. Note that I never added any amounts for mental anguish, which would have decidedly occurred. From my perspective my proposed settlement was fair to both sides because neither one is going to be completely happy after this is over. (Just like the Nicolau decision.) (Sorry, the devil made me do it.)
hp_fa, I still read this board, but dont post much any more. Its become a cess pool. For your civility, I'll reply. Put yourself in the position of a new union being sabotaged (either legally or illegally, that debate will probably never be resolved) by those they had to represent. Overkill or not, USAPA had to respond. The resolution was a compromise to end this mess.
The 3 AWAPPA ring leaders aren't paying a cent. AWAPPA may or may not be sitting on money that could help the others. If West solidarity and generosity is what they claim, they raised lots of money for the 15. I don't think there's any doubt the deeds that happened actually happened. Whether they rose to the level of criminal RICO? The Federal Case looks shaky, but there is still the NC case. As USAPA found out in Addington, there is such a thing as home court advantage. An NC State court may be more home court than an NC Federal court.
From what Ferguson said in his LAS update, he's optimistic this can end with non-admissions. Too bad he's up against west posters thinking they get a retirement plan out of this. Stupid, extreme positions
on both sides have dragged us into this mess. DOH, NIC, RICO, Kirby, LOA84, LIBEL, malicious persecution. It's all crap. I cant see it ending until we all get together for either a group hug or a circular firing squad. It was a unanimous vote. Ferguson explained why the West BPRs abstained, because he was named in the suit. Abstentions don't keep it from still being unanimous. Ferguson obviously agreed with the direction of the resolution. Whether the actions of the 18 was legal or not, USAPA had to put a stop to it. Ive said for over a year it was like drowning a Tse-Tse fly with a 50-gallon barrel of Raid when a fly swatter might have worked just as well. But that Tse-Tse fly carries a deadly desease. Ok, bad comparison, but my point is the disruptive actions (legal or not) needed to be stopped and they were. What Ferguson is now encouraging as a reasonable settlement is pretty much what I thought should have happened 15 months ago. I do wish USAPA had moved on this back then, but I've since found out there were other issues which they thought needed them to slow-play it. All said, Ferguson has the sense to know how this needs to end.
On attorney fees for west pilots, lets see the West actual out-of-pocket expenses, AWAPPA funds info, donations, how much AWAPPA paid for its 3 officers defense. Until you see those numbers, its hard to put a number on reimbursement, if any. That said, I think some form of reimbursement could be in order, depending on what further investigation turns up. That's a BPR call. But as long as there are those lost in lawsuit mania, its going to be a tough road.
On mental anguish, 767Itnl referenced "Duke 3." They were college kids facing their entire lives being torn apart every night on national TV, facing 20+year prison terms. All based on hiding evidence and made-up evidence. That was real mental anguish. The only one going to jail there was the Durham prosecutor. Did USAPA make up what happened? If they did, shame on them. Sue away. You deserve the money. But we all know that didn't happen. This is nothing. According to Google (your own google results may vary), the largest jury award in AZ history I could find was $600K won by an AZ rancher who had a 2-page attack ad put out against him, full of lies. The only publicity this got in AZ was what the 18 put out themselves. Mental anguish? Did any of them end up in counseling? Time to end this.
I've tried very hard in this post not to antagonize, hp_fa. Now back to a board "where everybody knows your name." Cheers!