Thanks, hp_fa. A voice of reason (on this scare-tactic topic). IF the information Seham used in the case was fake, then I could see USAPA getting a smack-down. IF Seham made up the information he presented to the courts, he'd get a real smack-down. That's a fraud against the legal system. I know, I watch Law and Order! But this entire thing doesn't involve made-up evidence (like in the Duke LaCrosse case) or any of the other normal elements of malice like concealing exculpatory evidence, falsified evidence, coercing witnesses, bearing false witness, etc. Maybe the entire RICO was an overreach, maybe it went too far. But rising to the level of million$ of $$? Retiring on it? I mean, really! Come on, hp_fa, that's an eye-roller. Anyhow, it did bring the entire allegations to a halt.
According to West BPRs, the resolution process is moving along well. I said according to WEST BPRs. I've only talked to one of our BPRs, but he agrees. We'll get this behind us if egos (on either side) don't outweight common sense. I think it's time to finish this up and move on. What's a fair settlement? I don't know. But whatever the resolution is, I'm sure it won't leave any possibility of further legal action by either side. But that would require 100% agreement, wouldn't it? Based on all the fire-breathing posts from the West, do you think that's possible? Not a hypothetical question, hp_fa, what do you think?