Freund was not "let go". However, his services were not used in the DFR case, as the West hired a law firm with a different strategy of how to move forward.
Freund is still around, and you can see his name on current legal correspondence. He represents the AWAPPA board members in the RICO suit. But, he is not the one usapa has to worry about. The AWAPPA folks might be willing to settle.
Now, any of the individuals usapa has libeled in their malicious suit, thats whose lawyer with which usapa should have concern. Many multi-millions worth of concern.
Just to clear the air a bit, nic4us, Freund's job as AWA MEC merger attorney disappeared the day ALPA disappeared on property. He did walk out at Wye River after your side refused to budge. I can't blame you, though. ALPA was telling you (through some really faulty polling) that ALPA stood a good chance of remaining on property. Was that an ALPA set-up, or just an ALPA pollster who didn't have a clue what 35% refusal of East pilots to respond meant? Anyway, here we are. Yeah, he's representing three AWAPPA officers, but not those who were provoked by your leadership to engage in alleged illegal actions. Irony here, one of those Freund is representing is now a West asst chief pilot.
Wrong. It's called malicious prosecution. Add to that all the bombast that called the RICO defendants criminals, etc., and you have libel, slander, and perhaps even slander per se if the statements can be connected to the defendants' employment. We're talking about a totem pole of tortious liability that the actors in USAPA have created for themselves - personally.
First, only prosecutors engage in malicious prosecution. At worst, this is more like a slap suit. Seldom any damages there. At best a good faith effort to put a stop to the harassament. As far as who libeled who, don't expect a trial/award on that any time soon. The negotiations going on right now are intended to clear this mess up once and for all. No further RICO, but in return those claiming libel give up all claims, bogus or not. Honestly, I'd offer the non-AWAPPA officers some, maybe all their legal expenses. But then, I'm a forgiving kind of guy. For both sides, this is not a win/win. It's more like a lose/lose, but at least it will be over. If one of your heroes really thinks he has a case and won't sign off on whatever the final solution is, there's probably no way USAPA will sign off either. And OBTW, unless the a libel suit has already been filed, forget about it. It's been 18 months since the alleged libel. Except under extraordinary situations, there's a one-year statute of limitations on libel suits in almost every jurisdiction in the US. Over to you, HP_FA on that, since you're the designated legal genious. Speaking of HP_FA,
Hi Snooper. I believe that Cleary lacks the intestinal fortitude to do such a thing. Get "Kirby", or the company's better revised offer, add Nicolau and then negotiate the remained and put it to a vote. I would just hope the NC actually tries for the best it can get (rather than tank it) so the pilot's would have a meaningful decision when they would vote.
We all know the Snoop shoots a bit from the hip. He is better on the loop forum than here. Looks like loop is becoming a one-man show. Back east we all know who he is and evidently even your side is getting tired of his monotonous, inaccurate posts.
HP_FA, Not being a member or anywhere close to USAPA, you misunderstand what is going on. Cleary doesn't make the calls on this. The BPRs do. So far none of your BPRs have pressed for a quick TA. Unless they want to risk recall, ours won't either, not until we can sort out our options after the LOA93/84 arbitration and hear from the 9th. A TA now, with Kirby/NIC would go down big time. No one is going to risk furlough, down-grade, reduction to reserve or smaller equipment for Kirby/NIC. Without DOH, the risk of dropping to 250 a/c hulls is too great.
As far as damages on Addington go, first you got to win in the 9th. Then you got to get to court. Golf says no damages yet and that if the 9th finds Addington not ripe, then damages will lay in waiting until there is a DOH-like contract. Now you got one of your own saying,
As for the ripeness argument you do not have to be actually "harmed" for a case to be ripe. If you find a ticking time bomb does it have to go off for a case to be ripe? Here the USAPA timebomb was ticking, harm was imminent to the west (and has occured as the damages case will show) and thus is ripe.
Whatever, mach. I’ll let the 9th rule on ripeness. Then we’ll see if Wake can pull off damages. Best of luck on the latter. It will take some major luck.
I wonder if maybe slappen Jack had ulterior motives?? He might have to possibly return to the line and fly. Then Chris Beebe, I guess he was happy to leave that 300k ALPA deal and have to actually fly a jet! How do you think that salary sat with us, or should have sat with you?? Stephan would have cut any deal to get himself into the ALPA feeding trough, including dumping the pension, selling out the MDA guys, or whatever else took to make sure the cash flow was ALPA positive. We all know this, had ALPA remained, we would have heard the same line we heard for years. Take it guys, sorry, but our lawyers say it is the best thing. Live to fight another day..... And you guys think dumping ALPA was all about the NIC? Dumping ALPA was the surest way to get rid of these leeches. They had laid one deal too many on us, and had they remained, the east pilots would absolutely have gotten up one day, and the NIC would be in full effect. We didn't trust them anymore, and we made them a SMOKING HOLE. And that, USAPA members, is the Rest Of the Story.......Good Day!
Exactly, BS (as in Black Swan). For all the ALPA-phyles, it was and always was all about the ALPA perks and not flying. Jack was on the edge btween being recalled by the Reps or being removed by ALPA. We all know how Herndon manipulates. Look at how they kept us from removing our CLT Reps. They dragged that out for six. And compare with how quickly they removed DC and ER in PHL, putting in their ALPA national shills. GOOD RIDDANCE, GOOD RIDDANCE, GOOD RIDDANCE. 767Intl