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US Pilot Labor Thread--11/16-23

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I think many East pilots would sooner have US Airways fold then yield even so much as the value of a cup of coffee to Doug parker.

Hence the concern of west pilots who actually like the job and like each other.
Our basic difference is that we on the east no longer equate money with a "ray of light."

Most of the pilots on the west like this job. We like each other and look forward to going to work most of the time. I've been here nearly 11 years and have had only one bad day. 99.9% of the pilots I have had the pleasure of working with are top notch. Great professionals to fly with, great people to share space with.

That is the ray of light to which we refer.

Oh, yeah, that one bad day I have had working here......

.....The day Parker anounced that AWA was acquiring US Airways.
Oh, yeah, that one bad day I have had working here......

.....The day Parker anounced that AWA was acquiring US Airways.

Bad day all around, I imagine. We weren't too excited, either. But, I must admit, it could have been worse. They could have said (to us): "United."

Compared to those guys, we think you folks are just peachy!
Most of the pilots on the west like this job. We like each other and look forward to going to work most of the time. I've been here nearly 11 years and have had only one bad day. 99.9% of the pilots I have had the pleasure of working with are top notch. Great professionals to fly with, great people to share space with.

That is the ray of light to which we refer.

Oh, yeah, that one bad day I have had working here......

.....The day Parker anounced that AWA was acquiring US Airways.

That wasn't a bad day, that was a day dream, since it never happened.
Another conflict of interest. You are a former PSA pilot that was integrated into the Us Airways seniority list by date of hire. American Airlines bought Air California and put their pilots on the bottom of the seniority list. Us Airways bought your former airline psa and you got date of hire. You now fly very senior but live on the west coast. You do not care about right or wrong you just care about being based closer to your home. You also have a web site that has a link to america west. You are in it for yourself sir.

:up: Thank you for the expose, Nos. It could be that B Boy spends a hunk of time at the Lagoon with nothing to do but post here. I knew there was more to B Boy's story. 😛h34r:
So how did it turn out for the real King Leonidas? We have learned from history. So should you.

I'd say that it turned out very well indeed. His homeland endured, and any existence of Democracy, and all of what later evolved into western civilization would otherwise have been destroyed in their infancy. King Leonidas..unlike, ahem.."some" people, didn't place his personal gain, nor even continued survival ahead of what he believed to be Right. "We have learned from history." Sure you have.... If history's taught us anything at all, it's that the "It's ALL about MEEE!!" concept does nothing more than promote the continued evolution of evil, and indeed, provides it's finest manure for fullest growth. In case it's entreily escaped your consderations to date; the universe has been around for an estimated 12.4 or so billion years. I'm of the properly humbling notion that it wasn't created just for my brief life. ...Perhaps some out west believe otherwise? That would readily explain the west's "Righteous Position"=

AAAPOS: "I dont care about "merit","experience","who's right or wrong", etc."

Tazz: "The fact that they worked twelve more years than I did is irrelevant to our respective positions when merged."

Leonidas: "I want the captain seat..and most of all, I want every single east pilot to pay for it!".

The actual King Leonidas to the Persian ruler: "If you knew what was good in life, you would not seek to take foreign things".
Boeing Boy poster,

Why are the members of the FFOCUS group, art, piney and yourself on the pilot thread of the Us Airways message board so much?

Is your group still asking consumers not to fly on Us Airways, as requested in the article by your group in the link a provided above?

You would think you would start a new thread which could allow the readers to narrow down their priorities on what they would like to concentrate on regarding their concerns as it relates to this message board.

I know why. If a bear in the woods submits a new thread, would anyone care?

:lol: Boeing Boy is in FFOCUS??? That's downright treasonous. 😛h34r:
Most of the pilots on the west like this job. We like each other and look forward to going to work most of the time. I've been here nearly 11 years and have had only one bad day. 99.9% of the pilots I have had the pleasure of working with are top notch. Great professionals to fly with, great people to share space with.

That is the ray of light to which we refer.

Very compelling indeed. While your attitudes, by east standards, must be seen as those of a pilot with but a few years yet worked; I'm well pleased that you enjoy your workplace and excellent fellowship. I'm now certain that any and all out east would love nothing better than to fly with you folks...and would especially be interested to learn all about even just the radiant "ray of light" so well demonstrated by your denial of jumpseats alone.... Clearly, there's much "light" to be warmed by herein 🙄
:up: Thank you for the expose, Nos. It could be that B Boy spends a hunk of time at the Lagoon with nothing to do but post here. I knew there was more to B Boy's story. 😛h34r:

I think you are getting posters confused.

BB was not at PSA.
Because we see so many individuals posting their opinions & conclusions regarding the various lawsuits between USAPA vs AWAPPA & Cactus 18 and USAPA vs AOL, I thought I'd check to see if the various entities are being responsible and keeping their constituents accurately informed. Of course, the lack of keeping one's constituents accurately informed with the actual litigation documents should raise red-flags with anyone that has no appetite for Kool-aid!

AOL website:

AOL filed vs USAPA & LCC: 15 documents available
AWAPPA & Cactus 18 filed vs USAPA: 2 documents available
USAPA filed vs AOL: 8 documents available
USAPA filed vs AWAPPA & Cactus 18: 3 documents available
LCC filed vs AOL: 5 documents available

A total of 33 documents available for download, discussion and rational decision making.

USAPA website:

USAPA filed vs AOL: 2 documents available

Help me out guys...where are the other documents availble for you to easily find download which allows reasonable people to make reasonable decisions?
Help me out guys...where are the other documents availble for you to easily find download which allows reasonable people to make reasonable decisions?
Have you tried GOOGLE? Works for me every time!

USAPA doesn't have to desperately try to defend their position in a vain attempt to gain more contributions to a losing cause.
Have you tried GOOGLE? Works for me every time!

Really! I tried searching and no luck. Well, that's if you don't count links back to US Aviation and other bulletin boards where the subject is being discussed. So naturally I am curious as to what specifically you searched for. I'd like to try it myself. Thanks.
Not really. These are replacement aircraft needed to maintain the minimum hull count on each side.
While the minimum fleet count certainly enters into the placement of aircraft (and I think the West is closer to minimum than East), you'll not find "replacement aircraft" in the transition agreement. During separate ops as long as the East fleet (not counting the E-190's) is above approximately 200-205, and the West fleet (not counting the E-190's if any are placed out west) is above approximately 125-130, new arrivals can be placed on either side as the company desires.

Of course, since a single ops certificate was issued, "placed on either side" really means "flown by either side" since nothing prevents US from having West pilots based in PHL, CLT, etc, or East pilots based in PHX or LAS. The only prohibition in the TA concerned establishing TDY positions that crossed the East/West "fence" (West pilots TDY to PHL/etc or East pilots TDY to PHX/LAS).

Really! I tried searching and no luck. Well, that's if you don't count links back to US Aviation and other bulletin boards where the subject is being discussed. So naturally I am curious as to what specifically you searched for. I'd like to try it myself. Thanks.
Still works for me. Maybe you need a new ISP.

To view the lawsuit, try looking up addington vs. usapa.

For other sites discussing it, just try USAPA lawsuit, or AOL vs. USAPA.
Help me out guys...where are the other documents availble for you to easily find download which allows reasonable people to make reasonable decisions?

:lol: Whew!..The east IS truly toast!. You've got us out-scored 32 to 2 on posted "documents" 🙄 That'll make ALL the difference for any/all outcomes for the judicial proceedings.... It all may be intensely exciting in the west to watch it all like interminably unfold like "Days of Our Lives", and enthusiastically discuss and imagine the next day's episode...but; it's thought by most out here to be meraly a matter of: "Hey..the west is taking their best shots".."Yawn...big surprise.., call me when the gavel hits the bench..yawn". The positon's are taken, and whatever will play out will play out. No one on this end's desperately seeking continued contributions, nor feels any need to frantically wave pom poms about to keep up the old "Righteous Position"/send AOL more money!! rah rah BS. That type of thing's felt best left to your "document poster boys" out west. Umm..what were you saying about that "Koolaide" thing again??? :lol:
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