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US IAM Fleet Service topic 3/20-

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Bagrooms have always been sad places.

Speaking of bagrooms. I have on good authority that Clt is back up to the old tricks in not staffing in the bagroom. Tonight(Monday) the island flights were very heavy & do to lack of staffing many bags from the islands did NOT make their connecting flights.

So if anyone in Tempe is reading this light the fires on some one in Charlotte & get the proper staffing.
Yeah I know Roa but I was hoping for a repeat that was sum good BBQ :up:

I know Mr. Nelson sure enjoyed the "Q".
Man, that was some good Q. I'll admit that that moonshine kinda snuck up on me and I was glad I yielded to the good advice of Jeff S before I was toast. Of course Roadtrip is always there when you need him and I didn't have to worry about the drive back.

Hey Dirt, I don't think Jester will budge from his insistence of a union leader needing a 'formal' education to be legitimate, so I think any ensuing argument would resemble the following argument. click here

Tim Nelson
personally i have my suspcions about where it's gone too , but i stay out of other work group's break rooms .... but still i have this funny feeling that if i poked around i'd find it .... (i don't think it went too far from where it was orginally )...

The two remaining couches are N2 breakroom and International breakroom. Don't know who else would want a nasty ramp couch...catering security maybe?
Hey Dirt, I don't think Jester will budge from his insistence of a union leader needing a 'formal' education to be legitimate, so I think any ensuing argument would resemble the following argument. click here

Tim Nelson

Tim that left me LMAO....thats was as close as you could describe a conversation with him...to "Fn"
Weren't some on this forum just recently discussing how CLT has started hiring people off the street?


They've been hirin' off the street fer several years! Tha retention rate is very poor so...this is an ongoing... and goin'...and goin'... and goin' process...
So what I have learned about our little informal epistemlogical discussion during the past few days...

Some will wax as to the importance of formal education, but not as it relates to top union leadership positions which makes decisions on behalf of thousands of members.

Some will require remedial reading courses in order to understand basic syllogistic arguments.

Some will settle their philosophical differences through "Beat Blanket Barbeque" (with apologies to Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello).

Some would make Diogenes proud in his search for an honest person.

And I have learned two important insights: 1) The Bag Room Couch is no more (not that I visited it often as we all know that "bag rooms have always been sad places"), and 2) I will simply satisfice my requirements as it relates to the union and provide minimal support as necessary due to my view this organization to be excuse-orientated, dominated by rationalizations framed within a helpless victimization mentality, suspicious of anything or anyone intellectual or professional, lead by a dysfunctional, anti-educational cabal of cronies.

So Evaluates Jester.
I will simply satisfice my requirements as it relates to the union and provide minimal support as necessary due to my view this organization to be excuse-orientated, dominated by rationalizations framed within a helpless victimization mentality, suspicious of anything or anyone intellectual or professional, lead by a dysfunctional, anti-educational cabal of cronies.

Dude! Free knee pads!
Fellow readers......Do You sometimes feel that?

You will simply satisfice Your requirements as it relates to the union and provide minimal support as necessary due to His view of this organization to be excuse-orientated?

Dominated by rationalizations framed within a helpless victimization mentality?

Suspicious of anything or anyone intellectual or professional, lead by a dysfunctional, anti-educational cabal of cronies?

I say to you, be careful. This could be the beginnng of your " JESTATION ". Think of it as you will but remember.....We will be here when you return.

Hopefully you will. Its lonely on that side.
I will simply satisfice my requirements as it relates to the union and provide minimal support as necessary due to my view this organization to be excuse-orientated, dominated by rationalizations framed within a helpless victimization mentality, suspicious of anything or anyone intellectual or professional, lead by a dysfunctional, anti-educational cabal of cronies.

So Evaluates Jester.
And you wonder why the company does whatever it wants.

Simply pathetic. Almost sounds like how Europe viewed Germany before it started WWII.

Anti-Educational? Are you serious? Guess you have never been here?

Placid Harbor

As we enter the new century, the only way to keep up with change is with education. The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center is the IAM's most visible sign of our commitment to provide a world class educational facility to train future IAM leaders.

The Winpisinger Center teaches what it is to be a trade unionist. By studying labor history and the role unions play in our society, students learn that unions are more than service organizations. We are part of a larger movement toward economic and social justice with dignity on the job.

In addition, the Winpisinger Center is a place where our members learn how to be good leaders. Whether it's a member, shop steward, local or district officer, or grand lodge representative, everyone who attends this facility goes home better prepared and more motivated to do a good job for our members.

We should all be proud of the Winpisinger Center. No other union can match its record of enrolling more than 46,354 students since opening in 1981. That kind of commitment to membership training is an important reason why the IAM will meet the challenges of the 21st century.

The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center is named after the man whose dream and efforts made this facility a reality. Because of his vision, thousands of future IAM leaders are trained every year.

R. Thomas Buffenbarger
International President

Gee is that Anti-Educational?
Simply pathetic. Almost sounds like how Europe viewed Hitler before he started WWII.
Ouch, -10 internet points for you.

Wikipedia said:
Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3] References to Godwin's Law often actually refer to a corollary of it which determines that the person who first makes an unwarranted reference to Nazi Germany or Hitler in an argument loses that argument automatically.

Godwin's Law is often cited in online discussions as a deterrent against the use of arguments in the reductio ad Hitlerum form.

The rule does not make any statement about whether any particular reference or comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that one arising is increasingly probable. It is precisely because such a comparison or reference may sometimes be appropriate, Godwin has argued,[4] that overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact. Although in one of its early forms Godwin's Law referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions,[5] the law is now applied to any threaded online discussion: electronic mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms, and more recently blog comment threads and wiki talk pages.

Wikipedia said:
Reductio ad Hitlerum, also argumentum ad Hitlerum, or reductio (or argumentum) ad Nazium – dog Latin for "reduction (or argument) to Adolf Hitler (or the Nazis)" – is a modern formal fallacy in logic. The name is a pun on reductio ad absurdum, or especially its related argumentum ad misericordiam. It is a variety of both questionable cause and association fallacy. The phrase reductio ad Hitlerum was coined by an academic ethicist, Leo Strauss, in 1953. Engaging in this fallacy is sometimes known as playing the Nazi card.[1][2]

The fallacy most often assumes the form of "Hitler (or the Nazis) supported X, therefore X must be evil/undesirable/bad,"[2] as in "Hitler supported the anti-smoking movement, thereby showing that such campaigns are wrong". The argument carries emotional weight as rhetoric, since in most cultures the values of Hitler or the Nazis are automatically condemned. The tactic is often used to derail arguments, as such a comparison tends to distract and to result in angry and less reasoned responses.[2] A subtype of the fallacy is the comparison of an opponent's propositions to the Holocaust.[2] Other variants include comparisons to the Gestapo (the Nazi secret police), to fascism and totalitarianism more generally,[1] and even more vaguely to terrorism.[3] An inverted variant can take the form "Hitler was against X, therefore X must be good."

You could be an Astrophysicist completely versed in all prevailing quantum mechanical and metaphysical aspects of the known Universe and “stillâ€￾ not meet certain poster’s expectations!

Hell... you could be the Supreme Being himself... holding multiple parallel cosmos in the palm of your left hand... while creating entirely new multi-dimensional realities with your right hand, and fall inadequately short of this ludicrous individual’s fabricated... intentionally antagonizing... baited statements.

I clearly see what the mission here is for this individual... and it is not to contribute to our cause... it is to disrupt... sidetrack... demean... and hopefully generate responses that will have you removed from this site!

As I have said before...

“They’s ahh Skunk intha hen house!â€￾ (Probably two)

So enlightens....

Go PHX GO ! go PHX go!!! :up:

We have some of the smartest people !!!
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