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Us Airways Workers Expecting Concessions

I think our new motto slogan should be "Whatever it Takes! " If the investors arent yelling {and they arent} why is it that a hand full of the same employees complain? Im an employee and ill give till it works as long as i cant blam a mjority of our problems on Daves head. The bottom line is YOU CANT! He didnt create this, he is dealing with it. From a buisness point of view and anyother its called waiting out the storm and survival. I dont like it anybetter than any of you, I believe we are on the rt track whether or not we see it heasr it now is one thing, I see major changes a coming!
if the ceo was here to deal with the problems, it just seems to me that it got a lot worse when he DOWN-GRADED a number of Stations including mine to the crappy Express pay and forcing it to be a mainline express. Well let me be the first to tell you that I will not be in any hurry nor will I bust my but to get the A-319 out on time. as far as I'm concerned now, the express will be the MAJOR TOP PRIORITY as we are just a mainline express.