Can't happen in a union shop where the only thing that matters is your seniority...PineyBob said:Afterall, suppose you are looking for a job and the company offers you one at about $10,000 LESS than you desire. You say. "I need $10,000 more to come to work for you" Hiring Manager frowns and replies, "If I do that you'll be making more than some who have been here 20 years. you reply "I'm good at what I do and I'd love to work for your company and I've told you what I need" Hiring manager says, "OK, but keep it quiet"
Another anti-union person.TomBascom said:Can't happen in a union shop where the only thing that matters is your seniority...
In this case, my only point was that a situation such as that described by Piney couldn't happen in a union shop. If you really wanted to stretch things I suppose you could infer that I might have been implying that all union members are therefore completely out of touch with the concept of pay for merit but I didn't say that and I don't think that -- I only think that certain union members are unable to graple with that concept. In my mind they happen to be the same union members who think that sick time is an entitlement. But that really wasn't the point.700UW said:Another anti-union person.
You haters need to educate yourselves on how unions helped the working class, but you dont because it is easier to hate then educate.
Negative on the Connie and Carla viewing. 🙁 (I am missing something??? No??)DCAflyer said:Maybe not after all. Looks like you haven't seen Connie and Carla yet.
Paying dues only makes you a member of a union, not a union member.TomBascom said:BTW, I've paid union dues in my time.
Piney says"It's not a hate thing. I posted what I did so that life long union workers who work on a seniority system might understand that there is a different way of doing things in a non-union realm."