OK guys, time for the gay viewpoint....oh I just love this opportunity...one moment while I dig out those hooker looking Sergio Valentes I had in 1984 (God I loved those jeans, but with a then 28" waist who wouldn't?
🙁 ) but I digress.
I took more heat when I started in 1987. I was young (25)
🙁 , dumb, and full of

. I only cared about flirting with the boys and laying over to check out the local scene. On the plane I was sometimes less patient then now. If someone didn't assume I was gay, they might see me as a threat to their woman. It all seems like a blur now.
Personally, I don't see as much of the BS towards the gay stews anymore, thanks to all the meterosexuals (cool straight guys who come across as gay). The internet has spread styles, fashion, and music at an alarming rate, so there aren't as many trends lingering in the gay community for very long, hence we all look more alike.
To be honest, this has been hard on the ol gaydar. I've been out for 18 years and I get them wrong alot more than one would think.
Anyway, I see more abuse to those female stews who come across as meek and frail...you know, pick on the helpless? Also, I find when I fly with an all AfricanAmerican crew, there are more call bells rung by passengers and a servant mentality that shocks me everytime.
As for myself? Mother nature is trailing my every move (as is father time). I do not have the cutsie curly brown hair and baby face that I had. I am noticably 41 and do have salt and pepper hair. I fight the battle of the buldge (that one too

) although I still have a 33-34 waist, but I am a man, have grown up alot, and do not take myself and life so seriously. I am much more patient, understanding, and compassionate. I think when people see me now, they see a man, plain and simple...a man who is not a threat, but who is there to provide a safe environment for all.
If anyone assumes I am gay and they act like a jerk, I finally understand that they are probably batteling their own demons in regards to sexuality. A secure heterosexual doesn't see me as a threat. It's not about me.
In regards to many male f/a's sometimes becoming bitter? Take a moment and understand what I am saying. I am being as honest as can be in hopes of educating those who don't understand.
I came out at 24, but knew I was different at around 5. I never have had a desire to be with woman. I didn't speak a word to another soul about what I felt until I finally came out. That is 19 years of keeping a big secret. I feared for my life and stuffed all my confusion and pain inside and even attempted to kill myself at 14. Thank God Bufferin won't do you in. When I finally came out, AIDS was killing people off, but I was out and didn't want to here about it. Anyway, I wasn't one of "those" kind of gays. But guess what? My years in the closet and the self hate that accompanied caused me to approach the men of Miami (where I started) like a kid in a cookie jar. I indeed was 25 and thought nothing could get me, but HIV did. Again, I had to keep yet another secret. Meanwhile, over time I have watched many die, whether from AIDS or drug/alcohol abuse. I have witness suicide attempts from guys who feel the world hates them, and guys so depressed about self acceptance that they are strung out on substances and guys who are so far from their spirit that they become bitter old queens. My guys in their 40's and 50's and many in their 30's still live the pain of their teenage years and childhood. They received little support when it was needed. Now, this group must contend with aging where youthfulness rules.
I am not asking for pity for me or my people...just understanding. The next time some snippy queen pisses you off, try to think about the above. Engage alittle and you might find a truely genuine guy who will let his guard down.
As for me, I have come into myself and made peace with my concept of God. I don't see the events of my life as something that happened TO me, but FOR me. I still am opinionated but I now know when I have gone too far. I try to live a life thankful for everyday God has blessed me in being here. I have been poz now for 16 years, take NO meds, am asymptomatic, and live a clean life. I no longer feel I have to define my self as anyone but the beautiful person that I am, which here is known as First.
I have decided that my experiences and challenges of the past are my strengths. They have provided gifts that have made me not only a good stew, but a good man.
I don't know why I felt inclined to share. I guess this gay thing comes up enough that I feel the best way to educate is to just be honest. How can I stop hatred in the minds of coworkers and customers if I stay in a closet filled with shame? Remeber....We are your brothers, sons, uncles, dads, and granddads. Most everyone knows someone who is gay. I don't want anyone's permission to BE gay..just an understanding that no matter what you think of me or others like me, I am just a man who just so happens to dig other guys. I will treat you, the customer and coworker, with the uptmost respect and courtesy. Just because you are a man doesn't mean I have a desire to sleep with you or change you or your children. And I no more judge you for premarital sex, coveting your neighbor's wife, having affairs, divorce, or masterbation, so please don't pick and choose this issue called homosexuality to dig out of the Bible, Torah, or whatever else one chooses to read. I don't believe it and I will not listen to such foolish abuse, so please just understand and not judge.
I hope I have somehow helped many of you to understand that we gay boys are just doing the best we can like the heteros of the world. We aren't a threat to your families or marriage. Infact, many of us find it amusing how much the issue of gay stews come up on all the brew ha ha over a meek 1% (so says the radical right), I mean 10% of the population.
More importantly, we are as different and varied in our community of stews as the straight ones. Some are hard workers, some are lazy. Some are kind, some are bitter. Some are professional, some are tacky.
Some are fem, some are butch. But that's another topic.