Spill on isle 504
Details of Monday’s scheduling conference before Judge Wake are pouring in and it appears it was another embarrassing episode for Mr. Seham and his client. What appeared to be a concise discovery process has now expanded exponentially as Mr. Seham’s own actions before and after the election will play a central role at trial.
New lead counsel Mr. Brengle has a mess on his hands. From day one, Mr. Seham has mislead his clients into believing that they could easily negotiate a new DOH seniority list by replacing ALPA with an in house union and an exclusive contract with his firm Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen. The cakewalk promised by Mr. Seham and Mr. Bradford at numerous road shows and media interviews is no where to be found. Funny, we no longer hear Mr. Seham talking about the similarities of negotiating a DOH seniority list and the contents of a crew meal. We assume Mr. Brengle’s first order of the day will be to ask Mr. Seham to step away from the microphone. Since we haven’t heard anything official from the USAPA noise machine about Monday’s conference, we can also assume he’s asked Mr. Bradford to take a step back too. Timely and truthful communiqués from the national office must take a back seat during Mr. Brengle’s clean up efforts (not that they ever really existed).
As the discovery process will plunge into depths completely unforeseen last fall, it is possible that Judge Wake’s schedule will slip by a month or two. The hoodwinked USAPA members should be forewarned that any delay is due to the breadth of incriminating information oozing out of their self appointed leadership.
We do have one parting question for the self appointed leadership; Wasn’t Mr. Seham the legal counsel for all US Airways pilots, not just the self appointed leadership?
Oh wait, on second thought, we’ll let Judge Wake answer that one.