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US Airways Pilots Labor Thread 12/16-22

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during those 24 months USAir, PSA and Piedmont all told hired around 1100 pilots. Not a small number and in fact a "BFD."
That number is irrelevent to my point. My mistake was saying the junior USAirways pilot in 2005 had 19 years longevity versus 17 years. BFD.
USAPA has just published their news wrap-up for the week. Strangely, no news of how things went at their court appearance on Monday or how the three arbitator panel for the DAL/NWA merger could have possibly forgotten about that "bedrock" of unionism, DOH.

Any word on how much their PHL attorney will be costing and how much the membership assessments will be?

Is reality possibly starting to set in?

Spill on isle 504

Details of Monday’s scheduling conference before Judge Wake are pouring in and it appears it was another embarrassing episode for Mr. Seham and his client. What appeared to be a concise discovery process has now expanded exponentially as Mr. Seham’s own actions before and after the election will play a central role at trial.

New lead counsel Mr. Brengle has a mess on his hands. From day one, Mr. Seham has mislead his clients into believing that they could easily negotiate a new DOH seniority list by replacing ALPA with an in house union and an exclusive contract with his firm Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen. The cakewalk promised by Mr. Seham and Mr. Bradford at numerous road shows and media interviews is no where to be found. Funny, we no longer hear Mr. Seham talking about the similarities of negotiating a DOH seniority list and the contents of a crew meal. We assume Mr. Brengle’s first order of the day will be to ask Mr. Seham to step away from the microphone. Since we haven’t heard anything official from the USAPA noise machine about Monday’s conference, we can also assume he’s asked Mr. Bradford to take a step back too. Timely and truthful communiqués from the national office must take a back seat during Mr. Brengle’s clean up efforts (not that they ever really existed).

As the discovery process will plunge into depths completely unforeseen last fall, it is possible that Judge Wake’s schedule will slip by a month or two. The hoodwinked USAPA members should be forewarned that any delay is due to the breadth of incriminating information oozing out of their self appointed leadership.

We do have one parting question for the self appointed leadership; Wasn’t Mr. Seham the legal counsel for all US Airways pilots, not just the self appointed leadership?

Oh wait, on second thought, we’ll let Judge Wake answer that one.
Yea, my mistake it's 38%. Talk to the hand ....
I think the thumbnail makes it kind of clear.

Your thumbnail makes the case for Stephan, Snider and the other poor alpo-philes not being DFRed. Whats the source? east counsel? As much as I dislike our former alpo-philes, I never understood they being sued. Wonder if alpo is defending them. One leap that will never be made is tying Stephan and Co with usapa.

That brings me full-circle back to alpo. 2 1/2 years of not coming up with a contract, doing nothing when Stephan and Co stalled. And after only 8 months in control, USAPA is dragging its feet? No comprende. snooper
That brings me full-circle back to alpo. 2 1/2 years of not coming up with a contract, doing nothing when Stephan and Co stalled. And after only 8 months in control, USAPA is dragging its feet? No comprende. snooper

Stephan is listed in the suit because he was the east MEC chair and publicly stated that the east would refuse to negotiate a new contract thereby shelving the Nic. As far as USAPA dragging it's feet I believe that remark is directed more at those who claim USAPA is living up to their promises. Remember the "We'll get you a better contract!" "We have a professional negotiator!" And the infamous "New CBA means no Nic!" As a matter of fact I believe that during the campaign USAPA pundits even put a relatively short time frame on the accomplishment of those achievements. All this with "Less dues!"

Maybe I have overlooked some of these items but I have yet to see any of these accomplished. Not to mention within that ill-advised time frame. USAPA is striking out. Too bad really... I do not necessarily want ALPA back but the arrogance of the east has trumped any chance of USAPA surviving in its current form.
Sounds like another win for USAPA to me.

Short-term. Maybe. Long-term, however, it appears USAPA is in some serious trouble. Don't you think USAPA would propagandize this completely if it were a win? Ask yourself why exactly there would be a delay? Why the new guy heading up the team of lawyers? Hmmm. Doesn't sound like a win to me... But then I can't seem to find those special filters you guys put on your sunglasses either.
This is what three arbitrators of the DAL/NWA arbitration had to say about attrition. There is more if you care to read it. But the NS-BFD does not seem to be such big deal to Bloch and the other arbitrators. I guess that Nicolau also agreed with the others. Attrition has some value just not as much as the east likes to believe.

You assume sir that you are held in high regard as a pilot in this profession. america west airlines, the pilots and their ceo's have a very tainted past. The airline, the pilots and their ceo's were considered the bottom of the barrel in the airline industry for years. You are now comparing yourself to DAL and NWA, you made the comparison sir.

My analogy example, click here.
Sounds like another win for USAPA to me.

That's funny, What I see is just a larger damages assessment paid for by the Easties. This is just more of the same old Bradford/Seham B.S. dragging you further down the well.

USAPA is a lost cause. Get out while you still have a shirt on your back.
You assume sir that you are held in high regard as a pilot in this profession. america west airlines, the pilots and their ceo's have a very tainted past. The airline, the pilots and their ceo's were considered the bottom of the barrel in the airline industry for years. You are now comparing yourself to DAL and NWA, you made the comparison sir.

My analogy example, click here.

I wonder what's worse for ones standing in this "profession". Maybe you can offer an opinion.

Deleted by moderator...does not need to be brought up.....

2. TWO Bankruptcy filings in TWO years or...

3. More pilots on Furlough than your savior/aquiring airline had on ACTIVE status?

Since you are held so "high" in this profession, maybe you'd like to opine? :lol:
Stephan is listed in the suit because he was the east MEC chair and publicly stated that the east would refuse to negotiate a new contract thereby shelving the Nic.

We all know Jacks position. ALPO was the CBA at the time, Tiger, not Jack Stephan or the U-MEC. If he was doing something wrong, alpo should have removed him. Instead, they removed Eric and Dave for a lot less. anyway, alpo at least owes him a defense.

As far as USAPA dragging it's feet I believe that remark is directed more at those who claim USAPA is living up to their promises. Remember the "We'll get you a better contract!" "We have a professional negotiator!" And the infamous "New CBA means no Nic!" As a matter of fact I believe that during the campaign USAPA pundits even put a relatively short time frame on the accomplishment of those achievements. All this with "Less dues!"

Your continued anger is noted. I try not to RIK. But promises? Obama got my vote on promises of change (and to keep corn ethanol subsidies). What we got was Hillary and the old Clinton crowd. I see DFR there.

Too bad really... I do not necessarily want ALPA back but the arrogance of the east has trumped any chance of USAPA surviving in its current form.

Arrogance doesnt make DFR. I dont want alpo back either, especially before the UAL merger. meanwhile, if the judge can somehow legally enforce a contract negotiation deadline, all the leverage goes to parker. LOA 3 will look good. snooper, thinking out loud
USAPA has just published their news wrap-up for the week. Strangely, no news of how things went at their court appearance on Monday or how the three arbitator panel for the DAL/NWA merger could have possibly forgotten about that "bedrock" of unionism, DOH.

Any word on how much their PHL attorney will be costing and how much the membership assessments will be?

Is reality possibly starting to set in?

Attended the PHL council meeting the other day. USAPA is operating in the black with 60% of the eligible members paying dues. They are budgeted for the normal expenses of operating the union and the litigation going on right now, and still show operations in the black.

Is THAT starting to set in yet?

As far as how things went in court, we understand that Judge Wake had a very significant and noticeable change in demeanor for the better towards the east team compared to the impressions of the October hearing.

Not sure what that means, if anything, but if the westies think his attitude in October gave an indication of how this would proceed, then that wind has been sucked from your sails in December.
3. More pilots on Furlough than your savior/aquiring airline had on ACTIVE status?

Thank you oh saviors. Every night when I saw my bedtime prayers, I thank you for saving us. We are so lucky you came along......thanks again. There will be presents under the tree again this year thanks to your benevolence.

Spill on isle 504

Details of Monday’s scheduling conference before Judge Wake are pouring in and it appears it was another embarrassing episode for Mr. Seham and his client. What appeared to be a concise discovery process has now expanded exponentially as Mr. Seham’s own actions before and after the election will play a central role at trial.

New lead counsel Mr. Brengle has a mess on his hands. From day one, Mr. Seham has mislead his clients into believing that they could easily negotiate a new DOH seniority list by replacing ALPA with an in house union and an exclusive contract with his firm Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen. The cakewalk promised by Mr. Seham and Mr. Bradford at numerous road shows and media interviews is no where to be found. Funny, we no longer hear Mr. Seham talking about the similarities of negotiating a DOH seniority list and the contents of a crew meal. We assume Mr. Brengle’s first order of the day will be to ask Mr. Seham to step away from the microphone. Since we haven’t heard anything official from the USAPA noise machine about Monday’s conference, we can also assume he’s asked Mr. Bradford to take a step back too. Timely and truthful communiqués from the national office must take a back seat during Mr. Brengle’s clean up efforts (not that they ever really existed).

As the discovery process will plunge into depths completely unforeseen last fall, it is possible that Judge Wake’s schedule will slip by a month or two. The hoodwinked USAPA members should be forewarned that any delay is due to the breadth of incriminating information oozing out of their self appointed leadership.

We do have one parting question for the self appointed leadership; Wasn’t Mr. Seham the legal counsel for all US Airways pilots, not just the self appointed leadership?

Oh wait, on second thought, we’ll let Judge Wake answer that one.

Word I got is that USAPA is ecstatic that Seham will be called to the stand. Why do you think they immediately jumped to change primary counsel to Brengle and didn't put up a fuss at all?

Seham is the counsel for the corporation known as USAPA and is responsible to that corporate entity, not all USAirways pilots individually. (Didn't that individual crap die with the misdirected state lawsuit in Arizona that the westies filed?)
Sounds like another win for USAPA to me.

Heard the westies want to depose 80 witnesses. At 2 to 3 grand per, that should be a cool quarter million out of Arizona pockets. And, how long do you think THAT will take to schedule? This thing won't see a trial for two years. (I understand Judge Wake tried to hint at these things the other day, but the clueless westie team, so full of themselves, just wasn't clued in.)
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