Here is a real clear view of the economics for 320:
You guys and gals "taking it in the shorts", so to speak, with regards to concessions are doing nothing more and nothing less than subsidizing incompetence.
There may be reasons why USAirways cannot get their system to run efficiently as, say, Southwest's. Hub and spoke, international flights, expensive airports like DCA and LGA all add something to the cost side of the equation.
By the same token, they add something to the revenue side of the equation.
There are reasons for U's ASM costs to be somewhat higher than WN's. There is no reason for it to be as much higher as it is, save for the total incompetence of management.
You have layers upon layers of management all sitting around worrying how to screw employees. What you are running out of, if rez hold time and baggage-delivery-to-the-carousel time is any indicator, is worker bees.
Not that it isn't already, but this so-called airline is really going to be an ugly sight when there are a bunch of managers and a bunch of know-it-all pilots and a few worker bees working for crumbs to try and make everything work.
And oh BTW I think I saw one of your little Embraer 170s at BTV the other day. Nice looking plane. I had to pick up a rent car there at the air terminal so I could drive it to Albany to hop my airline of choice back to sunny El Paso.
Which begs the question.....why would someone traveling on business, with an expense account picking up the to from Burlington to Albany to catch a 2 stop ALB-BWI-AUS-ELP rather than catch USAirways direct out of BTV?
Price was one consideration. Even when someone was paying for it, money I don't spend on airfare can be spent on something else. The walk up OW fare ALB-ELP was $313.80 after tax, title, and license. You guys wanted $1200-something out of BTV and I ended up changing planes twice and airlines once.
Attitude is another. The front line employees of USAirways are doing well considering their wages are being eviscerated right before their very eyes.....but there is a "we're whipped" atmosphere pervading among the folks I spoke to at res when I was looking at trying to book this recent trip.
The bottom line is most of you have all this figured out. The management of this line has been incompetent, deceitful, and they don't really deserve another chance. And even if they get one....I am not sure (despite 320's assurances) that they will prevail. It's like I told you all a year or so ago...this patient was needing radical disfiguring and risky surgery.....and it looks like they are electing another round of chemo.