I did not say this was my opinion. I have talked with senior management about pilot staffing and they say they can fly 60 more aircraft with the current pilots.
However, I do not understand the math to significantly increase the current 279 aircraft flying plus add 60 A320 family aircraft in two years. Thus, I believe for this to occur there would need to be additional employees, but where will they come from to quickly add capacity and not retrain the most of the pilot group?
Regardless, according to today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article, "Leaders of US Airways pilots' union plan to meet here Monday and Tuesday to review the company's rocky status and decide if they should sit down with management to hear their airline rejuvenation strategy, said the union's chairman Friday.
"The meeting will be about the elected leadership of ALPA to determine whether they are interested in deeper discussions about
potential opportunities," said Capt. Bill Pollock, chairman of the Air Line Pilots Association's US Airways unit."
(Complete Story)
Remember, there
will be one or maybe two corporate transaction(s), but it's unclear what will be the final format.