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Freshwater Responds To Santorum's Comments


Good morning PitBull; everything is in order at my house with regard to this situation. I woke up today, and I am getting ready to take my 6 year old to school this morning.

This kind of thing is what life is all about (the 6 year ol d that is)

PITbull said:

Calm down man....get a grip. It will be ok. Everyone should have been prepared for anything the past two years. I have been saying on these boards this whole entire ordeal is about union busting.

You should have prepared yourself and your family so that you would never be taken like a "dear in headlights".

My DC money is inthe 401K side of the plan, not the notional side. They cannot touch the 401K side (under 40k/year)

BoeingBoy said:

If you've employed since 3/31/03, you do have DC money - maybe you're confused with the termination of the DB plan....

"something they would not have lost with a pre_CH11 agreement"

And you really believe that anything that the company wanted to eliminate would have not been lost with a pre-Ch11 agreement? I can probably find some swampland to sell you. The company left themselves plenty of loopholes in the proffered 1113 letter to take anything they couldn't get through "negotiation".


JUst FYI, these weak, shallow statements from the good Senator will effect Senator Spector's reelection. His opponent is running with it. (Joe Hoeffel)

He speaks on the North Side on Saturday and will talk about the injustices to the American worker, USAirways labor, and how the Rebulicans did not stiumlate the econcomy to provide better paying jobs. They only protect company's, bandaid them up, so they can provide MIN. wage employment.

As this cycle continues, more and more Americans will be filing for personal Bk, whereby screwing their creditors and the list goes on and on and on. Pay less taxes into the system, specifically the gov. and their programs including defense will suffer these consequences.

There will be law reform. Rest assured. When many airline employees will go into BK. I believe, from what I 'm reading, first reforms will hit the PBGC, and corporations who run into BK will not be able to dump their DBP liabilities. They will have to keep paying or NOT emerge from BK.

This Administration is charged with stimulating the economy so job growth can occur and incentivising company's to employ people at fair livable wages. In return those employees will pay the taxes that suport the entire system. Upset this balance and you have a "crisis".
PITbull said:
There will be law reform. Rest assured. When many airline employees will go into BK. I believe, from what I 'm reading, first reforms will hit the PBGC, and corporations who run into BK will not be able to dump their DBP liabilities. They will have to keep paying or NOT emerge from BK.

We have a winner in the third row! Stand up so our prize ladies can find you and bring you your toaster. 😀

If the PBGC is to survive and not become another drag on the Federal budget, it must be returned to its original purpose--to protect and pay the pensions of workers whose company has ceased to exist.
I find the denial and reality of the "concession stand is closed" crowd interesting. It's easier to "shoot the messenger" than it is to accept reality. In regard to out of seniority furloughs, loss of severance pay; as well as the knew news that Judge Mitchell could prevent "self help", all of this information came from ALPA advisors.

I know it's hard to accept, but every reader on this forum was warned about the upcoming consequences and starting next week we will see the result. Labor had an opportunity to participate in the new business plan, now there will be "imposition" that will be court ordered.

Separately, I understand the company did not sustain "booking shock" as bad as Bankruptcy I and normal daily operation vendors are working with the company.


USA320Pilot said:
I find the denial and reality of the "concession stand is closed" crowd interesting. It's easier to "shoot the messenger" than it is to accept reality. In regard to out of seniority furloughs, loss of severance pay; as well as the knew news that Judge Mitchell could prevent "self help", all of this information came from ALPA advisors.

I know it's hard to accept, but every reader on this forum was warned about the upcoming consequences and starting next week we will see the result. Labor had an opportunity to participate in the new business plan, now there will be "imposition" that will be court ordered.

Separately, I understand the company did not sustain "booking shock" as bad as Bankruptcy I and normal daily operation vendors are working with the company.



Normal daily operation vendors working with the company? What do you call hotels?

You again have misspoken. Get your fact straight. Hotels vendors want CASH.

MEC got notice from the hotel Chair.

Enough of your self serving drivel. Go pat yourself on the back in front of the mirror. Be careful what you wish for.......you may be the one collecting unemployment if they furlough out of seniority.

Just an observation everyone of you are acting like 2 year olds when are you going to quit fighting one another and wake up. All I've read from you all is pure venom and all that does is take you down in the pit further so get a grip and quit acting like you need to be taken to the wood shed....
USA320Pilot said:
I could be furloughed out of seniority like others, but last month I received two letters of commendation for reporting to work for every scheduled event, not using any sick time for the past six months, and for outstanding performance by rescuing and flying a broken airplane with a serious fuel problem.

I doubt I would get furloughed out of seniority.

How about you?

Furthermore, since Judge Mitchell is continuing his history of approving every company motion, it appears the S.1113 process could be very, very interesting.

Tic...toc...tic...toc, next week is just around the clock...



usa320pilot are you serious? you think that is going to make your special and not get a furlough? i haven't laughed so hard in years. thanks for the chuckle.